The Girl Who Spits Up Jewels

[Date unknown] Time unknown, from his memory.

The age of the wizard Soaran is the story of the time when he numbered seventeen.

"... I wonder what you're doing, I'm"

Soaran the Wizard muttered to himself as he snuck inside through the lab window.

Today, Soaran stretched his legs from the Witches Association Cokedier Branch to HQ because he was summoned by the Wizard at HQ for a report. In other words, it is like homecoming. Though there has been an extraordinary reduction in the number of times Soaran has been sent home compared to shortly after his assignment to the Caulkdier branch, he is nevertheless ordered to report from time to time. The visit itself was easy because of the magic of the metastasis, but there was nevertheless psychological resistance to heading to headquarters.

And that depressing mood didn't stop today, and it was the institute directly under the headquarters of the Witches Association that made the flurry stop. Of the laboratories dotted in the forests of the western part of the continent, relatively small. I don't know anyone, I didn't come here for a reason. It's just - I was walking in the city, and a wizard in white happened to decide too much heart.

No face, no back, no age. It was an obvious other person, and in the first place, I understand she's not supposed to be here. Still, I followed him.

- Two years have passed since the functionality left the world.

When it came to the remarkable changes that had occurred to Soaran since the functionality had disappeared, it was that he had grown taller. Back then it was lower than the functionality, but now it's enough to look down on most wizard hoods. When I was small, I could easily mislead my gender by combining a neutral face, but if I grew this much, I couldn't do that either. I think you've gained quite a shackle to live in the wizard's organization of female superiority.

Meanwhile, I am accustomed to working at the Witches Association Caulkdier Branch, and I am also becoming able to understand that there is no functionality in this world. At least not as long as I can't take a pen anymore to write to her.

I just couldn't take away anything that smoked. That's partly because I knew about that family tragedy since the functionality was gone. Her sister, Cecil - the child who will be known as Crewe in the future - was sent to the study facility of the Witches Association in the name of protecting its special 'physique', and the wizard Angelica, who was deprived of even her second daughter after her eldest daughter, was mentally ill.

Eventually the couple all disappeared. The Witch Church searched for the two of them but couldn't find them, presumably dead. The Church never reached out to a couple who were no longer worthy of use as wizards, but turned them off.

Hopefully, the couple's, wanted to help that family, but Soaran was not allowed to get involved with them any more. The witch society headquarters forbade it.

She was martyred for the Order. Words that echo in the back of your ears and tighten your brain, your lungs, to grip your heart. Stereotypical sentences when a wizard is killed.

"Shitty, not at all..."

Unexpectedly painful, he gripped his chest. The button that made the noise in contact with the chain in my hand is silver. The color also tightened Soaran's chest.

Reminds me of where I am now - a research facility. The burden of being an unsolicited guest who enters at will leads to the thought of not wanting to be noticed. I fluttered away from the window and sat in the shadow of the implant.

My chest hurts sometimes when I think of the functionality. It will be spiritual, but will I not feel it one day? There were two things I wanted to accomplish before the day came when my own heart would make her existence a past and I would no longer think of anything.

One is to find what the fantion is looking for. I wanted to know the truth, held by the Witches Association itself, which spat crappy language about the wizard who took away her existence, and 'martyred for her original ancestors' and so on to her death. And the other, redemption. I wanted to fulfill her last wish for redemption, which I couldn't do anything to her.

Promise. Her wish. Before Soaran came true, he was taken away by the association.

"... oh, you know, that"

At that time.

With a voice, Soaran's consciousness was drawn back to reality.

Fine, trembling voice.

When did he do it, he had a small leg at the end of his bent gaze.

Soaran, keep your face up.


I looked out for him.


I put my hands together in front of my chest and said something about a toad. What I was doing was wearing a white piece, a girl. I was worried about a stranger who was squatting (nagging), managed to speak up, but didn't have the courage to just come near me - such an atmosphere.

Large colored eyes. Longer than shoulder, chestnut hair.

"... you are"

"Are you hurt? Would you like to?"

Chestnut hair and tinted eyes are not uncommon for wizards.


There was no certainty that she was.

"Cecil, honey...?

I couldn't help but ask. With trembling lips, with a sweeping voice, shuddering, inquiring. The wind blew and the trees shook and made a noise on purpose, but the call seemed to have arrived. She blinked, blinking.

My fiancée's sister - if the world were the world, the name of the girl who would have been my sister-in-law. Once, the name of the girl you asked me to protect.

I guess what I was waiting for was actually a short time. But for Soaran then, it was a long time. After silence......

She answered clearly, though it seemed confusing.

"... Yes"

When she nodded, she couldn't forget the tremors that ran all over her body, no matter how long it took Soaran.

But she doesn't know what caused Soaran's shock. Naturally, a child's - toddler's two years are long. She doesn't remember Soaran. But...

Soaran, I did remember.

That you wanted me to call you my brother-in-law (too).

That you laughed, that you cried, in the arms you held up.

That her sister told me to "protect" her.


"Oh, hey, do it!

It's only natural for a little girl to learn to fear someone suddenly approaching her. With a face strong in fear, he rushed to the lab screaming at the heck of a man, the heck of a man.

I get up in a hurry and ask her who ran away from the shadows. The wizard woman grabs me by the arm, makes sure I hurry up and bring me inside the lab...

Soaran knew about the cramping of living as an orphan at the Witches Association, a life without freedom.

"... Cecil"

I didn't want her to send me every day like that.

The fact that he was at random but did not speak up to the wizard of the institute played a role. First, change your appearance to include your own face. I don't care about any of them, but try to 'dress young girls not scared' as much as possible. What kind of person is a young girl not afraid of? What a big young man is out of the question.

What I remember is the mourned wizard. White well suited wizard. Hopefully, I wanted to be like that one. To that itself, even if you can't be - the light that zeroes out of your palm. Lower gaze, thinner arms, shorter fingers. It was the girl with the white hair who imitated it.

I got lost in my outfit, but changing my outfit requires a lot of concentration. I folded the hem to fit my height, and then, just in case I didn't notice who I was, I punched a different color button on the back of my chest.

"I can help you now."

The grin leaked.

The thought of doing it flashy wasn't that there was some way. If you think calmly, you have a better chance of success looking at the gaps and taking her out than multiplying the noise and doing things.

But. I have two emotions gushing from the back of my belly. Deep down, I have a grudge that sinks without being slight. Where is the logic that they should not take from them when they have taken so many things away from themselves! Remove the wand from under the robe and shake it. The light broke out - the moment the light touched the door, the door made a noise and blew away.

Fragments of trees that were doors catch fire born of magic. The bright, hot, burning debris grew and burned Soaran's eyes.


A calling voice. Seeing it, there stood one unknown wizard of Soaran. Looks like he got invited by the roar and came out of the back of the lab.

Her wrapped black robe does not know to shine, even though she says it is illuminated by flames. How dare you - Soaran scratched up her white-dyed hair.

"Come on. Who am I?

I'm not even going to answer seriously. Smile and point at the tip of the wand. A wizard realizing this intent hurriedly unfolds the magic of defense, but the aim was not the wizard himself - the ceiling explodes and the crushed debris pours down. Distracted by the sound of destruction and falling, I heard no screams.

To induce confusion, I go down the hallway with fire everywhere. Short legs are inconvenient for running. Well, where would that kid be? Her 'physique' is an important research material for wizards. If there is an accident, it should move to protection. In a building on fire, we have to look for the shadow of a wizard looking for something other than an exit.

- But I didn't have to. Turn down the hallway and find it when you try to call her by her name. One of the doors opened thin, and the person of interest had a face in such a way as to be afraid.


Look in the hallway and look inside the room. I don't see any other wizards - faster than anyone else, I think I can get there. Soaran raised his voice.

"I'm running away!


It's only natural that she would be surprised at the girl with the white hair that suddenly popped up, unrecognizable.

I just didn't run away scared, like I did earlier, because I now have a closer look to myself than a real Soaran. I look up strangely in a white-wrapped hue with no congestion.

"Are you...?

"I don't care who I am. We gotta get out of here."

"Uh...? But..."

"It's okay, I'll get everything I need. I'll get you a nice room too. The delicious rice and the lovely dress that suits you!

Give her a hand to reassure her.

I have nothing to show you.

"I'll be at your side whenever you want. From now on, we'll be together forever."

From now on, I will.

She seemed to understand that something was going on, that Soaran was trying to help herself, even though she didn't know the situation. He held the hand I offered him. Warm, weak, little hands. - I feel like I want to protect you no matter what you throw away.


"Don't move!

Soaran looked in the right hand direction when a voice of restraint sounded. Two wizards, standing in the way of a go. Then I turned to the left, and there were already three of them. That's all this girl means to them?

The smell of burning gets on my nose. Well, I wonder how far the fire is turning. What about the fire-extinguishing hands?

"Who is it?"

"Well. Who the hell am I?

"Get away from 'it'"

"Don't treat her like a thing"

Um, uh, and a thin voice. Looking back, make her giggle, "It's okay," she trembles anxiously. Surrounded by five wizards, they refused to leave, yet the almighty sensation that sprouted on his chest never disappeared.

- Will you protect this child with your power?

Because you can take back the 'wish' you took away!

"Drop the cane. Otherwise."

"I know. I'll throw it away soon."

From the right hand holding the wand, pull out the force. An unsupported wand falls toward the floor. The wand made a light noise and rolled under Soaran's feet, the moment...

From the connected left hand, the white light came out zero.


The squealed little voice must be due to surprise at the light.

But it's not horrible. to help you. So Soaran said it again, "It's okay," in as warm a voice as possible.

"What are you doing!" Rise, a sharp voice like a warning. "Well. What do you think you're doing? ♪ Make me laugh floating. Normal wizards can't use magic without wands. But Soaran can use it. Because I learned it from a mourning wizard.

Soaran thinks. How could the Witch Society have lost a wizard who possessed such peculiar skill? Or - was it because I had a peculiar technology that I should have ruled out?

Because it's an unforgivable barbarity.

She was supposed to live!

"Go ahead and wait for me. - Go."

It's a spell. The light swells and wraps her called Cecil.

And when the light went out, there was no more of her figure anywhere. I magically moved him out of this building. But wizards who don't know where they're going, they just raise their voices. The voice seeps with a sense of impatience.

"Answer me. Where did you go with that!

"Well, where did you go?

As she tells, Soaran laughs. resentment, anger, hatred and - self-loathing. Like spitting out all the emotions that have accumulated in me for two years since I lost her, without a place to go.

You won't have to pick up the cane you dropped.

"Now, back off, you guys. I have to pick up the lady."

Soaran pointed his empty right hand at the wall. The moment the white light of birth touches the wall, it blows up in abundance. Five wizards pointed their staff at Soaran in unison. The trick is strangely uniform, and strange freakiness stops gushing from the belly.

I don't mind the wizards. Soaran jumped into a hole in the wall faster than the attack magic could fly. Running through the rubble - eventually, the sight changes.

No one. Quiet, calm, not smoky.

And notice. This is not a laboratory.

It's not even a witch association facility.

It's a nice place to work.

There's a shelf. I have a desk. I have tools.

The painting on it looks like an ornament.

In a quiet room.

I hear a thin breath.

Walk on wooden floors.

Peek under the desk.


Are you all right?


There's a darling girl's face.

"I'm not going with you."

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