The Girl Who Spits Up Jewels

[Date unknown] Time unknown, at the Witches Association Cokedier Branch Detention Facility (I)

Lift the lid (eyelid). Soaran, the wizard, was aware along the way that it was just a dream, just regenerating memories of the past. Once upon a time, we talked about that girl from the research facility - the day she let Crewe escape. Talk about the Magic Girl's Beginning Day.

The last one wasn't all that, it mixed up another memory, but dreams are generally like that. It's vague, vague, appropriate, and not something you can do with your own will.

This is a detention facility in the basement of the Witches Association Cokedier Branch. In a moldy, damp cage, there is no clock. Because there are no windows in the basement, and I don't know the height of the day, there is no way to know the time here. The meals served are bread, water and soup three times a day. Only the interval between meals that could be inserted was the only clue for Soaran today to know the current time.

- Nevertheless, since it was put away here, it's still a whole day, finally two days, etc., and there's no shortage of health. The meal that came out first, dinner if I'm not mistaken in counting. The next time a meal comes out, we'll be out in the morning. Quicker than that, though, I might decide to transfer myself.

I don't want to eat a meal that only serves the extent to which I squeeze hunger.

Damn, how did this happen? Sighing strength was spared, and Soaran fell asleep in a stiff bed. Stone ceilings are sturdy, but dark.

"... fire."

Squirting. A corner of the shackles burned every magically sealed bill affixed. 'Out-of-standard' like myself is not the kind of wizard that can be sealed with something like this. Escape is easy, but before you do, I want to know what's going on. Soaran closed his eyes again.

I am reminded of the words of the Witches Association Cokedier Branch Manager and Ten Himself, Wizard Javot, who trapped Soaran here.

- With regard to that girl, I will conduct another investigation.

Javot's aim is to make her the sister of a fantion and a girl with a jewel vomiting physique, Crewe. But they can't use magic in Liafiat City, so they're safe for being in that city. In addition, I didn't know she was really the owner of 'physique'. Whatever they say, the store owner will probably keep blurring, and even if they notice more and more 'physique', they won't be weak enough to easily beat just a woman who can't use magic against them. Besides, I'm persistent in that city - and I have good police officers.

A little further away, there was a twisting noise of the knob, followed by a moving hinge. The sound of the heel hitting the floor continuously is only slightly lower and heavier on one foot. It came and stopped in front of the room.

When you move only the eyeballs and point your gaze at you, you can see the robe across the lattice. Is there a circumstance that I don't want my complexion to be known for hiding in the hood? I tucked my legs together as I slept on my back on the bed.

"Ya. Look around, Alice."

Javot's men, Alice. Even if you don't know your face, you can know it by height and footsteps. I tell her to mock me, but she didn't seem to have thought anything of that attitude.

"I want to ask you something. If it was meant to be, I should have asked during last night, because I was late in reporting from below."

"I wonder what it's like"

Soaran also answers with a cool face, even without hesitation. I knew if I was vigilant poorly, I'd be suspicious, so in as insignificant a tone as possible.

But her questions that followed came naturally frowning.

"Do you have any idea what the name Kriu is?

"... what? Who?"

Because it was Soaran's, really strange language.

Similar to that girl's name, but subtly different in pronunciation.

"It's the name of the jewelry store."

Said, Soaran frowned. Gems are an important magic tool for wizards to keep their magic sealed. Soaran is also a wizard, so he may purchase and use gems, and he purchases them every time he needs them.

"Yep... did we make a deal...?

But gems have good and bad quality. Good quality stuff tends to be worth it, and crude stuff is available at a cheap price. That way, of course, some poor quality merchants try to sell poor quality goods by delusion. So, at least Soaran didn't buy jewelry from the muggy shop.

Did you get the bill? Well, fine. As soon as the secretary gets back, we'll have her look into it. I have a record. So, what's the problem?

He seemed to see the reaction of the voices listening back as sufficient for credibility, and said "Cheng Cheng".

"Fine, then. Branch sent you a message."

And to be told was about a defect in the article that Soaran had previously purchased. But again, I didn't remember buying that stuff. Listening without much interest, think. Mistakes on the other side, or messages eaten wrong somewhere...

- Wait.

"Just in case."

There was only one thing that occurred to me about that 'article'.

I didn't buy it, but it fits in my hand as a result of the excessive bending. And if there's a 'flaw' in it, then it is.

It is a situation that cannot be seen.


"Where did you hear from?

I guess Alice had already de-alerted Soaran on the matter. He answered me casually.

It's the Vealton Branch.


Out of line. How come from that place!

Shortly afterwards the blood caught my attention, not least because of my surprise at the name of the city returned. Because I noticed my own failure. Waking himself up on the bed, Soaran's figure of stiffness was certainly reflected as something to be wary of in the wizard's eyes across the lattice.

Words are spun to back it up.

"Master Javot is visiting Vealton right now. - If Soaran seemed to react in any way to that message, he ordered us to contact him in a hurry."

Alice returns her heel.

You must not let me go. Wait, when I raised my voice, I heard a hinge.

The entrance to the basement - that's the sound of the entrance door to the detention facility opening. I thought Alice had sent some kind of signal and called for reinforcements, but they didn't. Alice is also stopping her leg.

What showed up was a wizard supporting a basin with a meal on it in front of his chest.

She was also deeply hooded.

"Um.... have breakfast, good luck"

My voice didn't seem frightened, but calmed down when I said it was in front of such a barn. Make sure to point the basin at Alice a little and give it away so that the statement proves it's not a lie.

Alice did not receive it. After shaking the cover, point to a desk nearby.

"Don't give me that now. Differential entrance and not knowing what to do at the moment of opening"


Naming the diner, she lowered her head solemnly, either to put the basin down or to silently stop at her desk. Alice went to the door without seeing it through to the end.

I'm sure Alice, who thought Javot should be rewarded for Soaran, had already started thinking about the actions she should take next. As a subordinate of Javot and a member of the Witches Association, it is a job attitude that I looked up to a lot. But.

That was Alice's mistake.

Her next move, where she put the basin, was quick. First stick your free right hand into your nostrils, and your left hand - no, in the first place, your left hand had 'it' from the beginning, trying to hide it between the basin and your hand.

"Dear Alice"

"What's up? Something..."

Alice, called, looks back, but it was too late then.

Her left hand grabbed Alice's right shoulder hard. The bill was firmly affixed to Alice's right shoulder.

"Do what!

Alice turns around and shakes off her left hand. But it's also too late.

Distance is taken, the hood shakes and the diner's face is exposed. Still, the diner doesn't hesitate.

She named the diner - the wizard Iraja.

I shouted my right-hand cane, pointing it at Alice's shoulder.

"'I seal the blessings of my original ancestors'!

It's a spell to take magic away from a wizard.

Ilaja is by no means an excellent wizard. The magic is scarce, and the procedures are poor.

But it's foolish, all the way, straight ahead. Capturing a magical girl was his mission and his studies and efforts to do so were indispensable. Still, the reason I was not reached by the magic girl is to the point that the existence of the magic girl was' out of standard '.

In other words. - She has more knowledge of disabling 'normal' wizards than any other wizard.

"Be prepared. Dear Alice."


Iraja, who sets up a cane with an obnoxious face, and Alice, who lags behind. Alice's eyes are seeping with confusion and fright. Alice also has the wand in her hand, but there will be no magic there. Because her abilities are sealed by bills.

Should I seize it with my bare hands? Should I run and call for help?

Iraja doesn't miss Alice.

"I'm afraid so. - Can you sleep?"

It's a spell. A grain of white light flows out of Ilaja's wand and strikes Alice. Ilaja's magic worked faster than Alice screamed. It was only less than ten seconds before Alice's powers fell out of her legs, her butt on the floor, her eyes closed - and in the quiet basement, only Alice's gentle breathing began to echo.

"Excuse me, Master Alice."

After carefully finishing Alice's body so that it could be tapped against the door, Ilaja stood up and turned to her.

The moment Soaran and I met each other, the face that was rugged to this point was squeaky and distorted.

"Dear Soaran, Oh - Master Soaran!

I just came running for a cell with Soaran - but I fell on the way. Thanks to the robe you wore, you don't seem to be injured, but when it comes to that scattering of attention. Where did the sharp atmosphere go earlier and back to the usual Ilaja.

And he threw out his staff, and sat in the lattice of the room where Soaran was. "Are you all right," he calls his name with a tearful smile. Swollen.

"Aren't you hungry? Are you hurt? Haven't they said something terrible?"

Every word I worry about seemed excessive to me, and Soaran couldn't answer any of that. Instead, ask questions.

"How did you get here?"

"Yes, I'm here to help Master Soaran."


"There's no reason. I heard that Master Soaran was locked in here under some circumstances, and I couldn't have wanted this Iraja, even if she was here."

My chest trembles with a straight smile without hesitation. I remember much more, feeling something that stains her that she thought she was the right boss to do so.

I don't have time to be impressed. I have someone I need to help.

Katin, I heard a noise. The sound of unlocking. Iraja inserted the key she found from Alice's clothes into the keyhole. "Dear Soaran!" Iraja, who was impressed, tried to enter the room - she fell again.

When this happens, shackles and other things don't appeal to anything. I used magic and took it off myself. He reaches out his free arm to Ilaja, who is about to wake up.

"Ilaja, I have to go. You should come with me."

I couldn't leave her here alone. Ilaja's move to free Soaran from this cage is somewhere completely unrelated to someone throwing up jewels, Soaran's thoughts, ambitions, etc. but Alice and the others won't think so.

If you leave it, what kind of treatment will you get? I don't want to think about it.


- Ilaja didn't take that hand.

"I won't."

Ilaja waved for the first time.

I don't expect such a reaction, and I'm confused.

"Leave me here"

"Why not?"

"I'm being seen in the face."

It was the answer, as if I had prepared it.

Or maybe, in fact, 'I was prepared'. She may have already made up her mind to do so, before coming to this basement.

Ilaja's mouth spins words even enough to make Soaran think so.

"The magic I put on Master Alice does not take a life. Soon it will be something to wake up to. The magical effects of sleep will probably not last long enough. - I have no idea how Master Soaran got locked up in a place like this. But there must have been some big reason, meaning, to be made. Leaving this filthy place, there must be something to do."

How can you be so blind, believe in yourself?

Ilaja stayed put, closed her eyes and lay down her face.

"If you find out that Master Soaran is gone from here, those who take revenge on Master Soaran will go after Master Soaran. I was seen in the face by Master Alice. Dear Soaran, if you are alone, it is also possible to magically change your appearance and sneak. But I don't have a lot of magic I can handle, and I can't use the magic of change. Later than many wizards, inferior - that is."

Ilaja just a little, face up.

There are no tears in those eyes.

"I am not good enough to be with Master Soaran"

He took his helplessness for a fact.

- Somehow, at that moment.

I sincerely hoped that her future would be coloured only by happiness.


Soaran called her name, and half forced, to take her hand.

And Soaran's brain moves on its own, and begins one way. I do not know if that is the optimal solution in the current situation. I just felt like I could do anything to save her.

"After all, I can't leave you. Whatever you bet, I'll take you."


"Trust in my power."

Soaran overlapped words as he pressed and fastened the open Iraja's mouth.

"... I'll take any slander when I get out of here. Only now..."

Only at this time now. That, just for a few moments.

Pure, sober, laundry her stigma (so) once in a while.

"Will you believe me?"


She blinked blindly. And

"What a small favor to have with Soaran."

One beat. Then my eyes narrow.

So Ilaja laughed, without any hesitation, and said this to Soaran.

"Even if you didn't say 'only at this time' or something like that. - Iraja would like to congratulate you on the immortality of the future."

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