"Without further ado, let me invite our two main stars for The Law." Immediately after Mo Ting said his last sentence, the entrance to the ballroom was once again opened by the hotel staff. Two slim and tall figures walked side by side, both were wearing qipao in different color but same design. Ning Xi took red and gold color, while Tang Ning was given the white and ice blue color. It immediately showed the difference in their character, fiery and cool.

When they walked confidently, straight to the stage, parting all the reporters in the middle, they were all amazed by these two who seemed presenting Fire and Water Goddess from different realm.

The reporters were roaring with the explosive news. Another collaboration from both goddesses. And not only the lineup, but the investors behind it were impressive. It would surely hit, becoming the greatest movie of the year. Even without knowing further about the synopsis, they had started to make a fuzz about it.

Not only the reporters on the spot, since the press conference was published live under three company website, the fans all over already started commenting. The viewership count on those three websites totaled had surpassed more than 100million views, even though the press conference was held on weekday morning.

Once the reaction died down, Tang Ning and Ning Xi were both ready to take questions.

"Tang Ning, what do you think about Ning Xi?"

"She is my beloved junior in acting industry. And, of course I am thinking high about her. I am looking forward to collaborate with her on this project."

"When are you both starting to film the movie?"

"I believe it would be started next week."

"Don't you feel overshadowed by Ning Xi?" The gutsy reporter was back with question.

"There is no need to feel overshadowed. We both have our own unique way of acting and characters."

"How confident you are, Tang Ning! How could you be so sure that Ning Xi wouldn't want to take the throne away from you? After all you are the queen and she is currently the princess."

"Then if I become queen, she could become empress dowager (King's Mother)." Ning Xi took over the answer with her fiery eyes directed towards the reporter. She was ready to take any fight. After all, the reporter had dared to attack Tang Ning - her idol, in front of her.

Although Tang Ning felt grateful by her protection, she could protect herself. She was an actress famous for her high EQ.

"Our current focus for this press conference is to show collaboration effort between me and Ning Xi. There is no intention for each of us to overshadow. We have our own uniqueness and during this collaboration, we would like to learn from each other. There is no limit in learning. I do not understand how could you bring up such question of overshadowing here, at this press conference."

No statement was coming out from the reporter but his hatred was directed towards Tang Ning and Ning Xi. It could be seen emanating from his eyes, and made both of them uncomfortable. The press conference finally ended without a glitch and both Tang Ning and Ning Xi was currently mingling around with the reporters.

Some other business partners had been invited and mingled around the room as well. They were all looking for either Lu Ting Xiao or Mo Ting for further investment opportunity. While Tang Ning was receiving interview with reporter from one magazine, Ning Xi saw the gutsy reporter was coming close behind her. Sensing the reporter was up to no good, Ning Xi left her own interview and walked towards Tang Ning, keeping herself hidden with the other guests.

Sure enough, the reporter was purposely pushing Tang Ning's back and made her slightly fumbled with the unexpected force from behind. Since only Ning Xi was aware of her pregnancy and she saw the reporter sneaky attitude, she managed to grasp Tang Ning hand on time.

"Oh, Ning Xi. Thank you." Tang Ning looked totally relieved. She was afraid she would totally fall over and might harm her baby.

"En, no worries, Tang Ning Jie." Although she had Tang Ning hand within her grasp, her eyes kept following the reporter who immediately left the event hall, without turning his back.

Mo Ting who always paying attention to Ning Xi from the corner of his eyes, was immediately by her side and took her hand away from Ning Xi. His eyes was full of gratefulness.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a low tone.

"Yes" Tang Ning smiled reassuredly. "Ning Xi came at the right time."

"What's wrong?" Lu Ting Xiao was also suddenly beside his wife and hugged her waist, showing the people around him that Ning Xi was his and under his protection.

"Oh, nothing happened. I am just in time before Tang Ning Jie fell down." Ning Xi squeezed Lu Ting Xiao hand, reassuring him.

Both Ning Xi and Tang Ning knew that the conversation would continue later on. There was no need to tell their protective husbands about such simple issue.

Finally the press conference had ended. Before they all left to continue with their own schedule, Tang Ning approached Ning Xi.

"Xiao Xi, give me your mobile number and wechat account."

Ning Xi was so excited since her idol was asking her contact number and gladly gave it to her. She also knew that Tang Ning Jie might want to further discuss the afternoon incident.

Ye Bai who stood at the corner was dying to know but he couldn't bring himself to ask and squeal like a girl in front of Lu Ting Xiao and Mo Ting. Knowing Lu Ting Xiao jealousy was beyond reason, with his current disguise, he would bring nothing but doom towards himself if he suddenly approached Ning Xi.

Feeling that Mo Ting would be easier to handle than Lu Ting Xiao, Ye Bai approached Tang Ning and asked in whisper,"What happened just now?"

"Even though you are in male disguise, you still cannot bring yourself for such gossip."

"It's not gossip, it is a fact. I saw everything from far!"


"Do you have my number? Here, let me give it to you." Ye Bai quickly took Tang Ning number and shamelessly input her number inside. After playing with Tang Ning's phone for a while, she created a group chat for three of them,"Here, later please update here. I am going off first."

Ye Bai swiftly returned Tang Ning phone back to her and Tang Ning could only laughed looking at Ye Bai who came and went like a wind. Fast and cooling.

Mo Ting who felt the incident that happened was not as simple as he thought of asked his assistant to look into.

"Find the CCTV for today's press conference. Focus on the reporter who kept trying to make noise and find out who he actually is."

"Okay, Boss." The assistant left his boss and went straight to the security room, trying to finish his task as soon as possible.

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