The next day

"What about the thing I have asked you to investigate?" Mo Ting asked his assistant, Lu Che.

"I don't know how to report this to you." Lu Che scratched his hair, although he didn't feel any itchiness.

Mo Ting raised his eyebrow, probing him to continue. He was initially reading another joint venture report, but Lu Che reaction disrupted his concentration. He closed the folder in front of him and now focusing all his attention towards Lu Che.

"I have seen the hotel security CCTV and managed to zoom in to the company lanyard, which I followed up with the company. However, the company denied any knowledge about that reporter. No record whatsoever that the guy had ever worked for them. I even asked the Human Resource team to prove it to me. There is really no record of him."

"Have you contacted police?"

"Absolutely. There is no record on him as well. No theft, no crime. He is clean. Squeaky clean, as if he just appear and disappear into thin air. No one has ever known about his existence."

Mo Ting sat in silence. He didn't like the idea of unidentified guy. There was nothing major happened yet, but when you did not know your enemy, it would be more difficult to prepare everything in advance. Although he felt uneasy, he knew Lu Che had tried his best. When Lu Che said he was running out of options, it literally had no other way to find out. He could only increase his guard and security for now.

A week had passed and it was finally the official day 1 filming for "The Law". Excitement could be felt all over the shooting scene. All the staffs on scene were glad that they were part of this outstanding team. The top three companies combined would only hire the best ones, and with their presence in the team, it showed how much the company had trusted them to become part of this outstanding movie. Even Ye Bai asked Ye Mu Fan to do the whole cast styling. He was the head of fashion industry and this small job was handed over to him directly. Not his team, but him personally.

When Ning Xi saw him initially, she could not believe her eyes. The fashion guru was in front of her! She should drag Ye Bai out and invited her to a meal. Maybe she could introduce her to this guru Ye Mu Fan.

While waiting for the staff to finish their preparation, Ning Xi and Tang Ning who agreed to share waiting room so they could talk during break, were waiting inside and finishing their make up. They were rehearsing their scheduled scene today and since both had read the scene for so many times, Tang Ning would like to know how to act as a man.

There would be one scene in which both her and Ning Xi to disguise as a man for certain investigation. Since she had no clue on how to act, and there were two masters around her, it would be better to ask them to tutor.

"Say, Ning Xi. You see this scene 147, where we would need to act as a guy. I am not so sure about this part."

"Oh, that scene. I think not only scene 147, there would be a few more scenes to disguise as a guy. This whole movie has investigation as main focus and we both are two females. Oh, there is even smoking and drunk scene. This must be fun. Tang Ning Jie, you have the disguise expert here. And don't forget her too."

"What are you two whispering about?" Ye Bai had suddenly appeared on the filming site.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Investor?" Ning Xi teased him.

"I want to see how my investment going. This is my first big investment after all." Ye Wan Wan slouched at the sofa near both of them and yawned loudly.

"You look tired." Tang Ning commented. She could see there was a dark shadow underneath her eyes.

"I am too busy recently and don't get enough sleep. What did you just talk about?"

"About the disguising scene. Tang Ning Jie wanted to learn from the expert, both of us."

"Sure! Let's set a time to do this. When will you all be available? And where should we do it?"

"My house!" Ning Xi exclaimed excitedly,"I can also prepare food for all of us. I want to show off my cooking skill."

"Tomorrow, then." Tang Ning sent message to let Mo Ting know about the change in her schedule. After all, Mo Ting was still her manager.

Ning Xi also did the same while Wan Wan sent a message to her boyfriend.

[Wan Wan: Darling, can I go to Ning Xi's house tomorrow?]

[Si Ye Han: For?]

[Wan Wan: Tang Ning Jie was asking to teach her how to disguise as a man. You know how serious she is when taking a role. Can I, Can I? Please... <3] Wan Wan added heart shape towards the end of the message.

[Si Ye Han: Ok]

"Okay, it's settled. Good luck for filming guys. Let me close my eyes for a while." Wan Wan was actually running away from office and needed a break. She purposely went over to the filming site, knowing she did not need to put up any pretense with Tang Ning and Ning Xi around.

Understanding the need of her rest, Tang Ning and Ning Xi lowered down their voices while rehearsing and short after they were leaving their waiting room.

The filming was going well and within one hour, they had taken almost half of the scheduled scenes. Ning Xi and Tang Ning both focused on one take per scene which made it extremely easy for the staff.

Feeling thirsty and remembered that she had a few bottle of fresh juices packed inside the waiting room, Ning Xi went inside and still saw Wan Wan sleeping peacefully like a kid. Although the weather was not cold, but it was slightly cool. Afraid Wan Wan might catch a flu, Ning Xi looked around for a blanket and cover Wan Wan with it.

She squatted down beside her and tried touching her hair, wanted to feel whether it was real or fake. She could feel the wig moving, however the wig quality was quite good. It felt soft to her hands. She took note to ask Wan Wan about this. Ning Xi wanted to buy one for Tang Ning Jie for their upcoming scene. Happy for her unusual gift, Ning Xi left the waiting room, smiling brightly.

Unknown to her, Lu Jing Li was on the scene, following his brother instruction to look at the initial situation. His brother could not make it since he was forced to attend important acquisition meeting with the other shareholders. Jing Li saw Ning Xi was walking towards the waiting room and wanted to call her, but he held his tongue, wanting to surprise her instead.

He was peeking outside the door, when he saw Ning Xi took a blanket and cover that pale pretty guy Ye Bai from Great White. Ning Xi even gently caressed his hair and her face was so close to him. From Jing Li point of view, it seemed Ning Xi was head over heels with Ye Bai. He carefully took a picture and retreated from the waiting room, no longer had any intention to keep himself around anymore.

He immediately wanted to text his brother, but he decided to report it directly. This kind of report needed a proper sound effect and reenactment.

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