Lu Ting Xiao had just finished his meeting and he walked back straight to his office. However, there was surprise waiting for him. When he opened his office door, his brother had seated there in the sofa and jumped immediately to greet him.

"Brother!" Jing Li was rushing over, as if wanting to give him a big bear hug. He looked worried. Ting Xiao did not expect to see his brother returned to office this fast. After all, he tasked him to take care of Ning Xi at the filming site.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, dodging his effort from hugging him close.

"Bro! Bro! You might not be able to believe it, but I hope you stay strong. You must be strong, okay? Not for me, but especially for yourself. Don't let yourself drown in despair."

"Cut it short. I ask you to follow your sister in law. What are you doing here?"

"I ask you first. How is your relationship with sister in law?"

Lu Ting Xiao looked at Jing Li as if his brother suddenly grew two heads on top of his body. He lived next door, and always so on about gossip. Even he had a slight argument with Ning Xi, his brother would be the first person to know. It seemed like he was not only married to Ning Xi, but to his brother also.

"Yes, as you see. Why?"

"Bro! I repeat myself. Don't panic! I am going to show you this picture from my phone. But you need to investigate it first."

Lu Ting Xiao looked busy in front of his laptop, ignoring Jing Li rant. After a while, he was silenced. Jing Li who was getting closer to him, thinking he was not interested, suddenly saw the picture on his laptop.

"Bro! Did you just hack my phone again?" Jing Li couldn't believe his brother did it again. Didn't know how many times Ting Xiao easily broke into the security firewall and hacked his private electronic devices. It happened before to his laptop.

Lu Ting Xiao body had turned stiff, like a statue looking at the picture. It's not that he did not believe on his wife, but jealousy was jealousy. Full stop, no further comment.

Jing Li could feel dark cloud had appeared on his brother face.

"Who is it?" His cold voice filled the entire room with snow. Jing Li shivered even hearing his brother voice. It happened so many times, and yet he still did not use to it.

"Ye Bai from Great White, your investing partner." He remembered Ye Bai mentioned about his possessive girlfriend. But why Ning Xi were doing this to him.

"Find out about his girlfriend."

"Ye Bai has a girlfriend? How do you know about it? How could you know more gossip than me?"

"He told me himself. I give you 1 day."

"Very short deadline. I accept your challenge." Jing Li rushed out from his brother office. There was nothing interest him more than getting a new challenge. Especially under his expertise.

The next day, Si Ye Han household

"Bye, darling. See you later." Wan Wan hopped towards him cutely and kissed him on his cheek before taking leave. "Don't forget to drink your vitamin and medicine okay? Remember what you promised me."

"En. Go. Ask driver to drive you there."

"Can't I drive by myself?"

"No." Wan Wan sullen looking face could be seen, wanted to move Si Ye Han's heart but once he made a decision, it did not change easily.

"Okay. I go first." Since Lu Ting Xiao might be around, Wan Wan went there with Ye Bai disguise. It would be easier to get Si Ye Han permission also. After all Lu Jing Li who stayed nearby was considered playboy. If he visited those place without any makeup, Si Ye Han would flip once he knew the truth.

Wan Wan happily followed Si Ye Han direction and asked driver to drop her at Ning Xi's house. The traffic was very good and within a blink of time, she had reached the security guarding Platinum Place. Since it was one of the most expensive and guarded place in the middle of the city, the security was tight. As expected from Lu Ting Xiao, security freak.

Even though Ning Xi had registered her name on the security post, Wan Wan still need to run some verification before she was permitted to enter.

The size of Lu Ting Xiao big house did not make her even blink an eye. She couldn't understand why rich people always had a very big house, including Si Ye Han. They did not even have time to walk around the house. They were either stuck at their living room, study room, and bedroom.

Once she reached the front door, a butler helped to open the door and greeted her while directing her towards the practice room. She walked pass living room where Lu Ting Xiao was reading a newspaper.

When he heard that Ye Bai had reached security post, Ting Xiao immediately went to the living room, wanted to keep him under guard. He couldn't do anything right now, since he was Ning Xi invited guest and his investment partner. Once he made a move against Ning Xi, even though he was his business partner, he could end it immediately and sent him to the deepest hell that he would prefer to be dead than to be alive.

"Hello, Lu Ting Xiao." Ye Bai just greeted his business partner with his casual friendly attitude.

"Hello. Looking for Ning Xi? She is inside there." He pointed his chin towards a room just behind him.

"Thank you." Even without Ting Xiao direction, the butler would gladly directed her in. She did not understand what Ting Xiao wanted with the conversation that just happened. She even felt slightly awkward. He looked different. Something that she could not explain, but felt very familiar. Dismissed the weird feeling she just experience, Wan Wan made her way towards the appointed room.

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