The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 768: new journey

"My lord, we will go to Meiji, Xihe County. We can live in the city tonight. These days, my lord is patrolling the counties in Bingzhou, and it's hard work..."

Seeing that the city wall was vaguely visible more than ten miles in front, the faces of the horsemen who followed Xia Ping'an all showed relaxed smiles. At this moment, the sun has just set in the west, and in another hour, before it gets dark, you can Returning to the city, in the city, hot tea, hot rice and warm bed, it is much more comfortable than bumping outside.

Xia Ping'an was sitting in a carriage, wearing the official uniform of the prefect. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a bearded man with a full beard bent slightly beside the carriage and said respectfully.

In the team around Xia Ping'an, there were several officials and hundreds of guards with distinct armor. Everyone rode on horses, majestic and majestic. This place was not far from the city. Driving towards this side, they all hurriedly avoided.

Xia Ping'an also looked at the city wall in the distance. Such a big city is just in front, and the road here is full of smoke from cooking. There are many villages, which are already densely populated areas. He naturally knows that it is coming soon. in the city.

At this moment, in the world of Jiezhu, his identity at the moment is Guo Ji, Mu of Bingzhou in the Han Dynasty, a high-ranking official of the imperial court, the highest officer of a state, who has just visited Taiyuan, Shangdang, Xihe, Yunzhong and Dingxiang in Bingzhou. , Yanmen, Shuofang, Wuyuan and other counties and then return here.

More than half a month ago, Xia Ping'an had just merged this world bead. At the beginning of the world bead, he was also on a carriage, and he was about to enter the city in front of him with a group of followers, when suddenly hundreds of children were playing and riding on bamboo horses. He came out and greeted him on both sides of the road. It turned out that those children were very happy when they heard that Guo Ji was serving as the shepherd of Bingzhou and was coming to inspect. So they came to welcome him. When he will come again, Xia Ping'an will let his neighbors beside him be engaged in history to count the days and tell those children.

"What day is it today?" Xia Ping'an asked Cong Shi, who was beside the car.

"Master, today is May 18!"

"Oh, May 18, okay, I see. It seems to be a day earlier than our estimated return time."

"Yeah, it was indeed a day earlier!" The clerk also suddenly remembered and said with a smile, "It's just that this time, the Lord's tour of Bingzhou has been very smooth. I don’t dare to be neglected, and because God is beautiful, I didn’t delay on the road, so I came back one day earlier!”

"Okay, let the team find a nearby inn to rest for the night, and we'll go back to the city tomorrow morning!" After Xia Ping'an finished speaking, he put down the curtain of the carriage without explaining anything.

It is impossible for ordinary people to think about the integration of this kind of boundary beads. These days, Xia Ping'an is patrolling all over Bingzhou, and he has nothing to do outside the festival, so he should travel back to this era and experience the customs of this era. At ease, and the level that truly integrates this Divine Power Realm Jewel is actually today.

"Ah..." The servant outside the car was also dumbfounded. He didn't understand why Mr. Zhou Mu, who could go back to the city after walking for a while, had to stop at this time and insisted on spending the night in the wild. ? The living conditions in the wild are not good, the food is not good, and the safety is more worrying, but it is not comfortable in the city, what is wrong with the state shepherd, do you like to live outside, but these days I have not found Master Mu has such a quirk.

But no matter what, the words of Lord State Shepherd are an order. Since Master State Shepherd said that he would spend the night outside the city tonight and return to the city tomorrow, although everyone had some doubts in their hearts, they could only spend the night outside the city and obey unconditionally.

At the moment, Xia Ping'an gave an order, and the team could only find an inn that was not in good condition by the roadside. After cleaning up, they would spend the night in the inn. So many people came to the prefectural shepherd, and they were among them. The people in the store were so busy, they boiled water to cook and clean up the room, and they didn't dare to delay at all.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun came out, and after washing and preparing in the inn, Xia Ping'an let people go on the road again, and they drove slowly.

When we were outside the city, the sun had already risen. When I saw Xia Ping'an's motorcade coming, there were hundreds of children riding on bamboo horses running out of the woods beside the road to greet Xia. Safety.

These children are the children who were playing outside the city the other day.

Xia Pingan came out of the carriage and met these children.

"The envoy came back today, and we are here to welcome the envoy again, hee hee..."

"Yes, yes, Shijun is really trustworthy, he didn't lie to us, and he came back today..."

A group of children laughed and said to Xia Ping'an, all of them were very happy.

It was not until this time that the guards and officials who were in Xia Ping'an's team suddenly realized that Lord Zhou Mu deliberately stayed outside the city for the night and did not return because he told these children that he was only coming back today. In keeping with the agreement with these children.

The dignified state shepherd of a prefecture, an official of the empire's frontiers, and a big man in the whole Bingzhou, actually did not forget the agreement with the child riding a bamboo horse on the roadside, and strictly followed it. This surprised everyone, and their eyes changed when they saw Xia Ping'an. .

Xia Ping'an gave the children a few words of encouragement, before getting back into the carriage and letting the carriage enter the city.

And when the team and the children left, the entire world of the Jiezhu suddenly shattered.


Xia Ping'an, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes only when the fluctuation of the divine power empowering his body disappeared.

"Yes, although there are only 15 points of divine power, grasshoppers are also meat. Unfortunately, this is the last world bead that can be merged..." Looking at the upper limit of divine power in his secret mandala, it has reached 14238 points, Xia Xia said. Ping An smiled slightly, spread out the cross-legged sitting on the warm jade bed, and walked towards the door of the secret room.

This is a golden secret room, surrounded by walls with metallic luster, this secret room is inside the lightning flying boat that the mad **** gave to Xia Ping'an.

At this moment, Xia Ping'an has been away from the secret realm of the Heavenly King Sect and the bronze puppet for a while. He has just completed the fusion of the last world bead he obtained in the secret realm of the Heavenly King Sect in the secret room of the Lightning Flying Boat.

During his time in the secret realm of the Heavenly King Sect, Xia Ping'an swept through almost all the rooms behind the bronze doors, and sure enough he harvested a lot of Jiezhu. In addition to the Jiezhu, he also saw the rooms behind the bronze doors. Strange all kinds of monsters and hideous aliens.

Xia Ping'an gained a lot.

When the benefits that could be squeezed in the secret realm of Tianwangzong were almost squeezed out, Xia Ping'an took the thousands of crystals of various colors that he had given him with a bronze puppet, and left the secret realm of Tianwangzong "reluctantly" to prepare Embark on the journey of becoming a demigod.

If you want to become a demigod, you must bathe in the Nine Heavens Divine Spring, and the Nine Heavens Divine Spring is not available in the world of killing gods and insects. The place with the Nine Heavens Divine Spring is called the Secret Realm of Heaven. There is a place called Wujie Mountain in the Divine Insect Realm. Many people think that the Divine Insect Realm also has a divine spring that can make people advance to demigods. This is actually wrong.

Before the old man Tiejian said goodbye to Xia Ping'an, he went to the secret realm of Tiandao to find the opportunity to obtain the Jiutian Shenquan.

These days, Xia Ping was in the secret realm of Tianwangzong, and he also learned a lot of information related to the secret realm of Tiandao from the bronze puppet, which made him greatly shocked.

In the words of the bronze puppet, the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, among these demigods, actually has another name, the Heavenly Dao Killing Field. The Heavenly Dao Killing Field is one of the most dangerous battlegrounds in the universe. The secret realm of the Heavenly Dao is all the powerhouses above the Nine Suns realm and demigods, and even the existence of the gods level will enter it. , and many of the top powerhouses and elites of racial monsters that he had never imagined before were fighting for various rare resources.

Compared with the world of slaughtering gods and insects, the dangers of the secret realm of heaven are even more dangerous.

Emperor Ziyan, who had sent Xia Ping'an to the Heavenly King Sect, actually came back from the battlefield in the secret realm of Heaven.

In addition to the Nine Heavens Divine Spring, in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, there are all kinds of rare world beads and treasures hidden by the gods that are needed by the demigods.


The lightning flying boat in the shape of the dragon fish is moving at high speed in the space of the world of killing gods and The whole flying boat is more than 400 meters long and is extremely gorgeous. Inside this flying boat, it is like a luxurious palace, with hundreds of rooms, each A variety of rest and entertainment facilities, everything is available.

Xia Ping'an was walking on the passage of the flying boat. Through the porthole on the flying boat, he could see the fantastic scene outside - when the flying boat was flying at high speed like lightning, the whole flying boat looked out from the inside and everything seemed a little illusory. , the flying boat is like a shuttle in the fog, and outside the fog, there is a crackling flashing electric light, and you can't see the outside scene at all.

Xia Ping'an came to the cab of the flying boat. Now it is Xia Laifu who controls the flying boat here. Heilong is also here, wagging his tail, watching the changing scene in the cab.

Only when in the cab, through the holographic projection of a super-luxury crystal chandelier-like magic equipment in the cab, can the scene and space map outside the flying boat be seen here.

"Are you going to Wujie Mountain?" Xia Ping'an asked Xia Laifu.

"It's coming soon..." Xia Laifu looked at a red dot in the scene projected by the huge "crystal chandelier" hanging upside down in the cab, and nodded calmly, "At our speed, we'll be there in half a day. To Wujie Mountain..."

Xia Ping'an glanced at the red dot in the projection, and found that there were countless silver lights flickering around the red dot, gathering from the surroundings, he couldn't help but hissed, and took in a breath of cold air. , which actually represents the flight trajectory and exposure of a lightning boat.

With so many lightning flying boats gathered in one place, this is the first time Xia Pingan has seen...


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