The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 769: Wujie Mountain

Wujie Mountain is the only entrance to the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao from the world of killing gods and insects. It is also the entrance of the entire Yuanqiu world to the secret realm of heaven. There are countless sects, empires, and wealthy families in the entire Yuanqiu world. All the forces that want to obtain the Nine Heavens Divine Spring will come here and enter the secret realm of Heavenly Dao from here. The excitement here can be imagined.

Xia Ping'an thought that he had seen some scenes before, but when he came to Wujie Mountain, he realized that perhaps, he had only seen the tip of the iceberg of this world before, the vastness of this world and the power hidden under the iceberg, in Wujie The mountains really show up here.

With the arrival of one after another of lightning, those lightning flying boats that quickly shuttled in the fog-like void when they arrived at Wujie Mountain showed their figure from the lightning, stopped slowly, and looked from a distance, This Wujie Mountain is like an airport for a huge lightning flying boat. All kinds of lightning flying boats abound here. At a glance, there are hundreds of lightning flying boats parked in the sky.

And that Wujie Mountain, although it is named after a mountain, is not a mountain, but a huge dark pyramid floating in the air.

The pyramid was as big as a mountain, with a circumference of no less than 2,000 kilometers. It just floated in the void, with layers of white clouds, just at the foot of the pyramid, giving people a huge sense of oppression. At the top of the pyramid, there is a The huge platform, all the flying boats that flew here, stopped near the outer space of the huge pyramid, and then the people on the flying boat came down one by one and quickly flew towards the top of the pyramid.

In addition to the lightning flying boat, in the void of Wujie Mountain, from time to time, you can see demigod-level powerhouses wearing battle armor directly tearing through the void, drilling out of the void, and quickly flying to the top of Wujie Mountain. .

In the place of Wujie Mountain, the cracks in the space that devoured the Pantheon in the sky of the God-killing Insect Realm were invisible.

"How can there be so many strong people..." In the control room of Lightning Flying Boat, looking at the scene outside, Xia Ping'an took a breath of cold air.

Yes, the situation in Wujie Mountain has completely exceeded Xia Ping'an's expectations.

Originally, in Xia Ping'an's expectation, the people who can come here are one-tenth of what he has seen. How can I expect that there are so many people here. If the people who enter here are at least in the Nine Suns, then gather The power here is unimaginable.

After calming down for a while, Xia Ping'an waved his hand, and took Xia Laifu and Heilong into the secret mandala again. Then he left the control room, walked to the door of the lightning boat, and flew from the door of the lightning boat. He went out, and then waved his hand, the lightning flying boat that had recognized the Lord turned into a light, and instantly shrank to a state that could be grasped in one hand, grabbed Xia Ping'an in his hand, and then threw it into the secret mandala.

Xia Ping'an glanced at the top of Wujie Mountain and flew towards the top of Wujie Mountain.

Here, Xia Ping'an was not too eager to show his strength, so the speed of his flight was neither fast nor slow. He flew as fast as others were probably.

In the surrounding sky, there are many people flying towards the top of Wujie Mountain, both men and women.

"Brother Mei..."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him. When Xia Ping'an turned around, he saw a figure flying quickly from behind him.

The man who flew over was dressed in a blue mage robe, with very white skin and a shy smile. He looked as harmless as the young man next door, and he was Dilong, the son of the Di family.

"It turned out to be Brother Di..." Xia An'an didn't expect to see Di Long here. He and Di Long could be said to have never met. After becoming the "cheap son-in-law" of the Di family, this Dilong can be regarded as Xia Ping's "cheap brother-in-law" according to his seniority.

However, both of them knew in their hearts what the marriage was all about, and it was just for outsiders to see. It was a sign, and neither of them took the marriage seriously.

Dilong flew in front of Xia Ping'an in the blink of an eye, with a pair of glittering eyes, he glanced at Xia Ping'an up and down, and his heart was a little shaken, "Every time I see Brother Mei, I feel like I see another person, Brother Mei. The changes in my life are really astonishing. I didn’t expect that in these days, Brother Mei has already advanced to the Nine Suns Realm, and the kingdom of God is already in the process of being conceived.

Di Long said polite words in his mouth, but only he knew that there was bitterness in his mouth. After the battle with Xia Ping'an that year was tied by Xia Ping'an, Di Long and Di Jia were greatly shocked. A lot of resources were poured into the dragon, and finally, Dilong was pushed to the Nine Suns Realm. This time, Dilong was ready to go to the secret realm of Heaven to complete the most crucial demigod advancement. He was ready to completely leave Xia Ping'an behind and revive The prestige of the Di Family God Son, unexpectedly, he would meet "Mei Zheng" here again, and it seems that "Mei Zheng" has also advanced to the Nine Suns Realm and has caught up in the realm.

Grandma, why is it so fast? Isn't that Mad God family long since gone? Could it be that Mad God still has a legacy left for him? Well, it seems that it is indeed the case. It should be the Mad God who devoted his best efforts to cultivate such a person, so This Mei Zheng's cultivation progress is so terrifying. Di Long thought to himself.

"Ah, Brother Di is very polite, Brother Di is not bad, I also congratulate Brother Di..." Xia Ping'an glanced at Di Long and found that Di Long had also advanced to the Nine Suns Realm, so he smiled and congratulated.

The two walked side by side and flew towards the top of Wujie Mountain together.

"Brother Mei is here, is he also going to enter the Heavenly Dao Killing Field to fight?" Di Long asked.

"The realm of demigods, I deeply yearn for it. I heard that the Nine Heavens Divine Spring can only be obtained here, so I naturally want to try it!" Strong man, it's really surprising!"

"Hahaha, isn't it possible that Senior Mad God didn't tell Brother Mei, there are thousands of sects and tens of thousands of imperial wealthy families left in Yuanqiu world since ancient times, but the still active god-descendant family There are no less than a thousand families, and there are many families of gods who are silent under the water. In addition, there are countless uncountable secret realms in this world, and there are countless forces that are entrenched in the secret realm, either overt or hidden or obvious. The powerhouses in front of Wujie Mountain are actually not many. When Brother Mei arrives at the Heavenly Killing Field, Brother Mei will know what a powerhouse is like a cloud, let alone a demigod..." Di Long seems to have finally discovered himself and Xia. The psychological advantage of being together in peace, suddenly came to the spirit, and talked about it.

Although the mad **** is strong, once the inheritance of the **** family is cut off, it is not so easy to continue some things. Although Mei Zheng is strong, this knowledge is due to the lack of inheritance, and the true inheritance of countless generations. Compared with the god-born family, there is still a gap. The temperament of the nouveau riche is too strong, haha...

Xia Ping'an knew that one of his biggest shortcomings was that the time he had come to Yuanqiu's world was too short, and the speed of advancement was too fast. His understanding and knowledge of this world were comparable to those of the descendants of the Dilong family of gods. , it's not really on one level.

"Oh, how much?" Xia Ping'an sighed deliberately, "Hey, Brother Di is indeed a family member, he has extensive knowledge and knows everything, which is really enviable!"

Di Long laughed, and it was rare to show off in front of Xia Ping'an, and he suddenly became more energetic, "The vastness of the universe is empty and ten thousand worlds, how can you and I fully understand it now? It's just a small pool in the world. Like Yuanqiu world, there are many sects, families and forces. They are usually hidden and low-key, and they are not known to outsiders. These powerful families and sects have passed down countless generations. For tens of thousands of years, the only goal is to confer the gods, their disciples and disciples will never walk in the world until they reach the Nine Suns Realm, these people suddenly appear in this Wujie Mountain, of course Brother Mei will feel that there are many experts here."

"Oh, those sects, if the wealthy family doesn't usually walk in the world, where do their cultivation resources come from?" Xia Ping'an asked.

"Does Brother Mei know Wanshenzong?"

Xia Ping'an's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Dilong had discovered something or was hinting at something, he nodded calmly, and said calmly, "Of course I know, but what does this have to do with Wanshenzong?"

Di Long smiled slightly, but did not feel Xia Ping'an's abnormality, but a gesture of pointing the country, "The mother planet of the Wanshen sect encountered a space invasion, so the elite of the Wanshen sect was forced to the Yuanqiu world for development, and it became a transcendental world. Empty person, Panshenxing has now been swallowed by space, the foundation of this Pantheon Sect in the future can only be in the realm of slaughtering gods and insects, if no one in the Pantheon Sect is conferred a god, the Panshen Sect may decline in the future!"

"Yes, indeed!"

"Brother Mei, have you ever thought about it, this Wanshenxing and Wanshenzong are just one in the ocean. For hundreds of millions of years, how many planets and sects like Wanshenxing and Wanshenzong have been in this world, I'll be honest, the universe Among the ten thousand worlds, it is almost impossible to count, I am afraid it is not less than hundreds of millions, and many space invasions are still going on. Even now, there are no less than tens of thousands of worlds and planets that have encountered space invasions. The number of planets and sects may exceed our imagination. Space invasion and space cracks can bring countless resources and divine springs to these places, and cultivate countless summoners for these places. Efforts to destroy have failed, but there have been successes in the past, and quite a few..."

Xia Ping'an understood what Dilong meant, "Brother Di means that there are actually many hidden sects and forces like Wanshenzong?"

"Of course, the sky-crosser is not something that only exists now, and before the Wanshenzong, in these hundreds of millions of, countless sect forces have already succeeded, among those sects and forces. Once someone becomes a **** or demigod, the world and planet invaded by space become their back garden. Once they establish sects, families and forces, those forces are the masters of one star and one world, these sects The forces usually keep a low profile and don't show it, but the resources they have in their hands may exceed our imagination, and it is not difficult to train a Summoner to the Nine Suns Realm."

When Di Long said this, Xia Ping'an immediately understood. In fact, he himself is the best example. For example, now, with his strength, if he returns to his homeland after more than ten years, even if he does not become a demigod , you can also easily take the entire planet into your pocket, establish a global sect or family force, and cultivate talents and descendants little by little.

The resources of the homeland are limited, and there are no divine springs and divine sense crystals yet, but for other planetary worlds that have encountered space invasion and have various space channels, divine springs and divine sense crystals may not be absent. Zongmen, monopolizing the resources of one star and one session, if you want to cultivate masters and strongmen, it will be easy.

"I see……"

"So, Brother Mei, do you understand, the Wanshen Sect is actually nothing, as far as I know, some of the secret ancient sects and forces recorded in our family's archives are shocking, and some of them are in After the skywalker was conferred gods, there were more than 300 planets and worlds invaded by space controlled by that sect. These planets and worlds invaded by space had become secret resources under their control. Many of the experts from the Nine Suns Realm who came to Wujie Mountain came from these hidden ancient sects and forces..."

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