The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 1 - New World? Gods? System? Part 1

Unknown Place...

Darkness, there was only darkness in this... Void is the best way to describe it, there was nothing. No light, no scent, no nothing, all 5 scenes were cut off in this strange, empty world. 'The God of this realm is truly a bland old guy, I mean come on at least spice up the place, sheesh!' Thought the being to relieve some of his boredom after staying in the same spot for many years.

Suddenly, there were many flashes of blinding light and this once empty world was filled with orbs of light that came in a whole spectrum of colors, also in many shapes and sizes, these were souls. "Aha, finally after 10 short, but boring, years, a large quantity of beast souls are here, this will be a great harvest, hehehe." The being licked his lips and rubbed his hands together in anticipation as wide sly grin plastered his face. He flew over to the group of beast souls completely ignoring the group of human souls but before he could get to the group of beast souls, he saw something that stood out.

"Oh, what do we have here. Hooo, we have something truly different here, hehe." The being chuckled creepy to himself as he saw something that unexplainable even with all his years of experiences. What he saw was that was a split down the middle of the souls, now this would be normal because the souls of humans and beasts are divided into their own separate groups, meaning human and beast souls are never in the same group. However, in the middle of the division was a lone soul, however, it was different from the rest because it wasn't in the shape of a sphere but in a gaseous state. It didn't have a shape and was constantly changing, along with its color, a soul that was never seen or recorded before.

'Hmmm, I came to stea- I mean borrow this guy's beast souls only, butttt, I will make an exception today and take another off his hands he'll thank me for the kindness I see him, it brings a tear to my eye.' The being swipe away a fake tear before he looks around carefully. When he sees no sign of this realm's God anywhere he pulls out his Soul Gourd, that he definitely didn't steal and borrowed from another God, and collected all the beast souls along with the strange soul and opens up a portal then hops in.

After the being that hopped into the portal, a bright light that filled most of the Void appeared, and the faint sloshing and draining of water could be heard faintly.

"Pheww, man I really shouldn't have eaten that Golden Ghost Pepper Soup that had me in the bathroom for a few years, I still feel it in my system, *Sigh* never again. Anyway, time to attend to these souls, good thing there are only a few so I can get back to the bathroom." After the God's short monologue, a soft whistling could be heard along with the squeaking of flippers, then all of a sudden there was complete silence.

"Wait a d*mn minute, I thought there were more souls here, and why are there only human souls. Hmmm, I feel that the energy of a Soul Gourd was used, all the beast souls I felt are now gone and only the human souls are left hmm fishy." The God pondered for a minute wondering who or what took his souls. 'Who dare invoke my wrath I swear I will beat them to near death with my slippers of doom, then I will lecture them for the next 100 years!' 'Wait a minute, beast souls missing, the residue energy of a used Soul Gourd, and my gut feelings!.' "D*mn it, It was that lazy piece of s*it again, how many times has this been now, I will strangle you to death Nushi if its the last thing I do, If I don't, who will! (AN: Dragon Fist!)" The God yelled in anger as his veins popped on his face.

Meanwhile In Our Universe...

The being known as, Nushi, stepped out of the portal and landed in a place that was quite unlike the Void he had just been in. The place looked like it was carved out into a mountain, it was like a dome made of stone but there were no holes or opening for light to get in but it was lit up nicely from an unknown source. There was a giant bed made of stone that was Nushi's resting place, a t.v. made of stone, a desk made of stone, a kitchen made of stone (I think you get the point.)

However, there was one thing not made of stone it was a cauldron, a giant metal cauldron. The metal of the cauldron metal glistened like it was polished a second ago with no signs of use or wear, but it was used for countless years, thus demonstrating how tough it was. It was also lined with bright gold that ran up the legs of the cauldron and stopped at the structures that adorned the top of it, which were the heads of 4 mythical beasts. Them being the Azure Dragon, The Vermilion Bird, the White Tiger, and the Black Tortoise, this cauldron was called the Heavenly Cauldron of Beastly Creations, as short for HCBC.

This cauldron was the reason that Nushi loved to 'borrow' the souls of beasts from other realms, mainly the ones from Earth because there is a lot of variety and Earth was the closest, Nushi was just too lazy to travel. The HCBC allowed Nushi to mix the souls of beasts to make a whole new creature and place into their realm, however, he didn't really need souls for it to operate just energy, but he was too lazy for that process since it needed all of his attention unlike when it was made with souls.

"A good amount of beast died on Eden, and I think it about time to replenish them. This batch should last for a good 100 years before I need to restock, thanks Damek, I appreciate your generosity, hehe." Nushi clapped his hands together and bowed towards the Void, then laughed sarcastically, however, he started to sweat intensely. (AN: Insert Blob Fear Sweat here).

'S*it, oh f*ck he's coming here, but I wasn't able to hide the souls in time, what to do, what to do, think!' Nushi started to have a panic attack as he could feel that Damek, the God of the Earth Realm, was approaching it was easy to tell because he wasn't bothering to hide himself at all, he could feel his rage from here.

'Hehe, I'm such a genius I would like to see him try anything, I'll show him I'm not one to mess with.' Nushi flashed a large toothy grin, then he took out the Soul Gourd, placed it over the HCBC, then uncorked the gourd. The souls rushed out into the HCBC and it was soon filled with the light of all the souls but it wouldn't start until the lid was placed on top. However, when the gaseous soul, which was the last soul to be put in the gourd, fell into the HCBC it immediately had a reaction and the lip flew from the ground and smashed on top of it, almost crushing Nushi hand if he didn't reattract from the cauldron in time.

"Holy moly!" He screamed out his mouth widen in shock at what had just happened. "This has never happened before, HEHEHE! This day is getting more and more interesting, HEHEHE!" Nushi was never this excited before in a long time like the time he got the HCBC, but this might top even that.

'Ahem, alright I need to calm down Damek is coming anytime now.' Nushi cleared his throat, then calm his mind to face Damek without giving him a chance to find any faults, not long after a bright bluish-green portal appeared in front of Nuhsi, and out stepped a young man. The young man looked about 20ish, he was a tall, about 7 feet, and handsome man, he had long wavy gray hair, ocean blue eyes, sharp chin, and eyebrows, he was the definition of a fine man. But this 'fine man' had a very fierce face right now as if somebody crossed him, and he was ready to kill and kill he would.

"N U S H I, I will personally deliver you your furry as* on a silver platter if you don't explain yourself right now!" The 'young man' Damek instantly got up in Nushi and spat out in a fierce and threatening tone.

"Now now Damek that not the way to treat your host sit down and relax a bit and tell me what's wrong," Nushi said while wearing a monocle, sipping tea, and sitting at a stone table on a stone chair that appeared out of nowhere.

"Cut the bulls*hit you lazy ball of fluff, you know what you did, better give me my souls or I'm about to beat the sleeves off of you."

"Alright, you racist let us get some things straight. First, while I may be fluffy because I'm part fox and cat that doesn't give you the right to insult me about my fur. Second, what the hell are you on about 'your' souls, you mean the souls I painstakingly collected and are now being refined in my cauldron or are you looking for problems." He got up and put up his dukes ready to tussle, throwing out jabs.

"Ahha, so you were part fox and cat, no wonder you are so sly and lazy and soulnapping my souls, God of All Beasts." Damek looked him up and down observing his looks again then mockingly called his God title. Nushi was tall and lanky reaching almost 9 feet tall, with fox ears on his head, but he was packed with lean muscles, he looked more human than beast. He had blonde hair, with patches of fur on his arms and face. but not a lot, he had green eyes with thin slits for pupils, and he gave out a wild and untamed aura.

"*Gasp* I may be lazy and I may stea- borrow your souls every now and then, and I may have added Lesser Divine Laxatives in your soup, I most definitely didn't steal your souls, you are getting too old, you are forgetting things now but I will forgive you." Nushi pretended to be hurt, spoke with pride about messing with his food, and shook his head in helplessness while sticking his hands out to the side.

"Why are you running, why are you running!" Damek shouted aggressively while chasing him.

"Ahhhh, ahhhh!" Nushi screamed his lungs out running away from him, he ran towards the HCBC to get cover. After getting to the HCBC Nushi snapped out of his panic, 'Why I'm I running this is the perfect time to draw some of his blood and make him suffer as I did!' Nushi shouted internally then waited for Damek to catch up, and when he did Nushi ambushed him.

"I'll kill will slap you to death." "Not if I claw you to death first." That was how the first battle between the God of Beasts and the God of Earth begin their epic cat figh- ahem, battle, a battle that drew a lot of blood and I mean a lot, the Nushi's whole realm was covered in it. However, what they didn't know was that the HCBC was greedily s.u.c.k.i.n.g up all the blood through the 4 mythical beast heads and using it for a very Godly creation, is the only way to put it, how could they notice such things, when the slicing of the air and the slaps of slippers, along with a grunt and hisses accompanied them.

After many years almost 100 years of bloodshed and violence, Damek and Nushi finally came to a standstill. Not because of the responsibilities they were neglecting or because they became friends through fighting or because Damek stomach started to act u- oh it was that one. So Damek fled back home after screaming, "You will rue the day that you ever messed with me." He said bravely while bending over, clenching his stomach in pain, as he struggled to hold in his gas, and quickly hopped into a portal.

"Yeah, you better run and didn't come back... please." Nushi responded with a voice full of sham- pride for he had heroically won the battle after many years, and it was now time to claim the prize he fought so hard for. He limped over to the HCBC l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips in anticipation, opened the lid... and immediately fell down on the floor twitching mumbling, "What the hell is this."

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