The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 2 - New World? Gods? System? Part 2

'Ahh, my head it's so painful, this headache is killing me.' I held my head in pain as it felt like someone smashed a hammer onto it repeatedly. Not only that but my body felt so sore and stiff like a just got up from a year-long sleep without moving.

'The last thing I remember was me and my family had a battle with the Akame...and I watched how we all died at my last breath then I died... at least I think I died?' I finally opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the immense amount of light that flooded them. "My eyes!" I screamed out and covered my eyes with my hands as they were in pain, that didn't help with what I was going through already. After a bit, my eyes were back to normal and they were no longer hurting, I squinted my eyes because I didn't want to make the same mistake again.

I stayed like that until my eyes adjusted to the light and I keep repeating that same over and over until I could fully open my eyes. I don't know if that is a thing normal can normally do but my body adjusts and adapt to things fairly quickly, no matter what state I'm in, if it didn't, I would have died long ago.

After adjusting to the light I had a good look around, I was shocked, I saw balls of light of all different colors, they had the vague outline of what looked like humans on the left side, and different types of animals on the right side, it was beautiful. However, that wasn't what shocked me, it was that I could feel some sort of intimacy with the balls of light on the right side of me. Then it hit me like my Dad on a Monday morning, hard, these balls of light were souls or something like that because they were not living breathing creatures, but they were full of life and the colors they emitted showed it. Not only that if I had such intimacy with something that would only be my love for book or family, but they are dead, so that alone explains that they are souls.

To confirm my theory I look down at myself and looks like I guessed right, I was only a vague outline of... a human I guess I don't really know why I look so different, I'm not a sphere, shoot I didn't even have a shape in general. I have no idea why I could even think or speak (because I screamed before) when everyone else couldn't, but first I need to figure out where I'm at maybe we are waiting for something or someone.

I didn't even get the chance to get my bearings before I feel a strong suction force before I could speak or do anything I was s.u.c.k.e.d up into a green vortex and everything went dark, but I could barely hear the muffled giggling of someone.

Time Passes...

When I came back to it I was back in a place that was still dark but when I looked up I saw gray but then it quickly disappeared and replaced it with black and I barely heard someone saying "Holy moly", I wondered who that was. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by my family members, and the thought of being together again brought a smile to my face, that quickly turned into a frown when everything started to rumble and the noise, that was muffled, from outside grew more intense. After the rumbling stopped golden light covered the once empty darkness, it was a welcomed change, until I and all the souls started to float into the air, I was in the center and all the souls surrounded me in a circle.

Then it happened, all the souls started to revolve around me like the Sun, and I swear I could hear the howls and cries of beasts that sounded happy, joyful, and delighted. After a while of spinning the souls started to shoot towards me at high speeds, I was frightened, but all said emotions were pushed away when an unbearable, intense, and excruciating pain, that was worse then anything I felt by 100,000 times, assaulted my mind and my body. I felt like I was going to die again and my mind was going to break, but then I realized I already gave up in my last life, and I was given another chance at life, and not only that, but my mind was not only feeling like it was going to collapse because of the immense power that collided and infused with it, but because of my family members experiences and memories. If I fail now won't all their efforts to help me be in vain, and I would have failed them again.

'No, I will not fail again, I will not fall again, I will prevail and give them the happiness and joy they brought me back to them! They sacrificed their lives for me and now they are sacrificing their souls for me, I swear on my name and my honor that I will become strong enough to bring you guys back and protect you so we can live the lives we once couldn't in peace!' With my newfound oath and my own path to follow, my mind became clear and most of the pain vanished like it was never there. Along with that the process in which the souls were f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y integrating with me, like forcing something to fit into something it can't normally, was now like a river flowing into the endless sea.

Not only did integrating with the souls become easier but silverish-blue and black colored liquids started to flood into the golden dome and also start to infuse with me and when it washed over the souls of my family members that started to glow in an even brighter and purer light. I got into a meditative position which I use to keep my mind clear and to relax back on Earth, but it only not only did that but made the process of infusing even more smooth and effective.

50 Years Later...

As time passed my mind and body was feeling better and better, and the pain since long ago passed away and even became pleasant. So much time has passed but I did have a concept of the time so I continued to absorb and combine with all my family members and with the liquid that seemed never-ending. However, during all of this, the rumbling and muffled sounds from outside never stopped, I wonder what was going on out there.

50 More Years...

I finished absorbing all my family members a while ago and their memories, but the liquid keep on coming during all this time, but now it finally stopped and along with that the muffled sounds of grunts and hisses and rumbling from outside. I finally heard actual words after who knows how long saying, "Yeah, you better run and didn't come back...please." I heard someone say in a voice that was filled with cowardice and was shaky, like after an intense work session. I then heard footsteps coming in my direction, with the infusion my senses were far sharper than they used to be before. I heard the sound of metal scraping metal, and then the same gray sky I saw before filled my vision, but this time with something else, a face.

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