The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 3 - New World? Gods? System? Part 3

'What's wrong with him.' I thought but quickly put it to the back of my mind as I thought about how large the guy's face looked. 'Did I shrink or something. Why was his face so big, and that sound, like he was a lid off of something, I'm I inside something right now?' Many questions plagued my mind as I thought more on the subject, but the only way to find out is to ask the guy himself.

"Hey! Can you hear me! Hello!" I shouted out to get his attention and I think it worked as I could hear shuffling and the ruffling of clothes form the ground as he got up. I saw his face covering the sky again, he still was still shocked or even more shocked than before, why I honestly don't know.

"Y-Y-You can speak!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, his eyes almost about to pop out and his hung wide open as if this was the most unbelievable thing in existence. "Ouch, ow my ears can you calm down God D*mnit my ears are s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e." His voice echoed throughout the surroundings and bouncing from wall to wall amplifying his voice making it worse and worse, along with my ears becoming better from the infusion along with all my senses that made it worse.

He cleared his throat and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, sorry, I was just caught off guard by you and grew a little excited, hehe." He scratched his cheek and laughed nervously.

"It is alright not too big of a deal. So if you so kindly could, can you explain a bit about my situation, mainly why I'm so tiny." I asked nicely as this is the first person I saw and talked to in so long, and also while he looked human I could tell he wasn't, he was more of a beast than human, just like me, along with me feeling a slight connection with him. 'Why do I have a connection with him, I'm sure this is my first time meeting him, hmmm.' Oh well, it is better to be friends than enemies by angering the first person I meet human or not.

"Oh." He slammed his fist into his open palm in realization. "Don't worry about that you are just in the Heavenly Cauldron of Beastly Creations, or HCBC for short, so to fit all the souls into itself it shrank everything down, so once I get you out you should return to normal size." He explained to me then proceed to flip the cauldron over and shaking it to get me out, which caused me to start stumbling and rolling around in the inside of it making me dizzy and nauseous.

Finally, after all the tossing and turning, I was now on the hard gray floor that, was smooth to the touch. I push myself up from the ground and sit down, I take a good look around only to see that everything was just gray dull stone, not interesting really. I then pay attention to the most important thing, the guy that got me out. I got up so I could have a proper talk with him, however, I wasn't even halfway with getting up and I was halfway to the guy's c.h.e.s.t. When I fully got up back straight and everything, I completely over towered the guy. I know I was tall in my past life but I don't think I towered over people unless this guy was really short.

"Wow, man you're tall. I guess the HCBC didn't do you justice, not many people are taller than me, 'at least in this realm' you should be proud of yourself." He praised me while he patted on my shoulder and thumbs upped me, smiling. 'What a very eccentric but cool guy' I thought in my head. I looked down at myself, I couldn't see my face so I have no idea if I looked the same or not but my body definitely changed. My skin was still brown it was before but not as light, it was no longer soft and supple like a female's, but rough and tough like a warrior's. My muscles were well-toned and lean, along with my stomach lined with abs. I raised my hands to touch my hair and felt that instead of being long, flat and smooth, it was long, spikey and rough. (AN: Like kid Gohan's hair with the long spikey ponytail but without the three large bangs and more spikey, image link in author's message).

However, that wasn't the only thing on my head, there were horns! I raised my hands to eye level and saw sharp black claws, and I looked to my back because I felt something back there and saw a tail, a spikey one at that, I'm one spikey boy, me like. On the other hand, while my body looked different it was also transparent, so I guess this is what I look like be it isn't my physical body?

"Are you done looking at now, I didn't even hear a "thank you" from you, how rude." He had a fake displeased frown on his face that I easily saw through. 'So he likes to play with people, huh.'

"Thank you for the compliment and getting me out of the HCBC, as you call it, but besides that could you explain to me what the HCBC is, where I'm I, and what I'm right now, oh and your name would be helpful." I thanked him for earlier, but my face became serious as I started to ask the serious questions now. He sighed, took a deep breath then his playful aura and face disappeared like the wind, preparing himself for a long talk that was ahead for him and me.

"Well first things first, I'm Nushi and..." He went on to explain to me that he was a God, the God of Beasts, to be exact. I was a soul, as I guessed earlier, and he collected me with all my family members before from another God's realm, and that was the God of the realm I lived before, the Earth realm. Now we were in his realm, Nirek, in this realm there were many Gods, like the Goddess of Luck, Dalia, the God of Wrath, Dame- Nemesis, and a lot of others. We were in this personal realm, a realm that every can God create themselves or find, of course since Nushi is a powerful Origin God he created his own.

There were many types of Gods, almost Gods for everything, there is even a God of Toilets, so there is a ranking system as they call it among them. It goes from Mortal God, Semi-Holy God, Holy God, Semi-Divine God, Divine God, God of Rebirth/God of Death, God of Creation/God of Destruction, and the Origin Gods. These ranks are split up into tiers Low, Middle, High, Perfect, and Supreme.

To put their powers in perspective think of Zeno from Dragon Ball Super he would be a Low Tier Mortal God, the same as the God of Toilets, (AN: Talking bad of Zeno, I love that ball of cuteness, he is just the perfect example, and yes these Gods are broken, their Gods for reasons.) and Middle Tier Mortal God will need about 10 seconds to defeat a Low Tier one usually, not kill.

Meaning they are 5x more powerful than a Low Tier one, and a High Tier Mortal God is 10x stronger than a Middle Tier. So for every tier up, it is a multiple of 5, meaning a Supreme Mortal God is 20x stronger than a Perfect Mortal God and 15,000 times stronger than a Low Tier Mortal God, a very big disparity.

Nushi is a Supreme Origin God and the guy he fought, Damek that he told me about, is a Perfect Origin God, and Nushi could blink him to atoms, but that would be no fun and Damek would just come back, because from Holy God onwards they are immortal, only dying if a higher-ranked God decides to kill them. However, almost all Gods are chill people so they hardly kill each other or fight even if they are 'good' or 'evil', there are truly no good or evil Gods they are just the title mortals hang on them, they do what they want.

So they find individuals they like and grant them some of their powers or powers, to see if they are the ones they seek to inherit them, they are called Champions, Heroes, Blackguard, and other things, making them a God. That was how most Gods came to be or the exception the power of faith created them, but those 'Gods' are not true Gods so they didn't even have a ranking. On the other hand, Origin Gods were there already, just like... *POP* and there's an Origin God, there is no real way of explaining it because they themselves don't even know. After the talk about all the God stuff, he went on to talk about the world he was going to send me to because I absorbed all the souls which were going to be used to replenish the monsters on that planet, Eden.

"Phew, man talking for that long made me short of breath, so that is everything and some more about me added on to I guess you shall be the first and probably be the only champion of any Origin God." He said to me smiling after taking a deep breath.

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