The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 4 - New World? Gods? System? Finale

I froze when I heard that because I know what this means and this is a very important decision for the Gods because some of them take up from 100 to a countless amount of years to select a champion, it is like a powerful master in a wuxia novel selecting a disciple for them.

"R-Really... are you sure?" I said solemnly. This wasn't something to play around with because we this I work for him, and things of that such and he looks out for me, basically a master and servant type of ordeal, a summoner and a familiar. I will agree to this because one, even if I the meet him now I trust him if I didn't even when he basically told me all about himself without even asking for my name, even if he already knew it if he read my mind, which I doubt he has done, my instincts tell me he is good. Second, like he just said I would be the very first Origin God familiar in existence, that alone is enough reason to accept this. Third, this is my way to power and the way to revive my family, simple enough.

"Hmph, I swear on my Godly existence that I want to make you my one and only Champion, I need an errand boy to collect souls for me to tast- I mean purify and make new creations, especially flesh make sure to eat plenty." He said while l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips and drooling. That reminded me that he mentioned that he was a glutton that loved to eat and any soul he eats goes through refinement and reverts back to their most pure state when that were being created in the w.o.m.b.

"So in exchange for your power I become your personal Waiter, a very fair exchange indeed, put em' there, hahaha!" I laughed fervently as tears started to stream down my face as the thought of being able to live with my family again and be with them passes through my mind, but I quickly calmed myself and took a deep breath, only a strong and steady will help me through my endeavors to come. Now all we need to do is the ritual to make me his Champion, I walk over to him prepared to believe in his trust in me and become a great Champion, and not one of those 'young masters' that swing their 'massive dongs' (their family's wealth and power) around thinking their the stuff, Disgustang (AN: The disgusting mom meme.).

"Oh yeah, before we start what is your name, I feel kind of silly not asking you this before what is your name." He said as he looked deep into my eyes, a hidden meaning behind them.

"My name is my name is Yahweh Magnus." (AN: If I'm correct and they are put together then it means I am greatest, I was going to go with Julian first which would have made it, I am father of the skies. Yahweh: I AM, Magnus: Greatest, Julian: Father of the skies.) I closed my eyes as I said this, but when I finished talking the realm started to cracked seeming like it would break, but then was repaired in a matter of seconds of course because Nushi used a good chunk of his powers to fix it, which in turn caused him to start sweating. However, with my eyes closed, I saw none of this, so when I opened my eyes I only saw Nushi sweating heavily.

"What's wrong with you?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly, wondering if he was okay, I only closed my eyes for a quick seconds to think.

"N-Nothing, don't worry about it, so shall we get started." He wiped his sweat away as he waved me off, I only shrugged in response. He bit his thumb to draw blood and drew a circle, runes, and symbols in his blood that I didn't understand. I froze for a second time during all this as I looked at his blood that was the same color as that liquid I absorb, black. I shake my head to dispel the thoughts because that wasn't important right now, it was time, Nushi already went over how and what I need to say in order for the Champion ritual to work and stuff, I don't know the technical stuff works.

I step into the circle and stand straight as Nushi begins the ritual by closing his eyes, summoning up his powers connecting it to his blood on the ground, and clapping twice.

"I, Nushi, God of all Beast, call upon the World to witness this grand ceremony!" Nushi yells out as he calls out to the World, as his voice resounds throughout his realm only as he wanted this to be a secret he used his Divine power to keep it to only himself, me, and the Higher Powers, as they call it. As Nushi finishes calling out, the world around us changes to a place that was like the HCBC, completely golden colored, and the ringing of bells resound along with the howls and cries of beasts.

"Do you Yahweh Magnus accept me, Nushi as your protector, guider, teacher, and whatever I need to be for you and the powers I give to you, and in exchange you will devote to do the best for me and yourself and strive to improve, succeed, and to overcome all!"

"I accept!" This turned out better than I had hoped, he wasn't making me his servant but more like a partner instead. 'I knew I could trust him', I smiled as I thought this and about the future to come with my partner in crime.

"Then it is done, I grant you my powers...I shall call it the Beast System, you as the host and me as the assistant and administrator." With that said and finished we returned back Nushi's realm and the first thing I asked him was about the system.

"Why a system, I'm not complaining in the slightest, I just find it strange that you know about systems in the first place." I turned and looked at him questioningly.

"When you're a bored God, even reading the creations of humans from Earth is a good way of passing time." He said while smiling weakly then coughed a bit.

"Anyway let us get this over with quickly so I can go rest and think on this a bit. So first things first pick from the list a base creature, and 5 supportive creatures from Earth." He waved his hand in my direction and a list of every creature possible was on there, or at least basic ones, low tier ones or small monsters.

[Choose 1 Base Beast]

[Wolf (Skyrim) ]

[Frostbite Spider (Skyrim) ]

[Jagras (MHW) ]

[Leopard (Earth) ]

[Shamos (MHW) ]

[Timber Wolf (WoW) ]

[Wulg (MHW:IB) ]


[Choose 5 Supportive Animals]





[Honey Badger]


I quickly choose the Wulg as my base creature because... well I didn't really know much about the other ones and I know Wulgs are pretty strong and useful, especially their rather big body, that is quick, flexible, and relisten they able to tackle onto hunter and grapple them and constrict them like a Boa Constrictor. Also, I won't be a normal Wulg I will be a much stronger version of it much larger by at least 3 times at least that is what it said on the description after cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on it.

[Wulg- Miniature fanged wyverns of the Hinterlands. They doggedly stalk prey in a pack and will attack even foes much larger than they. They are capable of lunging and biting at foes, as well as performing an acrobatic grapple attack that requires hunters to move quickly lest they be stripped of their health.]

[Changes have made to make it better, it will be 3x larger, and the bones, muscles, hide, and just about everything was made stronger, this is the same for all other selections.]

[Mantis Shrimp- They grant the ability to switch between club-like fists or spears, the ability to punch at such high speeds that they cause many sonic booms and shockwaves that fire out in front to stun or kill prey.]

[Waterbear- Gain the resilience of a Tardigrade, meaning you can withstand the temperature of lava without much to much trouble and have so resistance to the Sun. The cold barely affects you, and most poisons no longer affect you as you are basically in a permanent tun (AN: Look them up, you will be amazed.).]

[Peregrine Falcon- Grants you wings and basic air control mastery, move as you like in the air, and the main ability, boosted dives and flight speed. Basic Speed: 400 m/h, Diving Speed: 1000 m/h.]

[Giant Tortoise- Tortoises grant basically Eternal Life, you can still die from sickness, diseases, and the such, however, you won't age anymore after a.d.u.l.thood, along with strengthed hide, scales, bones, teeth, claws, and every body part. Raising stats by 100%.]

[Axolotls- Grants high-speed healing, limb regeneration, along with body part attachment. (AN: AnimalLogic Axolotls for more information).]

With all this done I think it was time to finally say goodbye to this place, and explore a new and open world while growing stronger, much, much stronger. I turn around to say goodbye to Nushi, but before I could do anything, a portal opened at my feet and I fell in.

"Nushiii!" Was the last thing that was heard from me before the portal closed up signifying my new beginning in a new world.

"Jeez, that kid sure took his time, *Cough, cough*." Man, I would have just formed a servant contract with him if I knew his soul would force me into one anyway and injure me too, man what is that kid." Nushi said in a shaky voice as a cold chill went down his spine, after coughing out blood showcasing his injures.

"Not only that but he inherited almost 20% of mine and Damek's blood, I wonder how he can handle two different types of Origin God's blood in his system, and not die instantly. Well, I guess this will be entertaining, heh- oww, my back, *Sigh* I'm getting too old for this." He said to himself as he hobbled to his bed, laid down and started to heal himself, while he watched over Yahweh.

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