The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 5 - Stats and Stat Information

"Nushiiiii!" I screamed out of surprized because he just upped in opened a portal under my feet when I wasn't prepared yet, but I quickly calm down and turn around as the portal closes behind me. I was free-falling or, more like floating, in what looked like a tunnel of light, pure white light, it reminds me of the Light Speed Warping in Star Trek and Star War, however, the pecks of light that dotted the tunnel are actually different worlds, dimensions, and the really hard to see ones were different realms and not stars.


I have been in this tunnel for a while, but it is understandable since Nushi was sending me to a good planet but it is in a realm different to his own. I guess while I wait I will just sleep but I don't want to miss anything important, hmm decisions... 'Wait! I could use my system as an alarm clock, yes this is a great way of using it.' I nod my head at my brilliance, 'I think some of Nushi's personality is rubbing off of me after that ritual.' I chuckle to myself with that joke, but I wonder if that is a thing. 'Anyways forget about that, let's look at the system and see what it can do.' "System."

[Yahweh there is no need for you to call me 'System' that's so rude of you, and here I thought we had something going, boohoo.] I deep and almost growl-like voice sounds into my mind, it was Nushi's voice.

'What the hell', "Where are you, aren't you sending me to another realm, and if that is the case I shouldn't be able to hear you at all." 'It probably has to do with God stuff and our connection.'

[First, how are you just going to ignore my complaining and crying and not apologize and comfort me. Second, no need to speak out loud, we communicate with our thoughts. Third and final, you are correct my good sir.] I can't see him, but I could feel it was radiating cheekiness, trying to make me feel bad for him... so I completely ignore him and just said, "Hmm."

[Wow... alright I'll stop, but yes I will be joining you on this journey, so I hope you guys are ready for a bumpy ride, hehe.] Nushi said with a toothy grin while looking into the distance (AN: Sigh, barely started and I already need to get the duct tape...maybe some for his mouth too or should I use the soap.).

'You guys...but there is only me, what are you talking about.' I said as question marks jumped around my head.

'Alright stop being weird, anyway, could you show me my status or stats whatever you want to call it'

[Status is just fine, also I won't be always talking or bothering you until you call upon me or I deem it fit, so from now on the System is your way of you talking to me, my way of keeping track of you, and your path to greatness, as you mortals would call it. Alright, I will leave you to your own devices, oh I refer to you as Yahweh and the System or myself created assistant will refer to you as Host, Champion, or whatever you want it to.]

'Okay thanks for the help, I really mean it.' I said with a smile, something that rarely shows, showing my gratitude.

[Master Nushi said, "No problems, I just need some good food in return tho, I'm looking forward to the meals, hehe." Is there anything else the host would like to know.] I guess Nushi is gone now because in his place was a very nice feminine voice, that was soothing on the ears.

'Yes, System can you show me my stats or status I mean.'


[Affirmative, Status Screen showing Past Stats]

[Name: Amari Rex: Dead, Age: 18]

[Level: 0]

[Strength: 6]

[Vitality: 7]

[Endurance: 10]

[Agility: 9]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Luck: .5]

[Charisma: 20]

[Skills: Sleath, Cooking, Knife Mastery...]

[Strength- 1 point of strength allows one to safety push or pull 100% of their body weight and with effort 200% of it, increases grip strength to 100% of the body mass for each point, and all other types of strengths by 100% for every point.]

[Endurance- The amount of stamina you possess, 1 point in this would allow normal humans to sprint 10 minutes straight without breaking a sweat, along with stronger defenses, the same amount of points in strength is required to break through their defenses, and 75% to cause damage, and 50% to do minor damage. There are expectations like high-speed attacks, piercing attacks, and such, Ex: A human can not punch through another human's skin, but a bullet and sharp objects can.]

[Agility- Every 1 point increases speed, attack speed, reaction speeds, and others by 10 miles per hour, and increases jump power by 10 meters.]

[Intelligence- Every 1 point increases MP by 100 points, increases thinking speed, increases memory and memory storage.]

[Luck- Simple enough, 1 point would be 1% chance of getting something you want or need, over 100% will get you more than you need.]

[Charisma- You look better and it is easier for people to like you and listen to you. Every 1 point is a 2% chance to persuade or convince someone or something.]

[Showing Stats for Healthy Human Male Atlethe]

[Level: 0]

[Strength: .2 or .3]

[Vitality: .2 or .4]

[Agility: .1]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 5]

[Skills: Sport Mastery Type: Any,...]


'Wow, I guess I was pretty strong back then, but if I wasn't I would have been crushed by a bear a long time ago. So with even 1 point of strength, I could crush I normal humans throat. Wait when did I start referring to them as humans, well I guess I'm human anymore... or I'm I. Anyway, I won't go into an identity crisis, I am Yahweh and I do what I deem right.' I pound my c.h.e.s.t in acknowledgment. 'Also stats are just stats they are just a general representation of people's or something's strength, it doesn't mean everything.'

'Alright, I guess I will check out my new stats when I get to Eden, for now, *Yawn*, I'm getting some shut-eye. System wake me up when we are about 30 secs. from Eden, if you so kindly could.'

[Alarm set, I will awaken host when Eden is close, you can rest well now.]

[No problem host. Sleep well.]

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