The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 14 - Mungo's Tribe

"Ohh, shoot I had almost forgotten. You need to ingest my blood in order for you to be truly reckoned as my family, as you need my bloodline." I had almost forgotten something so important as this ritual would only be a [Partnership] one of my blood wasn't given to the ones I d.e.s.i.r.e. Meaning it isn't a [Family] ritual if none of the parties involved don't partake in the other's blood.

Mungo didn't really understand as I could 'feel' the question marks that floated and bobbed around his head. Of course, he didn't ask any questions and only shrugged his shoulders, as he approached me then stopped right in front of me.

I lightly bite into my paw to draw blood, which in turn caused Mungo to flinch a little as he saw my blood and razor-sharp teeth. I chuckled a little at that, looked like he was still a bit afraid of me with only the [Partnership] ritual done, good to know, it should prove useful in the future. I then opened his lower jaw with my paw (as they can attach to things really well) and dropped my blood in before he could process what had happened.

The only thing he could react to, was when his blood started to heat up and his body turned a bright red, and steam evaporated from his pores. I guess it was too much for him, cuz he upped and fainted from what I could only assume was pain as his face was scrunched up in it. The reason he was in so much pain was that my blood was destroying his useless and weak blood cells and genes, and expelling them out of his pores in the form of steam.

'And with that everything is done. I guess I'll guess how to wait for him to wake up to get some answers.' I was wondering if the changes that were happening to his body immediate or would take time to affect him, and if so how long? 'Well, I don't really matter anyway. I guess I will just take another nap until he gets up, System set a [Alarm] please.'

[Alarm Set]

'*Yawn* Alright, now it's time for a quick nap, thanks System.' After thanking the System, like always, I closed my eyes to rest.

Day 3: 11:00 am

I heard Mungo stirring in his sleep so I got up so I could wake up before him, and so I'm not so groggy when I'm asking him questions, so I sat there waiting...and waiting.

[Alarm Canceled]

Day 3: 12:00 am

'You know what I wanted you to wake up peacefully, but now I have changed my mind.' The veins on my head, showcasing my anger, sprouted forth again as I saw Mungo c.h.e.s.t rise and fall, while his snoring only keeps on rising in volume. I could take it anymore, so I took in a large amount of air before I let it all out in my shout.

"WAKE. UP.!!!" After my shout, the planet was turned asunder...okay maybe not so overdramatic, but the walls and floor of the cave cracked under the pressure of my shout and large forces of wind were created. Mungo was already up by the first word and was directly blown out of the room, and most likely was smashed into the cave wall, as I heard the dull crash of his body getting embedded in it, along with his "Ow", that came soon afterward.

I head out of the room to see, like a predicted, Mungo stuck in the cave wall, I chuckled at the sight. I walked towards him, placed my paw on him, then yanked him out of the wall.

"Ow, ow, ow. Why did you do that!" He looked at me in great anger and looked like he wanted to skin me alive. However, I brushed it away and only gave him an indifferent and calm look.

"If I didn't wake you up, you'd be sleeping for another century, also I want to get some things done today. Also, I want to know why you came to me in the first place." If I could I would have my arms crossed to indict how serious I was, however, he could tell I was serious as he calmed down.

"Alright, so to get started I have to go back in time a little..."


*3rd-Person Flashback*

Mungo lived in a small clearing in the forest that was home to his small tribe of Stripped Monkeys. The tribe was under a clan of creatures that bounded together with other clans to protect and even strengthen their bloodlines, and Mungo's tribe was under one of the clans as servants.

They are called the Forest Alliance, made up of the Indra Clan, the Aqua Clan, the Gaia Clan, the Cloud Clan, and the Blaze Clan. All clans rule by power, meaning the weak can only survive and serve, while the strong rule.

The Indra Clan is a clan made up of all Forest beasts that use the power of lightning, thunder, or storms, aka the Thunder Clan. They are ruled by the Storm Wolves.

The Aqua Clan is a clan that inhabits the lakes and rivers of the Forests and are made up of all aquatic beasts and beasts that use the power of water, ice, and such. They are ruled by the Aqua Dragons.

The Gaia Clan is a clan that inhabited the Mountains that surrounded the Forest, they were made up of the beasts that controlled the Earth, and the minerals of it. They were ruled by the Titan Tigers.

The last and most powerful clan was the Blaze Clan. The Blaze Clan inhabited the few volcanoes that surrounded the Forest, they were able to as they were the smallest clan but were packed with a variety of powerful beasts. They were ruled by the Hell Flame Bears.

All these clans bounded together to protect themselves from the other alliances that existed outside the Forest, as there laid more powerful and more menacing threats for them than themselves.

However, Mungo's tribe was only a small tribe that lived under the rule of the Blaze Clan, as they lived in the forest close by to them, but they were split off by a ravine. They paid tribute to the clan in the form of the harvests they gathered from the forest and the meat they collected, and in return that were 'promised' not to be killed.

The tribe was ruled by the strongest monkey there and he was a tyrant of sorts, taking what he liked from all the village inhabits, messing up everything for the tribe, and fooling around with the women of the village. His son having enough of his father and thinking he was strong enough to beat his father, challenged him for his position as the Chief of the tribe.

The son's thinking proved to be right, he was far stronger than his father and what he imagined, almost killing his father in his fight, but sustaining some injuries. He raised his hands in victory and turned to his people, the people he loved. However, that was a mistake as his father took that time to launch a powerful and deadly sneak attack that launched his son into the ravine, never to be seen again, and he was still the strongest so he was still the Chief.

After that fight, it seemed to have made the Chief a whole new person, as he stopped with his tyrannical ways and become a good village Chief, which in turn caused peace for the village for years to come, and in those years Mungo was born. Of course, even from birth Mungo never had an easy life as his mother died giving birth to him. When he was lost in the forest as a 1-year old he stumbled across a plant he ate that caused his mutation, which in turn caused his bullying and mistreatment to increase.

For years to come, he was bullied and abused, but that all changed...the Chief's son had returned, but he was much more different than he was last remembered.


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