The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 13 - Magnus Family

After hearing what the monkey said I paused a bit not expecting that, then I immediately burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHA!", my laughing was so extreme that it even caused the cave to shake violently, I didn't try and laugh this hard, but the massive change in stats caused some controlling problems on my part, however, I was quickly able to get myself under control. My loud outburst turning into a little chuckle, I looked towards the monkey and it looked on the edge of fainting again, but this time out of shock shown by its facial expression.

"Haha, sorry about that, I just wasn't expecting it and it caught me off guard. But I guess it was pretty spooky for you. You don't have to worry, I don't have any ill intentions towards you." The monkey's outburst reminded me of how shameless lead protagonist always act. Hmm, I wonder if this monkey is the equivalent of them, but in animal form?

The monkey visibly relaxed a little but it was still on edge against me, but that makes sense, why would it believe me right away? If it did it would only be one, to confident, two, stupid, or three, all of the above.

"Seriously relax, if I meant to do you harm you wouldn't have even woken up already. Not only that, but I healed you and everything as well." I spoke to the monkey in a more relaxed and softer tone in my voice, as to try and convince it.

The monkey was again shocked, as it didn't really pay attention to its body before, as it looked down at its own body, stretching and moving around, it probably felt much better than it did before. When it looked up again I could see the clarity in its eyes, along with many emotions but most prominent being happiness.

The monkey immediately stood up like a human, reaching a height of about 4.5 feet, before it bowed down, "T-thank you, t-this means so much to me. I-I thought I was going to d-die I-".

"It's alright, there is no need to continue I understand your confusion and feelings. First, I healed you because I wanted you alive, as you are the first thing I could have a conversion with, without being attacked or already in a fight with. Second, like a said earlier, you are the first person I could have a conversion with, and I wanted a companion, and you fit the bill. Third and finally, I wanted some information from you, when I need it and as for why you entered my territory knowing the risk of death?"

With that, it brought enlighten to the monkey as he muttered an "Ohh," and slammed his fist into his open palm, and his tensed muscles loosen, even more, becoming almost completely chill, but not all the way. However, that would change over time, but this was good enough.

"Sooo, since everything not so tense anymore...what's your name little one." I flashed him a toothy smile with my eyes squinted, as the System didn't really show names, or they didn't have them.

The monkey looked a little annoyed at the term 'little one' but it was quickly replaced with a sad expression as he hung his head down, "I don't have one. I was never given a name, not even one at born, at least that is what I was told." The more the little guy went on, the more his head sunk down.

I frowned at this, his childhood definitely wasn't a happy one, "Then what are you referred to then." The frown stayed as I saw the monkey's head keep slowly getting lower and lower.

"I was called all kinds of things, idiot, dunce, misfit, and the likes of that. The others never really like me, so they picked on me, and the ones that didn't ignored the abuse and never helped."

I wanted to ask 'Who are the others' but I felt if I did, he would impale himself with his chin and collapse if I did. So I did the most reasonable thing and…

"How about give you a name then." And that was to bring him away from those past memories and comfort him.

"W-W-What?" He looked utterly confused and in such disbelief at such a proposition, that he failed to even process the meaning of it. "Why," was his next question as he wanted to understand my thought process.

"Well, I understand what you went through, trust me I went through it as well, and the way I cope with it was through family and forgetting about all the bad." Before I only wanted to use the monkey, as bad as that sounds, that was how this world worked. Now, however, I genuinely wanted help this guy as he basically felt like a younger, less abused me. So as I somewhat understand him, he would be the perfect first family member.

I lifted the monkey's chin up, and I didn't face much resistance, and I saw his eyes that were now filled with confusion and sadness. "I was exactly like you with all the abuse in my early life, the insults, beatings, all of it. But I pushed through and got to where I am now but not on my own, but by the people, I care for. However, now they are gone, but not forgotten, and I will do everything in my power to get the back of it is the last thing I do!" With that shout, the determination in me shot up once again, as I wouldn't let what happened before happen again.

*3rd P.O.V.

The monkey watching all this was shoken from his very core and his heartbeat began to quicken as it thought, 'Is having a family really that good, would it help me.' The monkey body was trembling as it thought of this, the thought of having a family, and people that cared about me and he would care about them. But what Yahweh said next, set off a bomb in its head.


"While I want to bring my family back, and which I will, I can't do it alone. While I might be strong, I'm not perfect, and actually, have a lot of problems. Not only that as I grow in strength I will most definitely will run into my problems, and some of those problems I may not be able to solve on my own. Even if the chance of that is minuscule, a chance is still a chance, no matter how small. So with that, I want to create another family, like the one I created before, and be able to welcome my old family to my new one with open arms. However, everything begins with the first step you. Will you join my new family, Mungo?" I finished my monologue, with my classic smile and a pat on the little guy's head.

It took him a little to process what happened but when he was done, he immediately jumped towards me, as the dam in his eyes burst open, causing the tears to flood out as he screamed, "Yes!"

I was a bit shocked at his immediate reply and response, but I chalked it up to be my [Charisma] and his age, but mostly my [Charisma].

As the now dubbed, Mungo cried and held onto my tail, I justed rubbed his head and comforted him. It took a while but he finally calmed down, so now I can say what I wanted to say, now that he decided to join my family.

"Alright, now that you decided on joining my family we need to make it actually official. We need to complete the ritual." The ritual was from the [Emperor's Domain] skill, this was how the people with this skill are able to do what they can do, it required rituals to use said abilities on a target. There are many different types of rituals ranging from [Master to Servant] rituals, to [The Strongest Rules] rituals, meaning if the servant becomes more powerful than the user of the skill, they can take the skill from the user.

The ritual I was using was the [Partnership/Family] ritual, as this one allows me to control people, but it gives complete freedom to the person or thing. However, in exchange for the control, I need to protect them as the damage done to them will affect me, emotional that is not physical. Essentially meaning I'm more emotionally attached to the people I'm bonded to, and in exchange for that, every person or thing bonded to me gives me 50% of their stats, and I get their abilities. It is a broken ability.

The ritual also includes the ability to transport myself to them or them to me, if I allow it, the ability to talk to them anywhere, switch places with them, give them my power (temporarily, and they can't hurt me), give them abilities (aka teach them, ability won't be lost, and the amount and ability is limited for each person), and many other useful things.

Mungo was shocked at how useful this ritual was, and even hastened me to start it with puppy dog eyes. I honestly know it Mungo was the shameless, cowardly type...well at least outwardly he was. Anyways, I started the ritual by getting Mungo to sit down on his knees and hands on his legs, with his eyes closed. As I put my massive paw on his head a golden circle, that was filled with all different types of runes and patterns, appeared on the floor.

"Mungo are you willing to join the Magnus family." I spoke out, my voice turning into something mythical and powerful as I started the ritual.

"I am willing!"

"Good, then I shall state the rules. Rule 1, as a family member you must strive for strength, as without strength you can not protect the family. Rule 2, family must look out for each other. Rule 3, the family must think as a single entity and not separated, meaning think with the mindset that would benefit everyone and not just yourself. Rule 4, everyone in the family is of equal status, however, with more strength comes more authority, but never let that get to your head, or punish will be due. Rule 5, the family is one, if one is hurt, everyone is hurt, meaning do what you can to help each other. Rule 6, never and I mean never betray the family or even think about hurting it. There maybe more down the line, but for now this will do for now. Do you agree to these rules, and take them in as your own beliefs."

"I am willing."

"Excellent! Then from here on forward, you will be now known as Mungo Magnus, from the Magnus family.

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