The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 12 - Awakening

'...System, I'm going to need a very good explanation from you.'

[Host's bloodline is very strong, and along with all the skills and abilities you possess, this has caused any DNA from you in any form, will give massive benefits to any living creature. Healing is only one of them, so your saliva will easily heal any damage that was dealt to the creature, your blood even more so, however, it will do more than just healing. On the other hand, giving out your blood to only the people you d.e.s.i.r.e will cause an effect, not when you bleed and someone drinks that blood, as it will lose its effects.]

'Hmm, this is good so I wouldn't have to worry about some evil scientist or mage using my blood to become powerful or something like that. Along with that, that means I can beef up my partners and trustful and trustworthy allies.' I look towards the monkey as I begin to contemplate on what to do with it. 'You know what, I'll just experiment with this guy first and see how the partnership thingy will go. Wait...guy? How I'm I suppose to know if it's a guy or a girl. Hey System, could you help me out with that.'

[Right away Host, gender will now show up in the [Status] of every living thing now.]


[Name: Yahweh Magnus: Healthy, Gender: Male, Age: 0, Race/Tier: ???]

[Level: 0, 8,815/200]

[HP: 8,550,000/8,550,000, MP: 8,550,000/8,550,000]

[Strength: 500 (85,500)]

[Viality: 500 (85,500)]

[Endurance: 500 (85,500)]

[Agility: 500 (85,500)]

[Intelligence: 500 (85,500)]

*[Luck: 100 (17,100)]*

[Charisma: 100 (17,100)]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Skills: Limb Attachment, Semi-Immortality, Air Mastery, Heat Resistance (Extreme), Cold Resistance (Extreme), Poison Immunity, Mammal Pack (171x Base Stats), Explosive Punches, Eternal Youth (After Age 21), Heighten Senses, Inspect, Body Manipulation, Roar (Creates Fear, Chaos, Damages, and Flinches), Speed Boost, Clones, Emperor's Domain, Beast Language]


'Alright, sweet thanks System.'

[No problem, Host.]

'Hmm, what can I do to make this monkey not so afraid of me, hmm. You know what let's try this, my monkey brethren back on Earth liked this, especially when they were kids, and this monkey is still pretty young.' I walk towards the monkey slowly as to not wake it up, but I highly doubt that would happen but you can never be too safe. When I was close enough to it I took a deep breath and then exhaled as I was probably was going to do the weirde-...actually, what the hell I'm I acting up for. My 'parents' made me do so many worse and humiliating things, I just got to man up and do what I got to do.

With newfound resolve, I open mouth and allow my saliva to dribble onto the monkey's body without hesitation. If I continued with the same mindset as a normal human being's morals and ethics, then I probably won't get much done. Well, of course, I won't abandon my humanity, as that would be bad and will make me no different than a wild beast, but I need to do what needs to be done...buuuttt I'm still going to laze around. I mean my last life was stress-filled every day, so why not enjoy this one, surrounded by the people I care about while making new friends and family.

Anyways, besides the newfound resolve, as my saliva bathed the monkey, a smooth, bright green light surrounded the monkey and as it pulsed, the monkey was getting better and better, how could I tell. Well, the System made a very useful feature appear after my battle with the wolves. It was like the game mechanic in Monster Hunter World, which had numbers pop up showing how much damage an attack did, and if that attack hit a weak spot or not with colors, this feature will be very helpful in the future.



[Striped Monkey (Mutation): 5000/5000HP, 5000/5000MP]

'So my saliva not only heals but it restores MP too. That is good to know. I guess my future members will have to carry bottles of my saliva with them, hehehe.' Just thinking about that thought made me laugh, but also weird me out.

I look towards the monkey again after being distracted and see that its breathing was in checked and it looked good. However, I could see that its face was scrunched up, and its body was moving into a fetal position with its fists balled up; as if to protect itself. I'm sure it is experiencing a nightmare, as I had seen this before. So I laid down next to the monkey and curled myself into a ball, as that happened the monkey subconsciously grabbed my fur and pulled closer to me, embracing itself into the new warmth it had found.

'System wake me up when the monkey is starting to wake up.'

[Okay, Host will be noticed when the creature begins to wake up.]


[No problem Host.]


??? P.O.V.

'Ughh, where I'm I, what happened.' The last thing I can remember was...him, then after what happened with...him, my mind was all messed up and fuzzy. After that I remembered smelling this odd new presence I never sensed or seen before, it was terrifying, yet calming at the same time, but again my mind was messed up so I headed towards it. As I kept going forward, the pressure the presence emitted was becoming more and more of a burden to bear but I felt...something, like I would miss something if I didn't go so I did.

After going past the trees where the pressure felt the highest, I felt the pressure lessened but it was still there, lingering. I continued into the part of the forest, that I remembered was those Lightning Wolves' territory, but I didn't smell their mark anywhere around here so I was safe. After a little more time, I saw this weird black and white wolf looking thing that, that looked like a cross between a wolf and a cat a bit. I honestly didn't know, but I did know it was something new.

I was curious of why this thing that didn't look very tough was here in the wolves' territory, as it wasn't really emitting a smell of it or even any type of smell at all. Now I prided my nose, as it is very strong and has gotten me out of a lot of situations, so I trusted it to guide me, since my brain couldn't, and my already weak body felt like giving out. Since I was desperate and the weird thing hadn't noticed me, I decided to test my luck and threw a rock at it to test the waters, and as the rock hit disintegrated. I was in utter disbelief and I knew I screwed up, so I fainted from fear of what was awaiting me, most likely my inevitable demise.

Now I was surrounded by complete darkness and silence...was I...dead. However, I felt warmth, a warmth I hadn't felt in so long and I doubt that I died but there was that saying 'The warm embrace of death' a saying that humans love to use. How I do I know these things, I have no idea, I think they came to me after this mutation I went through after eating that one weird plant, which started my suffering. So the only way of finding out where I was, was to look around.

I stretch my arms out only to touch something soft and warm...was this the warmth that surrounded me. I looked up and saw grey, and then I looked around again and saw black but also white. I get up as I was on the floor and saw that I was in a cave of some kind. I wondered what this black and white thing was then, as it just looks like a weird circle.

As I got out of the weird circle, I heard something that scared the daylights out of me from behind, "So you are finally awake, huh. It took you long enough." A deep, menacing, but somehow soothing voice pierced through my ears and tunneled towards my heart, as it started to pump faster in fear. I slowly turn around, trying my best not to faint again or I really might die this time.

When I fully turn around I saw striking yellow eyes, with black pupils that had a yellow circle splitting it the pupils into 2 circles. The eyes gave the creature a crazed look like it would rip you apart without questioning, but its body gave out a soothing feeling, that was the only thing preventing me from running away...well that was if I could as my body said I couldn't, especially with my legs that felt like giving out. So I did the best thing I could do and that was...

"Please mercy milord, mercy! I don't taste good at all, in fact, I taste terrible and would give you a stomachache! I would be more helpful to you alive, than in your stomach! Please, I will do anything!" I instantly dropped to my knees and put my hands together as I begged for mercy, as I was at its whim, my life and death rested on its decision.

P.O.V. End


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