The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 11 - Marking Territory and Encounter

'Uggh, my head. What the hell happened.' I woke up still in the Alpha Wolf's...well my room now. So it seems like I passed out from buying the [Mammal Pack], and that is why my head is killing me as all different types of information was stuffed into my head rapidly in my sleep. I mean I'm somewhat used to it as it happened to me in the HCBC (Heavenly Cauldron of Beastly Creations). However, most of it was just the experiences of wild animals on Earth, not too important.

'System how long have I been out for.' I wondered as it was still light outside, maybe even a little brighter than when I first got here, but then again I wasn't really paying attention to the time of day.

[Host has been asleep for 20 hours, so it is early in the morning as the Host has slept through the night, Host also didn't have to worry about his safety or new territory as nothing has come within a 20-mile radius of it. Also as this will be the Host's new home, Host should mark it to ward off unwanted company. The time is now Day 2: 6:37 AM.]

'Alright, thanks I will do that but first, [Status].'


[Name: Yahweh Magnus: Healthy, Age: 0, Race/Tier: ???]

[Level: 0, 8,815/200]

[HP: 8,550,000/8,550,000, MP: 8,550,000/8,550,000]

[Strength: 500 (1000)]--> [Strength: 500 (85,500)]

[Viality: 500 (1000)]--> [Viality: 500 (85,500)]

[Endurance: 500 (1000)]--> [Endurance: 500 (85,500)]

[Agility: 500 (1000)]--> [Agility: 500 (85,500)]

[Intelligence: 500 (1000)]--> [Intelligence: 500 (85,500)]

[Luck: 100 (200)]--> *[Luck: 100 (17,100)]*

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Beast Points: 74,588]

[Skills: Limb Attachment, Super Regeneration--> Semi-Immortality, Air Mastery, Heat Resistance (Extreme), Cold Resistance (Extreme), Poison Immunity, Tortoise's Body-->Mammal Pack* (170x Base Stats), Explosive Punches, Eternal Youth (After Age 21), Heighten Senses, Inspect, Body Manipulation, Roar (Creates Fear, Chaos, Damages, and Flinches), Speed Boost, *(New) Clones*, *(New) Emperor's Domain, *(New) Beast Language*]


'Holy d*mn, I'm overpowered as f*ck, and my [Luck] is outrageous is this what a Wuxia protagonist feels like. Maybe those protagonists have 1M in [Luck] at the beginning of their adventures or something as everything just falls right in place for them...I'm I a protagonist?' I shake my head to clear those thoughts as I feel it will only lead to horrible things...just a gut feeling.

[Host's [Luck] has been restricted to only 200 by Master Nushi as if it was fully unleashed the Host would only have to sleep and the world would fall into your palms.]

'I see that would be very boring if that happened, thanks for the help Nushi. Anyways, it is time to first mark my territory, then go exploring.' I get up and felt that my headache was gone, but my body was a bit sore, so I stretched at best I could in this body, but I guess only going outside will fix the soreness my body feels.

As I went out of the cave, I was immediately hit straight in the eyes with an intense ray of Sunlight, temporarily blocking my vision, but it only took a second or two to get adjusted to it before I started to walk again. I stopped at the base of the cave, which basically looked like a circular fighting ring that was raised up as the cave was carved into a small hill. The stage or entrance gave a nice overlook at the trees and the surroundings of the hill which were more...trees.

Anyways, I just went around in a 20-mile radius as the cave as the center and marked the trees that bordered the edge of it. I marked the trees by slashing deep into them with my claws. I had to change my paws into my thin and narrow ones to allow the use of claws, as my beefy mitten-like ones (that were great for punching) couldn't really get the job done. I also left bits of my fur around the base of said trees, as I couldn't really just urinate on command...or could I. Anyways, I just used my fur as that was good enough for now.

After about almost 2 hours or so I was done with completely marking my territory and with this it will ward off most things, but of course, there are some exceptions like a didn't know... maybe that monkey in the trees, that thinks it is sneaky and hasn't been spotted yet. Yes, probably something like that, either there is something wrong with the monkey or...nuh there definitely something wrong with it.

Like how it 'snuck' to the ground and picked up a rock then climbed back up, what for I have no I idea. I then saw it get in a power throwing position, like a pitcher, with rock, then it me. The rock upon colliding me literary crumbled into dust and a slight breeze blew the dust away. I turn veryyy slowly to the monkey, the monkey was just standing there in place with its mouth and eyes wide open. I found it kinda funny as this monkey reminded me of my siblings back on Earth, and of course, I should give it a light spook.

I slowly walk up to the monkey and get right into its face, however, the monkey was still shocked beyond belief and it still had not recovered. I shake my paw in its face to get it attention but it still didn't react.

"Boo?" I tried to scare it awake and it still didn't react. 'There must be something wrong with this monkey's brain. How is it still even alive with how it's acting.' The thought of this caused sweat to permeate my scalp. With not leave to do I tap...well tried to tap on its body, as soon as my hand lightly brushed it, it falls over its expression not changing once.

'Wait...don't tell fainted.' My eyes started to twitch at how ridiculous this situation is. 'If it was so much of a coward, then why would it still risk it to enter my territory and even follow me?' Hmm, something must be going on I guess I will take it to my cave and ask it when it gets up.

I transform my paw into an ape's hand, picked up the little monkey, placed it on my back, made sure it was secure and wouldn't fall off easily, then I head back to the cave, but not before changing back to my paw.

Day 2: 8:35...

When I got back to the cave, I went to one of the empty room and place the monkey on to the fur-covered floor. Since I'm not out in the open and can do this now, I carefully looked at the monkey, I would have done that earlier, but it would have run off most likely and that would have been troublesome, anyways. The monkey actually wasn't even that big, it was about the size of a Golden Retriever, body-wise, but it's tail, arms and legs were about 3.5 feet long each. It was more on the lean side then muscular so it was most definitely an agile monkey, that favored in speed but lacked in strength. The most interesting thing about the monkey was its completely white coat of fur that was lined in black stripes, like a Zebra, this monkey was weird through and through.


[Name: Striped Monkey (Mutation): Injured (Internal), Frightened, Brain Damage, Age: 4, Race/Tier: Yin-Yang Ape, Low High Tier]

[Level: 0]

[HP:1000/5000, MP: 0/5000]

[Strength: 50]

[Vitality: 50]

[Endurance: 50]

[Agility: 100]

[Intelligence: 5 (50)]

[Luck: 10]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Skills: Climbing]

[Negative Effects: Internal Bleeding- -5HP every 10 seconds]


'Hmmm, this is bad, I guess I got to heal it first. System is there a skill in the shop for healing or something.'

[There are multiple skills for healing Host, however, that would be a waste of points Host.]

'Ohh, and how so?'

[Okay Host this my come off weird and strange, but all Host needs to do is...]

'Do what. What is it?'



[Bawhahaha, oh man I definitely need to save this one to the album.] Nushi back in his realm bursts out laughing while wiping away tears, at the sight of Yahweh's expression.

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