The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 10 - Lottery

After dragging my kills into the cave, I went back outside to see if everything was okay, because I large battle just went down, so it definitely drew some attention. However, it looked like everything was relatively safe as I couldn't hear or see anything in about a 20-mile radius and with my enhanced senses I could see farther, but all the trees make it harder to sense much. It looked like the battle had scared away most of the creatures and most likely the wolves were apex predators in this chunk of the woods, so not many things were around anyways. So with the scouting and investigating down I went back into the cave.

When I got back into the cave, I looked around more carefully to check out my new home and see what needs improvement. The first and most noticing thing was the massive amount of bones and blood that covered the ground, it looked like a feast had gone on here, I definitely need to clean this up. The second thing would be the room that was exuding a light blue mist meaning it was cold in there, I couldn't really tell as it didn't affect me. I went to go check it out and saw that there were bodies stored in there that were covered in frost and ice, this was the freezer. this would come in handy. Next would be the room that was causing a heat haze, meaning that the room was definitely hot, this room was used to heat up the frozen bodies it seems. Finally, there are the 5 large holes that were dug out into the ground far in the back of the cave, that was filled with the fur and skin of the beast the wolves killed, these were the sleeping areas.

'After cleaning out the bones, bits of meat, blood, and the smell in here, this will be a nice home for now.' I nodded my head in acknowledgment and approval, this was indeed a fantastic place to live. With that thought in mind, I look towards the mess on the floor and thought about it a bit before I decided that it would be a waste to just throw out these perfectly good bones so I did the most normal thing and devoured them, not a thing wrong with that.

[Host has gained 200 Beast Points.]

'That is a lot more than what I was expecting but this is good, well it is time for the main course, *Slurp*, hehe.' I licked my chops after the bone appetizer, then I proceed to chow down on the wolves, and man they were simply divine, they were so good I could eat this all day.

[Host has gained 8,815 from the bodies and 165,000 from the souls.]

'Haaa, man I wish a discovered food earlier, I really messed out on a lot, no wonder those protagonists eat so much. Man, I couldn't wait for more. Well since I have all these points I might as well spend some of them.' I head into the Alpha Wolf's bedroom, most definitely his', as it was the biggest and most comfortable.

'System show me the features please.'

[Much obliged Host.]







'Okay questions, what is the [Quests/Goals] function, what is the [Realm/Inventory] function, and the [Lottery] one.'

[The [Quests] function is for the things Master Nushi asks of Host or anyone else, they will not be forced in anyways and will have no consequences if not accepted or done, they are just reminders. The [Goals] function is basically a reminder of Host's goals and also a form of motivation for the Host, again there will never be a penalty for any of these.]

[The [Realm/Inventory] is exactly what Host thinks it is. It is your own personal dimension like Master Nushi's one. Host can create it however Host like and upgrade at any time, change it anyhow, it is basically Host's own little world, where Host can put anything and anyone here wants here, however, they must either be a partner, ally or captive to enter.]

[The [Lottery] function is basically a free goodie every month for the Host. The Host has a free use for it right now.]

'Oh wow, that's a lot of to hear and I get a free [Lottery] ticket, sweet! I wonder what I will get...well only one way to find out, [Lottery].'

When I thought of opening the [Lottery] in my head this large flamboyant screen popped up in my face. It looked like the entrance to a giant casino at night, as the myriad number of colorful lights assaulted my eyes, and a tiny figurine of Nushi in a suit, looking like the Monopoly man was pointing towards the entrance. So I thought about going inside then the doors opened, and I started to rapidly approach them and I entered them, then everything when dark, like a loading screen in a video game.


[Pick a Number]

[Choose a Card]

There were many games on it but I wanted to get back to reality faster, so I picked [Spin-the-Wheel] as it was simple and seemed fun. As I picked it, this massive golden wheel that was covered with all buds of lights that flickered on and off and had a hand crank that was probably used to spin it. Then another menu popped in my face.




Anyways, the wheel began to slow down, as I chanted for something good as the clinking of the pointer passing over the triangles notches that were used to slow it down. The wheel after a while came to a complete stop on a dark golden colored triangle, after it stopped the wheel and everything else disappeared and I was brought back to reality.

When I read and saw what I got a grin plastered my face as this was a skill I truly wanted and needed for a person lazy as me.

[Emperor's Domain/Pack Leader- Allows the user to dominate, order, control, those the user as made submit, partner with, and along those lines. Those that have submitted are forever loyal to the user unless the user dies, or something of higher authority changes them as such. The user can see through the eyes of his servants, gain the skills of his servants, gain exp (For Host, Beast Points as well), and many other uses. Servants killed will have their souls brought back to the user not disperse or move on]

'This just perfect, man I'm going to love this ability. I can make servan- no family that will help me with all different types of tasks that I honestly don't feel like doing, and they can bring me food, while I can just sit back and relax, *Sigh*, this is the best. However, I wish I had this earlier I would have brought the wolves to my...pack. Well no point crying over spilled milk.'

'Next up is the [Shop]. [Shop].' I was still feeling giddy after that but I need to check the [Shop] ask about more things I'm curious about, then finally go and explore what this island holds and maybe make a partner or 2. As I called out the [Shop] a menu popped up that was kinda like the [Lottery] one.






There were only a few differences between the two but not by much, anyways, this time I chose [Beasts] and then it split into even more categories.







I just chose [Earth] as again, everything would get too complicated and I probably don't have enough points to purchase any of them. As I descended into the [Earth] list, I saw something that caught my eye it was this creature called the [Planarian Flatworm] (AN: Thanks for the creature DragonkingKyo for the creature).

That was purchased immediately and I didn't even get to check my new skills as something caught my eye.

[Mammal Pack- Contains all 5000+ species of Earth all in this one pack to make my life easier (Nushi), basically gives a 100x multiplier to all stats and gives basic skills like Enhanced Senses, Claw Swipe, Crushing Blow, etc. Cost 100,000 Beast Points. Warning may cause nausea.]

I got to the 100x part and instantly brought the skill, however, I wasn't able to read the nausea part because of my excitement (AN: Cough, Cough not an excuse to end the chapter early, Cough, Cough). Before I know it, my head slumped into slumber.

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