The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 9 - Getting Started Part 4

'Alright bring it on!' With my mental declaration of battle, the fight had begun. The wolves started off first by circling me, to block off any route for escape, except the sky, but why would I run away from free exp and a good meal. After the wolves got a good feel on me, one of them charged out with a blistering speed that to the n.a.k.e.d eye would be nothing but a blue blur, but to me, it was too slow, I could even see how the wolf ran.

Instead of running it was more like short leaps; as the front legs hit the ground they would the muscles would tense up and dog into the ground leaving behind large paw-shaped footprints, then the back legs hit the ground as they also tense up and compact, storing power, then it will all be released into an explosive leap forwards, all that happens within the span of .5 of a second.

I could the saliva that dribbled and splashed onto the ground showing the anticipation of the wolf ready to taste my blood and flesh. I could see the razor-sharp teeth and fangs that lined it mouth, that was wide open primed and ready to tear into my throat and crush my neck, with its powerful jaw-muscles, however, this was all out of the corner of my left eye.

Without even so much as even looking in the wolf's direction, I punched out as it ripped through the air creating a small sonic boom that resounded with a loud *Boom*. However, I twisted and rotated my arm so that instead of smashing and crushing the wolf's skull it veered in its direction and smashed into its neck, crushing and breaking it instantly with a sickening *Crunch*. The punch was so powerful that it almost immediately rip off its head as the only thing keeping it attached to its body was a small bit of flesh and fur. The rest of the force of the punch sent it flying off right back towards the wolf leader, and as the leader wolf saw this it sidestepped out of the course of the corpse, and with nothing to stop it, it was logged into the cave wall.

As the wolf's danging head could only take so much harassment, the fur and flesh that keep it together were ripped off, causing its head to fall and roll on the floor. The wolves, seeing the death of their comrade, eyes started to turn red and bloodshot, as their bloodl.u.s.t was heightened to a point where an almost visible blood-red aura radiated off of them. Their fur raised up into the air, and they lowered their backs into a pouncing stance, ready to leap on me and tear me to pieces, and they bared their teeth as they started to growl more aggressively. All of them were like this except the leader, while his body showed it's rage and aggression, its eyes remained, cold, sharp, and calculative.

'Looks let the warm-up is done and the real fight begins.' A toothy 'grin' plastered my face and I guess the wolves took that as a cue to begin.

"*Awooo*", *Boom*. The howls of the wolves signified them getting serious as when they were howling blue streams of lightning started to flood into their bodies and then they exploded outwards in lightning. They looked like mini Zinorges with their blue and white fur, raising and falling as lines and waves of electric pulsed and spread throughout their bodies. They now looked at me with their eyes, that looked as if lightning infused with them as well, filled with rage and hunger for my blood.

The wolves begin circling me again but the leader stay where he was, they then stopped and spread they legs out and their backs still low to the ground, waiting for a signal from the leader most likely, and my guess was correct when the leader started to howl and all the wolves rushed towards me. However, the howl from the leader wolf was different as when it howled the surroundings started to darken and turn to an electric blue, look when a Chidori is being formed. After that, a pulse of powerful crackling lightning shot out of the leader wolf in a circle that rushed in a direction, especially in my direction and hit me and the wolves if it continued. Of course, I could easily dodge it by jumping into the air, but the leader wolf most likely predicted I would so the wolves would have an easy target, but what it didn't know was that I would just sit there and take it, I wanted to know if it would affect me.

So as the lightning approached me the wolves started their charges and waited in pouncing positions for me to jump, but of course, that didn't happen and I and the wolves were hit by the pulse of lightning. The wolves looked like they were stunned as they tensed up a bit, but it was nothing serious and only made them a little numb, but when it hit me it only felt like a light tickle and nothing more.

'Well, I guess I'm done playing games and testing myself with these Low Tier wolves, I just test out the leader I little more, then finish this little escapade.' With that to the wolves, I disappeared and 4 of the same sickening crunches accompanied by sonic booms resounded, then the light in wolves' eyes died out and their corpses dropped to the floor. Now there was only the wolf leader left.

I reappeared in a blur in front of the wolf leader, and it took it a second to realize what just happened before, its own eyes lost their clarity and focus, as they turned blood red, he was truly and utterly p*ssed. The wolf howled again and a pulse of lightning shot out of it again but this time it was completely focused in my direction. I stayed in the same spot and tanked it and this time a felt a slight sting but that was about it.

After the pulse of lightning hit me the wolf leader rushed out at me at a speed that was twice the amount speed than the regular wolves, and it appeared in front of me in an instant with its jaws wide open with loud crackling waves of lightning filling its mouth and throat aimed at my throat, the skill it was using was most likely [Lightning Crunch]. I quickly put power into my left leg as I pivoted my entire body out of the way and onto its left side, and I sent my tail forward like a whip, smashing into its body, sending it flying. However, it stopped its momentum by digging its claws into the ground, leaving long, deep claw marks into the ground. It finally came to a stop after about being sent 10 meters away, it had a pretty good amount of strength to stop itself from being sent completely flying

[Alpha Lightning Wolf: Heavily Injured, HP: 5,000/45,000, MP: 40,000/45,000]

'Ohh, this is very useful information, especially in a fight, System truly is a great assistant.' Well, it seemed like the wolf leader was only putting on a facade, I guess if I looked more carefully it is trembling slightly and it breathing was becoming more and more labored, it definitely was suffering from heavy internal injuries and even if I left it be, it would die very soon to it injuries.

'Well, I guess I should put it out of its misery and show it some of my true power.' I raised my left arm to the wolf leader and motions for it to come, as I shaped my vocal cords to be able to speak and said: "Kuru, show me all you got!" (AN: Kuru means "to come" in Japanese.)

The wolf leader like it could understand me and my gesture, known it was close to death so it put all balls to the wall into it final attack to try and finish this, and I brought my left arm all the way back, putting all the power I could into it, since I don't have a ranged attack, I will let out a full-powered punch.

The surroundings quickly darkened again and this time a dark blue color that seemed to be the only light was present in the darkness, as it looked to be absorbing all the light as visible rings. As more and more rings of light were getting absorbed the sound of crackling lightning resounded, blocking out all other noises, and the power of the wolf's final attack grew stronger and darker. After about 5 more seconds, almost nothing could be seen and were only vague outlines, that even I had trouble seeing, the rings of light were no longer present and only the sound of crackling lightning and high-pitch bird-like chirps existed at this moment in time.

During all that I tensed my muscles up and compacted as much power as I could into my punch to match the wolf finale attack. The wolf attack was finally launched and when it did it sounded like a 1000 thunderclaps all in one, and a thick dark blue streak of lightning that was 3 meters wide shoot out of the wolf's mouth. As it traveled and ripped through the air, it completely and utterly decimated the ground and giving it a hellish look as it traveled straight towards me. It sent out waves of energy that were pushing back the trees and creating waves of wind, like a Super Saiyan transformation, just without the screaming and other things. I breathed out a long and solemn breath as I give out a loud cry and punched out.

"Roarrr!" I powerful and deep roar, that sounded like Nargcurga's, that sent out shockwaves and blow away all the remaining debris and dust around me, as I sent my fist forward and with only that alone the shockwave and wind created from my roar were destroyed if they were anywhere close to it. My fist created many minicircles of air, like a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier, as it broke the sound barrier multiple times, but it created no sound whatsoever, as it traveled forward. Only when my fist was fully extending did it create any sound, a loud *Boom* that resounded throughout the forest and overpowered even the lightning, as a visible wave of force in a circular fashion sped towards the lightning beam.

When they collided, there was no cool explosions or anything like that, there was only an even louder *Boom* than before. My punch's shockwave completely overpowered the beam of lightning and destroyed it almost instantly, and continued to head towards the wolf and hit it head-on. The wolf died instantly and its body was sent flying straight into the cave's wall like the previous one, but it was stuck even deeper into the cave wall by about 10 times deeper. If it wasn't for the wolf's strong and robust body and the slight weakening of the shockwave, then its body would have exploded into a million pieces upon contact with the shockwave, but good thing that didn't happen, or how else would I eat its body. However, that didn't stop its body from being horribly mangled and beyond repair, but it was still edible.

[Host has earned 8,815 Experience.]

'However, the next time I need to control my power better or there won't be a body to eat and that would be horrible. Well, I guess I should collect the spoils of battle, reflect on the results, and get finale settled into my new home, but first.'

'I ask that Nushi will lead all the souls I 'eat' and the creatures I kill into a better and more prosperous life, in their new lives, humans not included...okay most humans.' I closed my eyes and pray...well more like asked Nushi to help all the lives a take didn't make me feel so good and a little guilty, as I love animals, and I killed a good bit today.

[Host needs not worry as Master Nushi shall take care of them as thanks for a good meal, and for the Host, as he knows a good bit about your personality.]

'Alright, that is good...well I guess it is time to rest for the first here, and check out that shop.' I thought to my self as I drag the wolves' corpses into the cave with me.

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