The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 16 - Yahweh v.s. Magma

Small Announcement/Shout-out: There is a new and upcoming artist going by the username, on Instagram, @d3migodart, if you peeps can check him out, or even support him if you like his art, that would be great. Anyways, I'll stop taking up your time for what you came here for, enjoy ????.



[Name: Magma: Cursed, Age: 35, Race/Tier: Flaming Fist Kong, Upper High Tier]

[Level: 50]

[HP: 8M, MP: 8M]

[Strength: 100K]

[Vitality: 80K]

[Endurance: 80K]

[Intelligence: 80K]

[Luck: 20]

[Charisma: 35]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Skills: Flaming Fist, Flame Eruption, Flaming Meteor, Flame Geyser, Magma Spew, Comet, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Blazing Grapple]


[*Ding* New Quest]


[A Fight of Ferocity]

[Quest Description: Defeat, subdue, or kill Magma, however you do it doesn't matter.]

[Quest Rewards: Flame Manipulation, Fire Immunity, Flame Absorption, 1M Beast Points, 10M Exp, Flaming Fist Kong (Unknown Mutation) Bloodline]


'Huh, well that's neat. After this, I should get some more bloodlines.'

After the mental note, I quickly pounced into the air over Magma's lunge and whipped my tail towards his face. My tail cut through the air and quickly landed on the back of his hairy head. However, since my tail isn't the most powerful it didn't do much to him, but mess up his hair, as his HP didn't budge much.


He froze in place when my tail struck the back of his head, then turned around with his mouth hung wide open, like someone just told him Karen took the kids. But he shook his head clear of thoughts, then lifted his head and roared out in laughter, "HAHA, what was that! You expect to defeat me with that, you hit like a puny human! HAHA, I can't wait to get my hands on you." A small smug 'grin' appeared on his mug at that notion, then he dug his arms into the ground to anchor himself, and opened his mouth, as an orangy, fiery hue started to glow down his throat.

'Based all video games or books, when something like this happens a monster is usually charging up a powerful attack. And based on his skills, this may be [Flamethrower] or [Magma Spew], but most likely [Magma Spew] as [Flamethrower] should be a fairly quick move but weaker move, but [Magma Spew] should be the opposite.'

I quickly changed my front legs into a more slender and agile shape, but my feet were larger, more muscular, and bulky, with had long sharp claws on them. The legs were for faster movement, precision, and accuracy, while the feet were for more powerful and deadly attacks. Of course, with bulker and muscular can put out more power, my advantage is speed. After the change, I dug my claws into the ground and tensed up my legs so I would be ready to move, leap, or whatever I need to do and quick.

The morphing of my legs must have spooked Magma as he lost a bit of concentration of charging his attack when the glow in his throat died down a bit, big mistake buddy. I was going to dodge the attack first, then attack him, but this slip up of his will cost him.

[Strength: 85.5K-->80K]

[Agility: 85.5K-->90K]

I burst forward with blasting speed, speed Magma didn't expect. I stretched my right leg back to get as much and tensed my muscles to put all my power into this one attack, as I used my speed and power to swipe my claws straight at his jugular.


[Your attack has caused heavy bleeding, -1% HP every 3 seconds or -80K every 3 secs.]

My claws easily pierced and slashed into his jugular, causing a huge gush of blood to instant paint the burnt and blackened ground beneath his feet in bright scarlet. His blood as if it was like Magma itself, started to burn up whatever vegetation that was still present, and was close to melting the ground as well.

Magma quickly covered his neck with his hand to stop the bleeding. He heated up his hand to cauterize his neck but that only helped a little, as he wasn't bleeding as badly. Blood still trinkled from the wound, down his neck and onto his body and ground as if the slightly movement would cause it to burst out with blood again.

I, on the other hand, was on the side without any blood on me as I quickly leaped to the side and out of his range, before the wound even appeared. I would have attacked without giving him a break if I wanted him dead, but I'm only beating him down until he is worn out. Of course, the wound is serious but I can heal him when the fight is over, so I'm not worried.

Magma looked towards the ground and stared at it for about 5 seconds while his body was trembling violently before he slowly raised his eyes back up. As he raised his head high enough for me to see his eyes I could see the rage in them, and I could see the rage and killing intent flowing out of him in a crimson aura that shrouded his body in black, and the only thing visible in that aura was his bloody-red eyes filled with rage and violence, ready to kill without hesitation and without mercy.

"*ROOOAR*" A loud ear-piercing roar resounded from Magma's throat that sent shockwaves that blew away the dust and debris (AN: His roar sounds like Rajang and is like Rajang's going into Rampage mode.) He smashed the ground with his fist which caused the ground to fracture and tear up, as they raised into the air along with dust, causing a makeshift camouflage that obscured my view of him.

And the next thing I know is that the light from the morning sun that shone over me was replaced with darkness, and something blocked my way, and that something was Magma. 'What!' I was shocked, I really didn't expect him to burst forth with that kind of speed, so when he did I wasn't prepared for it. I didn't have much time to think as he fist was rapidly approaching me, as it ripped and torn through the air. I quickly jumped back towards the left to reduce as much of the damage as much as possible, because the fist would definitely make contact with me.

As I thought, I didn't have enough time to dodge, however, as my body was very very flexible I twisted my body out of its correct proportions downwards, turning it into a semi-circle, and the fist glided right over my back, scraping it. Although his punch only scr.a.p.ed my back, it ripped a chunk of flesh out my back and destroyed my wings and almost touching my spine, that alone showed the power of his punches.


'*Gasp*, OW! That one smarted jeez I'm going to feel that one in the morning.'


'...Oh.' However, that didn't really matter because after a second my flesh, skin, and wings came back almost instantly, the skill [Semi-Immortality] is very broken. 'But even if I'm not hurt, that did make me a bit angry...but I did slash his jugular so I deserved that.' At that thought, I decided I should end this fight as Magma will hurt himself from his mindless ramage.

I looked back towards Magma as I seen him randomly smashing the ground and roaring in hate and agony, but then looked towards me then rushed to kill the one that caused his pain and was the only living thing there. I waited till he was close to me and swung his fist at me before I internally screamed '[Speed Boost]!' When it activated I felt the world around me slow to an absolute crawl, as if I stopped time itself. But I know this wouldn't last, so I rushed through Magma's legs and turned around after a bit of running.

[Agility: 90K-->900K]

The skill was running so I changed my front legs into the big bulky muffin gauntlet shaped ones, and rushed forward with as much speed as possible and leaped into the air, and punched towards his head.

[Strength: 80K-->85.5K]

After leaping the skill ended but I still carried my speed and momentum, the punch created loud sonic booms as it ripped through the air, and traveled past the speed of sound, shockwaves also followed after the punch. Magma didn't even have time to blink and assess the situation, let alone the time to turn around, before the force of a million suns smashed into the back of his head, instantly knocking him out and the shockwaves and force carried his body away.


'Oh shit! That was a bit too hard, shit I hope he doesn't die of bleeding.' As soon as my body touched the ground I activated [Speed Boost], and rushed towards Magma's body that was still flying through the air. I quickly changed my front legs into giant arms that were 3 meters long and huge and bulky, and the 'feet' was just huge balls of soft fur, like giant round pillows.

[Strength: 8.55K-->90.5K]

[Agility: 90K-->70K]

With that, I caught Magma out of the air and quickly set him down I dripped a teeny tiny drop of saliva onto his neck, that would heal him a bit but wouldn't save him and he would still die without my help.

'And with that, the battle is now over. Man, this was fun, hahahaaa.'

[*Ding* Quest Complete]


[A Fight of Ferocity *Done*]

[Quest Description: Defeat, subdue, or kill Magma, however you do it doesn't matter.]

[Quest Rewards: Flame Manipulation, Fire Immunity, Flame Absorption, 1M Beast Points, 10M Exp, Flaming Fist Kong (Unknown Mutation) Bloodline]


[You have gained: Flame Manipulation, Fire Immunity, Flame Absorption, 1M Beast Points, 10M Exp.]

'Oooo. This shall come in handy for the next plan, Hehehe.'

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