The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 17 - Aftermath

'Hmm, hmm. Yes, all these skills will come in handy. But for now, it's time to deal with this idiot.' I nodded in acknowledgment of my new and wonderful skills, then turned to look at how Magma was doing. He was...alive at least, still roughed up, but he should be fine...mostly.

'Well, he gets what he deserves for tossing those rocks at me, the bugger. So no gentle approach for you my guy.' With that thought in mind, I walked towards Magma and *Smack* slapped him, with the mitten gauntlet feet (which are now going to be called cubs), of course not with too much strength, as to not kill him.

He started to stir in his sleep (since I healed him he was only sleeping now) but he was still in a deep sleep. "Well, you brought this on yourself. I have no choice but to use my special attack, here it goes! Pimp Barrage!" I raised my 'hand' which caused the sky to darken, and the earth trembled in fear of the mighty Pimp Barrage, for nothing could escape its wrath. And with that, I brought my hand down.


A strange yet beautiful symphony of sounds resounded throughout the forest, but that didn't last long, as mournful cries of pain soon followed along with the melody of the 'song'. It was a short but beautiful piece of art that only lasted 30 seconds, but it was an unforgettable experience for those who listened to it. It almost brought a tear to their eyes, but those screams were kinda spooky, which messed up the song but also gave it a unique taste.


3rd P.O.V. Start

Magma was on the floor covering his swollen right cheek with his right hand and the other propping him up, as tears of pain and fear flowed down his face as he looked at the monster who caused his suffering, me. Any bits of anger and arrogance that he still held within himself were now gone and were replaced, there only remained fear and respect. Fear, for the one who caused his grief and suffering, and respect for the one saved his mind from further corruption and for sparing his life.

Magma was always a kind, genuine and honest person. He was a family 'man' and strive for his and those he cared about bests. He was a person that believed in giving everyone a chance and fairness for all people, that is why he didn't kill his father in the duel or abuse his powers as the Chief's son, he was a fair 'man'.

So when he first fought Yahweh he was out of his mind, as he couldn't control himself it was like something gave him power that he couldn't control and it control him instead...well that is exactly what it was. When he fell into the ravine he fell upon the body of a member of the Flame Fist Kong tribe that was near death, as he was in a large battle then while trying to escape some pursers from a rival clan he fell into the ravine. With his injured and tired body, he dragged himself all the way to where he was then, which was a bad spot because Magma fell right on top of his body with enough force to end the creature's life.

The Kong angered to die like this used the rest of his life force and soul force to try and refine Magma's body and try and save himself, but he didn't have enough strength to do so. So he did the next best thing and that was created another member of their tribe, by forcing memories into his head trying to brainwash him, changed his bloodline to his, and cursed him with a curse of loyalty, a curse that was placed on himself. And that was how the tribe Chief's son became Magma, but now Magma was in control of his body and mind, and he had Yahweh to thank for that, hence his respect for him.


3rd P.O.V. End


So without further ado Magma pushed his fear deep inside of him, got on his knees, with his hands on them and bowed deeply towards me. "Thank you, and I'm sorry!" Magma's voice was deep terrifying, but gentle at the same time, no arrogance was laced in his voice, but emotions that ran as deep as the ocean itself. Grief, hatred to himself, agony, and sadness clouded his mind.

However, I wasn't having any of that, "Get yourself together, your an a.d.u.l.t for goodness sake! If you are truly sorry you will own up to your mistakes and help your people out, along with me and Mungo." I pulled him up and looked him deep in his eyes as I told him how I truly felt, as I felt that was the best way to pull him out of his depression.

"Thank you..."

"Its Yahweh."

"Thank you, Yahweh, I truly can't thank you enough. However, I want to ask for your help. While I was going on a rampage I could still see and I knew what I was doing, I just couldn't control my body. I know that while I was in the ravine I come into contact with some members of the Blaze Clan that were coming to the tribe to settle something, what that something was I don't know, but it couldn't be anything good knowing the Clan's heated and aggressive nature. However, when they saw me they immediately rushed back towards the clan muttering something like, "What's a member like him doing out here". Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, can you help the villagers as I have a feeling that something bad may happen.

"Magma, to be honest, I want you and your people to join me and Mungo, I want all of you to be the first people under the family name, Magnus. I want to unite these lands under one banner, our banner, I don't really care about 'ruling' the world or something like that, I just wanted some peace and quiet, but I can't have that with how things are." 'Especially with all these savages that do whatever they want without thinking, wild beasts, young masters, things like that.' I told him of my d.e.s.i.r.e to invite him and his tribe to his family as he is asking for my help so I might as well as accept it while getting some benefits as well.

"R-Really, even if that means you are going against the Flame Fist Kongs or even the whole Blaze Clan?" Magma looked at me in utter shock, unable to comprehend why I would make such a decision as this. Even tho he heard my d.e.s.i.r.e, what was most important was my help.

"Of course, I don't make empty promises, now let's get this ritual done so we can go speak to your people." With that said and done I completed the [King's Servant] ritual. It was like the [Family/Partnership] ritual, just that I get more benefits without my emotions being heavily affected if one of my subjects die, but I still do get affected from it. Also when they die their souls return to me, I gain all their base stats and it didn't weaken them unless I want to, I can order them to do anything but it isn't absolute, and while their powers are mine, my powers are also theirs. Meaning that 20% of my base stats are added to theirs, I set it like this as I didn't want weak subjects.

However, since I made it that all their base stats are added to mine, I can't fully control them, but it is enough for them to stay loyal as long as I don't abuse my power. Also because of that 20% of my base stats are added to them as well. So I gave up a bit of loyalty and my stats (I don't get weakened, but actually get stronger) for 100% of their base stats added to mine, in the end, it's a win-win situation. Normally that wouldn't be possible, but the system told me I had a very strong soul, but I feel it wasn't that simple.


Anyways with the ritual complete, and healing him fully. Me and my new family member walk towards Mungo's tribe. On the way to the village, I decided to ask the system questions.

'Hey, System. What is that rank/tier system all about.' I wondered about this before but never got around to asking.

[Low Tier Classes- Normal Tier: 1-4, Low Tier: 5-19, Mid Low Tier: 20-49, Upper Low Tier: 50-100.]

[Mid Tier Classes- Low Mid Tier: 101-200, Mid Tier: 201-300, Upper Mid Tier: 301-400, Extreme Mid Tier: 401-500.]

[ High Tier Classes- Low High Tier: 501-600, Mid High Tier: 601-700, Upper High Tier: 701-800, Extreme High Tier: 801-999.]

[Tiers and Rankings are very important as people or creatures with higher tiers/ranks are able to easily overpower or have an advantage over lower tiers/ranks, and the opposite for ones with lower tiers/ranks. An example would be a peasant attacking a King, the peasant being Normal Tier (in the beast power-leveling system), and a King being higher up on the Mid Low Tier scaling with 30 base stats. The peasant finds an item or relic that grants him the power of an Upper Low Tier, 60 base stats which is twice the power of the King, the peasant should win right, however, that is negative.]

[While the peasant is 'stronger', his original Tier is lower than the King's so his powers aren't as effective as they should be, aka the lower one's tier is against an opponent, the less effective their powers are.]

'Okay if that is the case, then why was I able to defeat Magma?'

[That was because your boosted stats are permanent and aren't fake like the peasant one's are. Host's boosted stats is Host's real power, meaning while your base stats only make you Supreme Mid Tier, your boosted stats make your Tier higher permanently, and not artificially.]

[Another way of thinking of it would be is when Goku underwent the transformation of turning into an SSG and could only use God Ki, but couldn't control it or master it. If that was the case he could never fight Beerus, even if the transformation made him 2x stronger than Beerus.]

'Alright, that whole thing was a bit confusing but I think I get the gist of it. So it is kinda like the whole Gods ranking thing Nushi told about, but less advanced.'

'Okay, what about the human rankings then?'

[I have no information on that right now, Master Nushi only gave me information on a few things, the rest Host and I need to figure out.]

'Alright, well that fine, guess I'm going to have to deal with humans sooner or later...Huh, what a bother. Maybe I just grab some ideas, knowledge, and other useful things humans love to come up with. Oh, we're here.'

I was dragged from my thoughts as I saw the various forms of buildings in front of us. The closer we got to the village the better look I got of the structures built. There were many shaggy looking 'houses' were made of wood, twigs, vines, bark, grass, dirt and all other types of materials, however, the village looked like a tornado had swept through here. There were bits and pieces of the houses that were destroyed and torn up, then tossed on the floor. Some patches of the ground were ripped out and some patches were burned. All in all, what use to be what looked like a nice countryside village that was relaxing and refreshing, now looked like a village that was pillaged and ravaged by bandits.

I shake my head at this scene Magma really did a number on his people and may take some time to convince Magma's people to follow me and him. 'Mmh, now that I think about it, where are they?' I look around, yet I see not a single sign of his people...well maybe besides the many footprints leading towards a certain direction.

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