The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 23 - The New Bloodline and Stats

Finally back inside my cave -I head back to my room and lay on my 'bed'- I check out my stats.


[Name: Yahweh Magnus: Healthy, Gender: Male, Age: 0, Race/Tier: ???, Supreme Mid Tier]

[Level: 0, 1,008,815/200]

[HP: 1.72B/1.72B, MP: 1.38B/1.38B]

[Strength: 525--> 100,525 (17.2M)]

[Viality: 525--> 80,525 (13.8M)]

[Endurance: 525--> 80,525 (13.8M)]

[Agility: 550--> 75,550 (12.9M)]

[Intelligence: 525--> 80,525 (13.8M)]

*[Luck: 105 --> 125 (21.4K)]*

[Charisma: 108 --> 143 (24.5K)]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Beast Points: 1,074,588]

[Skills: Limb Attachment, Semi-Immortality, Air Mastery, Heat Resistance (Extreme), Cold Resistance (Extreme), Poison Immunity, Mammal Pack (171x Base Stats), Explosive Punches, Eternal Youth (After Age 21), Heighten Senses, Inspect, Body Manipulation, Roar (Creates Fear, Chaos, Damages, and Flinches), Speed Boost, Clones, Emperor's Domain, Beast Language, New *Flame Manipulation: LV 1*, New *(Extreme) Flame Immunity*, New * Flame Absorbation* New *Flaming Fist*, New *Flame Eruption*, New *Flaming Meteor*, New *Flame Geyser*, New *Magma Spew*, New *Comet*, New *Flamethrower*, New *Flame Charge*, New *Blazing Grapple*]

[Flame Manipulation: LV 1- The ability to wield flames/fire, bend it, and to do your bidding. You are the masters of flames! Well until you level up the skill more. As of now, you can shoot, create from using air and other elements, and at most create a field of fire reaching 100 meters wide and 1K-2K degrees Fahrenheit. Will improve with level.]

[Flame Immunity (Extreme)- The ability to withstand fire of the high-tier category -100K-1M degrees Fahrenheit- and endure Flame of the Ex-tier (Extreme-tier) -10M-1B- for a while before taking damage. And you are immune to fire beneath those categories.]

[Flame Absorbation- Think of Natsu, expect you can devour your 'own' fire.]


'...Wow, I'm completely and utterly broken and op. Well, I guess I'm going to have to hold back a lot now if I want to have any fights.'

[That is incorrect Host.]

'Hmm, what do you mean.'

[While Host may seem strong, Host is a decent warm-up for some, nothing to others mortals, and isn't even worth mentioning to others. That is even without taking into account the Gods.]

At the mention of that sweat begin pouring down my face -I mean even with all this strength, I'm still considered weak- I guess I got a long way to go then. But before worrying about such things it's better to worry about the things at hand now.

'Well alright then System, if that is the case I still have to grow more and train for those upcoming opponents, hehehe, it shall be fun.' A grin couldn't help but emerge, as I thought into the future of meeting some of the characters I read about and potentially become their friends and battle them.

'Ahem, anyways, System where is that bloodline I got from my quest earlier?' I interrupted my thought process as I needed to focus on the task at hand, but first I needed to know about that bloodline, as I have some plans and ideas for it.

[Host has many bloodlines, so a separate menu was made for them. To open it just say/think the phrase [Bloodlines]]

'Oh, okay. Well...[Bloodlines].' When I finished thinking that, a blood-red menu popped up in front of my eyes.




[Eagle- Bird of prey...]

[Wulg- A small monster...]

[Flaming Fist Kong- Ape-type monster...


[Yes] [No]


I clicked on [Yes] as what was the point in no doing it, and I'm pretty interested in this mutation anyways. Hopefully, it's a powerful one.


[New bloodline [Explosive Fist Kong] unlocked.]

[Explosive Fist Kong- A mutation caused by a Flaming Fist Kong by a newborn FFK not fully developing their Flame Sacks -the organ they need to produce their powerful fire- and taking on a more...explosive diet. So instead of developing Flame Sack and producing fire, they instead produce their fire into a condensed, more hyperactive state, that is highly destructive and explosive, hence, the name Explosive Fist Kong. The Flame Fist Kongs are descendants of Explosive Fist Kongs.]


'Wow, that cool and insane...I wonder of Bakugo is another one of their descendants, just in human form, hmm. Anyways, that is another food for thought. Hmmm, should I give Luo this bloodline or Magma...I think I will just give Luo the regular bloodline and give Magma this one, and if Luo proves himself I will give it to him later.'

'Alright, with that all settled, I need to prep for the mass [King's Servant] ritual. All I really need is a big bowl and that's about it. Hey, System can you show where I can buy a bowl, bucket, or something of the sorts.'

[Yes, Host can buy one from the System.]

'Can you show me the selection of items then?'

[Yes Host, opening [Shop] and searching for bowls.]



[Search: Bowls]

[Plastic Bowl- Free]

[Bowl of Holy Water-100 BP]

[Bowl of Liquid Mana- 10BP]



After looking at that large list of bowls, I settled for a [Large Earthen Bowl]. It is a strong smooth bowl made out of stone and was pretty big as well, being half my height and 3 meters wide.

With all the preparations and tasks -for now- done, I went back outside the cave. As I came out of the cave the first sight to greet me was a large clearing in front and the foundations of houses that were starting to be built up, and even about 2 to 3 complete houses.

'D*mn they work quick...I like it, by the time I take a nap and come back they will probably be done building, that's a good thing to know. Well, monkeys were always good with their hands and this proves it.'

I was generally impressed with their abilities to build so quickly in such a short amount of time. I don't even think 10 minutes passed when I went in and then came out of this cave, and they already finished some house and have foundations for a good 50 houses.

'Well I guess, its time to gather them now, so they can get back to work.'

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat to gather everyone's attention, for now, it was time for the ritual. When everyone was looking in my direction I begin again.

"Everyone if you would please gather by the front of the cave so I can start, that would be very much appreciated, oh and one more thing. If you truly don't want to be a part of this once in a lifetime -well maybe not once- opportunity, you may leave now." I saw nobodies heading out into the forest so I could only assume everyone is okay with it.

I was about to head to the front of the cave -it was kinda like a natural ramp that leads to the entrance of my cave- when a loud *BOOM* accompanied by a weak shockwave that made the leaves on the surrounding trees sway and caused the monkeys to guard against the dust it caused.

'An enemy attack?' That was my first thought, but why would I be attacked now, I mean I'm not known or I'm I?

I waited for the dust to settle and when it did I was surprised by what I saw in the -now 10 by 5 meters- crater. What was in it was Magma.

"Magma? What the hell happened?"

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