The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 25 - ?

"So about this... Majesty thing...what is all that about?"

" was sort of on a whim and also a matter of principal. At least that how things usually work around here." Now that was a brow riser. I'm definitely going to need some context on that.

"Hmm, what do you by 'a matter of principal', is being a clan head a bad thing?"

"Yes it is. The thing about the clan is, there used to be more than 5 clans, there were about...30 before actually."

"I see...I can guess what happened, but you might as well tell."

"Alright. So basically all the clans got into huge battles with the clans that surrounded their territory, and the clans we know of now are the clans that won their battles."

"I if the Blaze Clan found out about our clan, they would try and conquer us, but if we were, say a gathering of 'people', they wouldn't be as proned to attack. It would be somewhat of a delay, something like that?" A turn my attention to Luo as I finished my thought process.

"Indeed, however, as you said, it would only delay the inevitable. On the other hand, it would prevent the other clans form joining in the fight to 'assist' their fellow allegiance member in destroying another clan. Or at least it should."

"Hmm, to think all this could come from just a title... ridiculous...but whatever." I sighed in my mild annoyance.

"Alright, I guess it doesn't matter really, a title is just a title, it's not like some as insignificant as that would change me!" I started to raise on my hind legs in the middle of my mini-speech then, towards the end, I thrusted my paw into the air.

"Umm...Sir...are you alright?" Luo sent me a quizitive and concerned gaze.

"H-Huh, uhhh...yeah I'm alright. I just get a bit... emotional invested into my speeches sometimes." He looked at me suspiciously. I laughed nervously at that.

"Didn't worry about, honestly. Just think of me as someone that's very... positive...yeah positive, not weird at all." I started to sweat a little as Luo kept his eyes on me, but finally he sighed and looked forwards.

"*Sigh*, alright. Well what are we going to do about...this?" I looked at the big pile of giant rocks and rumble that use to be my home.

"Hmm, we will worry about that later, for now, let me check out what's be going on while I was sleeping fo-"

"You've been sleeping for 3 days!" I cringed at the volume Luo screamed his lungs out.

"Y-Yeah, I was tired and tuckered out form the level ups I was going through." I glanced nervously in Luo direction, to see his expression. I mean I'm not scared of him or anything, but I don't want to sour the relationship I just made already, that would be bad.

As I looked in his direction, I didn't see the expected shock then disappointment, or disdain, or even anger for that matter. But an expression of understanding.

"I see that explains it. So after the fight with Magma, talking with and accepting us, you went to go level up, not once, but multiple times. With all that added up, the fatigue hit you all at once." After saying his piece he gazes up from looking at the ground and looked in my direction for confirmation.

"Yeah, that about sums up everything, I suppose." After getting his confirmation, he gazes at the ground again.

"I see, that explains the sudden strength increases in everyone. Alright, what shall we do now Sire?" Hearing what he said, I nodded my head and headed towards the 'buildings', if you could call them that, in the distance. Luo followed in my steps without saying anything.

"Hmm, for now let me see everything that you guys and gals have for the Cla-, no Kingdom, while I was knocked out."

"Knocked out! You were attacked!" Again I cringed at the volume he was yelling.

"Would you stop yelling, for God's sake!" I yelled back at him, but the force of it was too strong and caused a shockwave and a sound akin to a thunderclap. While the already ruined stone below us cracked farther, and the shockwave almost shooting him off the mountain.

After that happened, I froze in place in shock, but after a few seconds I regained my bearings and rushed after to were Luo was.

"Luo, are you alright!" I started panicking as I just hurt the first group of 'people' that joined me.

"Ugh." That was the only response I got from him, without waiting farther, I looked at his health."

[Luo: Injured, 30/100% Hp Remaining]

That confirmed, he was heavily injured and was knocked out from my shout, that is bad. But the good thing, that this is easily fixable.

I opened my mouth and let me spittle dribble on to Luo head and watched as the same green glow that cloaked Mungo, shroud Luo. When that happened I closed my mouth and let my spit do the trick.

[Luo: 40%]


[Luo: 60%]

[Luo: 100%]


After a few seconds, when Luo's health reached full it started stir in his unconsciousness.

"Ugh...what happened?"

"I-I'm deeply sorry Luo. I didn't control my strong when I yelled at you and that caused you to get hurt, and for that I ask for your forgiveness." I was about to bow my head, but before I could Luo's eyes shoot open and at the speed of lightning, prevented me from doing so.

"No! Don't ever bow your head before anyone, ever...unless necessary. It is a sign of weakness, that is something, YOU, of all people can never show." At that I just nodded and listened on, but also taking that to heart. He was still shouting, but it was at a much more controlled and quieter volume.

"Also that was also my fault, you already told me that you leveled up, meaning you go stronger and almost aspects. But I didn't take that into consideration, and still acted foolishly. So I hope you will forgave me your Majesty." Luo spoke solemnly and was about to bow his head, but I stopped him and gazed up at me questionable, but I just shook my head at him.

"Let us both learn from our mistakes and grow from them...for now let us go check out my...Kingdom, we will worry about the Blaze Clan and everything else later." After saying my piece, I turned around walked towards the...'city' again. But since I was in my mind and on autopilot towards it, I wasn't paying attention to Luo.

"Yes...My King."

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