The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 43 - WorldRealm Building, The Real Fun Begins!

After what seemed like a moment, but also an eternity, the darkness faded into light. And what I saw before my eyes was an ever-expanding plain, almost like a Minecraft flat world but with hills here and there, that reached far into the horizon.

'...Woah...that was...quite the experience if I say so myself.' I felt like I was tripping out on drugs or something. I honestly don't know what to think of it, I didn't hate the feeling, but I would rather not have to go through that again.

'Will I have to go through that every time I try and come here?' I ask Dear because if that is the case I might just go for the Time Chamber instead.

[You won't have to go through that again, it was just a one-time thing, as the...World was being created, like when you make a new world in the games you remember. I think it was called...Minecraft...yes like that.]

'Ohhh, that's cool, tho I wasn't able to customize the world like Minecraft, but I can do so anything I want, so it all checks out.' Thinking about this, I'm pretty excited to customize and make my very own world...I'll make this my very own paradise for me and my people. But before all that, there has been something bugging me about Dear that needs to be answered.

'Hey Dear.' I called or rather think out to her seriously, but regret doing that as I made her nervous and slightly scared.

[Yes, what seems to be the matter, Yahweh?] She asks me concerningly with a hint of fear in her voice, as this is probably the only time I've been serious with her.

'I don't know if you noticed, but when certain subjects, topics, names, and things if that like popped up, you seem to struggle to get it out...why is that?' I asked curiously and gently, not trying to antagonize her as I'm only curious is all. I trust her, so why should I come off as doubting her. That seemed to do the trick, as I hear her sigh out a breath of relief.

[*Sigh*, good, I thought I did something wrong or something went wrong, but it was only that. But the reason I struggle when it comes to topics and things of nature like Minecraft and things like that is because my knowledge of those types of things comes from you and not from Nushi.] Ah, so that is the reason...alright that makes sense, however, that presents an issue. If I go to an anime world that I have no knowledge of or something like that, Dear also will have no information about it, or at most basic information. Well, I guess I'll just have to go with the flow at that point, but that's an issue for later.

'Oh, so it wasn't a massive issue that's good to know. ...Yosh! Now that, that is out of the let's get to building the perfect spawn area!' I stand up on my hind legs and put my paws on my...hip, and puff my c.h.e.s.t out, looking like Fur Might (AN: Furry All Might...*Shivers*).

[Hai!] Man, I'm such a weeb. But with Dear's response, we get to building my spawn area for my new paradise.

...A 10 Hours Later in the [Realm]...

"*Sigh*, man now THAT took some time, but it definitely was worth all the work, this is a masterpiece. (AN: I'm going to add the image to the comment section.)

A masterpiece this the capital of this paradise is. The first thing I did was flatten a massive, and I mean MA.S.SIVE, amount of land to get to building. So after that, I made a mountain half the size of Rhode Island in diameter and the peak pierced through the sky, I made it so that clouds always surround it, which was covered in greenery. After that, on one side of the mountain, I smoothed it out into a slope that was a perfect 45° so it could support the structure of the 'floating' platform that was attached to it with massive, thick, and strong, basically unbreakable trees. Now for the platform.

The platform was like it was glued onto the mountain. It was a huge stone structure that was held up by the trees and was the size of Rhode Island if you add the width and length together. And on this huge stone platform held up by trees, was a massive sprawling city that was blended in well with all the nature around, with massive towering trees and their vines daggling all about. With all the trees and vines I know that all the monkeys in the clan will have a field day traveling around here, but I'm definitely going to have to add a way of traveling this massive place.

Now with capital built, I need to go get Mungo and show him his for now foreseeable future home and start up his training...hehehe, this is going to be fun.

...1 Minute in the Real World...

When I came out of the [Realm], I see Mungo's eyes fluttering open.

'Ah! Perfect, he is waking up just in time. If he wasn't waking up I may have given him a slap or two.' I think as I smile widely.

"Ah!" Mungo screams and scampered with his hands and feet, anime style, and slams his head onto a tree.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" He grabs the back of his head as a small bump begins to form on it and rolls on the floor. I can only sweatdrop at this.

"You ok there buddy?" I ask him after he calms down and the bump mysteriously disappears. He turns his attention to me, looking, and probably is, confused.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I-... Lord Ryoku!" He was going to answer casually as he would with Magma, but then realized who I was.

"The one and only!" I strike the Fur Might pose again and a cheeky grin. He also couldn't help but be affected by my cheekiness and relax and smile back

"O-o-oh...thank you for keeping s-safe while I was passed out!" He bowed to me.

"It's fine, it's fine. ...So now that you are awake it's time..." I say but don't continue waiting for him to ask the question, with a devious smile on my face and a crazy glint in my already pretty frightening eyes. He shivers and gulped heavily before asking in a shaky voice.

"T-t-time for w-what?" He shivers thinking about the atrocities he will surely endure. My smile reaches Cheshire Cat levels after hearing his response.

"Well your tort-, *Ahem*, I mean your continued training with me of course!" At that, he deflates like a balloon.

"Oh, Kami-sama." Hehehe, oh you don't know the worse of it. Poor, poor Mungo, you will need more than Kami for this one.

"Well, as they say...let the fun begin! Oh yeah, one more thing before we start." He looks me in the eyes nervously.



"Wha-AHHHHhhhhhh!" TFS Piccolo would be proud.

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