The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 44 - Tortu-I mean Training Arc Begins

After teaching Mungo about the best and most important skill in a fighter's skill set, I told Mungo about my plans...well I give I'm a rough summary...okay I just told him to follow me if he wanted to seems he didn't get the reference and was only frightened.

"Now Mungo, that if you want to live was a joke, I hope you are ready to see the masterpiece that I have built. Are you ready, to become truly strong?" I looked at him with a slight grin as I was excited to show someone my hard work.

"Sir, yes Sir!" He straightened his back, like a soldier ready for war, and saluted me. I can see the bit of nervousness in his eyes, but that was overshadowed by the excitement the shone in them.

"Good, good. You are going to need to energy and attitude for this. Now enough of the chit-chat, for now, let's go." I lift my paw up pointing in a direction for more flair, but he didn't need to know that now.

"Hai Sir!"

"[Realm: Open Portal]!" With my decree, a shining rainbow-colored portal appeared a meter in front of us.

"Now let us proceed forth!" I walked into the portal but caught Mungo's response of 'Hai Sir' again.

...In the Realm...

"Here we are...what do you think, great right?" I asked Mungo with a slight grin at seeing his jaw drop to the floor and seeing him look each and every way with starstruck eyes taking in all the new and interesting things around...mostly different-looking buildings. Here instead of there only being houses, food-storage buildings, ...and a giant cesspit...yeah disgusting. There were hospitals, school buildings, and places where other essential buildings will go in the future.

"Great...great is an understatement! This place... it's like...a paradise!" Mungo finally was able to turn away from the sight of my masterpiece and answer me after a few minutes. But he seemed like he wanted to get something out, so I indulge him.

"Hmmm, what is it that you want to say, Mungo. Come on spit it out." I smiled teasingly at him.

"W-well seems that the buildings are really...well suited for the Magnus Clan, the buildings will fit the smaller part of the clan fine...but the larger and bigger figures section of the clan will have trouble living in these homes. If we are moving here that is." Mungo managed to get out nervously, but I only nodded and smiled approvingly as I patted and rubbed his head.

"Good observation Mungo, you are indeed smart and capable." I muttered the last part to myself.

"Indeed this place wouldn't be suitable to the people of larger stature in the clan...but that is only for now." At that Mungo only tilted his head and looked confusingly at me.

"For now?" He said.

"Yes for now. For I intend for everyone in the clan to obtain a humanoid form." That again drew a blank from Mungo.


"Don't think on it too much, a humanoid form is like you, but always on your hind legs, just know that it will be very helpful and useful." Of course, I plan in the future for everyone to have human forms. Of course, we will be able to go back to our true forms tho, that would be stupid to give up, it would be like we are Zoan users, just reversed.

"Anyways. Enough talking are you ready disciple Mungo!" I stand on my hind legs, towering over Mungo with my 10.5-meter height so my shadow cased over him for a frightening image that caused him to quiver a little, but he steadied himself. (AN: I estimated regular Wulgs to be around 3.5 meters long, as hunters are 1.75 meters tall and Wulgs look twice that long.)

"Yes Sir!" He shouted back with determination to see this through. I flashed him an approving grin

"Good, now follow me to your new training grounds." At that a walked to a giant building that was towering above even to trees themself, and even pierce the skies too.

After walking, talking, and relaxing, we finally reached the massive and very imposing tower.

"We are here Mungo, the place you will be training for say...about..." I actually don't know the time difference between my [Realm] and the real world.

'Say Dear. What is the time difference between my [Realm] and the real world.' I asked Dear as she should know because I wasn't too sure how much time passed when I was in her building for 10 hours straight, but it couldn't have been too much time.

[The time difference is 1 minute in the real world is 10 hours in here. So roughly 1 day in the real world is about 4 years in here.] The answer she gave me was a bit mind-boggling.

'...Wow.' I didn't really know what to think of it, but it sure as heck will come in useful in the future. After that, I turned my attention back to Mungo, who was waiting patiently.

"So yeah, you will be training here for...4..." I purposely delay my sentence to build up his anticipation for what I was about to say.

"4 what. Minutes, hours, days, weeks?" He kept on guessing but I shook my head his every guess.

"*Sigh*, then what is it? It can't possibly be seconds...right?" He gave up trying to guess and just asked me for the answer. So I smiled mischievously and gave him the answer.

"4...years." After hearing my answer, his brain may have short-circuited, as it took him about 5 minutes to respond.


...A Short While Later...

"I see...this is a very powerful ability to expect of Lord Ryoku!" Mungo jumped up and down in excitement at hearing me explain the time difference in the [Realm]. I only smiled at that, finding Mungo cute with how he was acting, like a little brother bragging about his older sibling. But then I grew serious again.

"Alright, enough, I know I've said that already, but I can't help myself when it comes to family, however, we are here for your training. So before I lose myself in the moment again, let' get back on track." I crossed my arms, calmed myself, and reminded myself why we are here in the first place. Mungo saluted me with a 'Yes Sir' and I nodded at him and turned to look at the tower.

"This here place is called The Ryoku's Battleground...not the best of names, but you get the jest of it. So this place will be your training ground for the next 4 years. Do you have any questions?" I looked back at him.

"Yes. How does the Battleground work?"

"Well...actually it would be best to show you, then explain it. So let's head on in." I smile mysteriously and Mungo gets nervous again.

"Y-yes Sir." He quickly follows me, as we both disappear into the darkness that is the Battlegrounds.

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