The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 45 - 4 Years Later... (12?)

Ok so before the chapter starts, (if you want to skip this keep scrolling until you see the --- line) I want to address an issue a commenter brought messed up power scaling so I'm going to address that here, and post it in the information chapter in the Auxiliary Volume. So here it goes.

A Base Average Human will have .1 in all stats. This is for a perfectly average in everything human many factors can increase or decrease the amount. For example, the strongest man, Louis Cyr (dude is insane he lifted 500 Ibs. with one finger), would have 1-1.5 in Strength and have .1 in everything else.

Now for an easy to understand power system that the MC's 'System' came up with is the star system or SS

0 Star/ Unranked (0-99/Weak Human-Batman Level)

1 Star (100-1,000/Black Panther-Spiderman Level)

2 Stars (1,001-10,000/Small Town-Small City Level)

3 Stars (10,001-100,000/Large City-Mountain Level)

4 Stars (100,001-1,000,000/Large Mountain-Medium Country Level)

6 Stars (10,000,001-100,000,000/Largest Countries-Medium Continental Level)

7 Stars (100,000,001-1,000,000,000/Large Continental-Half-Planetary Level)

8 Stars (1,000,000,001-10,000,000,000/Small Planetary-Large Planetary Level)

9 Stars (10,000,000,001-100,000,000,000/Small Star-Large Star Level)

The strength of the characters will vary even with what their stats say live Magma. He can destroy a mountain it will just take him some time and effort to do so, maybe 10 full-force strikes or so.


So on and so forth until after 9 Stars where the system or symbol will change most likely, which is still up for debate, any suggestions will be helpful. So to simplify it even more every Star rank is 1 to 2 zeros after it.

So for example, Star Rank 3 is 4-5 zeros and Star Rank 9 is 10-11 zeros and, so on and so forth.

If it is still confusing, don't worry about it too much, the SS is more of a threat-based system anyways and won't be worrying about numbers too much, this is just something to reference to like a color threat system.

Also, I changed the name of DEAR to Eve, because the first name was stupid.


"Alright, Mungo the first thing we are going to do is train up your body first and sharpen up your fighting techniques, then we can get into the meat of your training. So I will be coaching you and sparing with you for about a month...that should hopefully be enough time for you." As we walking into the Battleground, its looks are based on that Colosseum from Dressrosa, I turned my head slightly and spoke to Mungo. And he nodded silently to me in acknowledgment as he looked at the surroundings in wonder.

It was a long corridor, in which many paintings and torches were placed along the black bricked walls that seemed to suck in all the light, almost overwhelmingly and menacingly so. The paintings depicted majesty battles varying from each other like a human surrounded on all fronts by beasts but held firm or one on one duels with humans wielding various types of weaponry. All manners of battles were taking place. And between each painting were massive windows that allow one to see out onto the massive battlefield where fights and events would take place.

"How does it look, you think it is good as is, or should I change some things around." I asked Mungo to pass the time as we head to the Training Section of the corridor, it was located on the right side of the corridor as are all the different sections for the fighters are, the left side with the windows were for spectators and entry into the arena.

"Well I'm not really that good with building and all that but...I think it's pretty good, you did a great job Sir-" Well if Mungo thinks it's alright, it should be good for now, changes can be made in the future if needed.

"But Sir, what are those creatures fighting all those other beasts, they kinda look like us..but hairless? I feel like they are familiar, but I don't know why?" Oh so Mungo got some memories too, I thought only beasts at a certain level unlocked them...guess he's special.

"Oh, those guys, they are humans they are beings created in the likeness of the gods...I guess you could call them the Gods' favorite creatures. They are also forms we will most likely take in the future as well, so I thought, 'Might as well teach everyone about them'." I explain to Mungo as we finally make it to the door of the Training Section and stop in front of it.

"Oh, that's they are like...our true forms?" He asked still confused over the subject, but this subject isn't too important right now so I'll just explain this to him at a later point.

"Don't worry about it too much, it isn't important right now, what is important will be your upcoming training and I don't want you unfocused. Now, are you ready!" I turned to him and addressed him sternly, it's time to get serious.

"Sir yes Sir!" He stood with his back straight and saluted me.

"Good, that's the attitude. Now let's head in." I say as I open the door to the Training Section. Inside is a massive gray and square tiled hall room that had a number of doors on either side of it, each with different names above the door all titled to match their different scenarios. The one me and Mungo went to was the Sparring Room door. When I opened the door, it didn't lead into another room, but was instead a portal that would lead us into an empty Sparring Room, let creating a lobby in a game that you could make private if you wanted to.

After we went into the portal we appear in a seemly endless room that was only gray with tiled flooring (like the Street Fighter Training Stage). Information about the room will enter the mind of new arrivals in the room about its functions and the like.

"...Wow...this. Is. So. Cool! Sir, you did another great job, I don't know how you do it!" I just nodded at the compliment as I thought of what to start with.

"Well, Mungo I guess what I will start you with is..." I hold for dramatic effect to get him riled up.

"Yes...what, what is it!" He practically jumped in anticipation of what it is to come. I smiled mischievously.

"Technique." I finish calmly, but he deflates at my answer.

"Tech...nique...really...but I thought you were going to teach me how to fight Sir! Not do...whatever that is." He seemed like a kid that was told no by his parent but tried to be respectful about it.

"I had a feeling you would act up like this, as you would be clueless as to how powerful techniques are, but instead of just trying to talk you into it, let's spar for a bit and I will show you the power of one of my fighting styles." I shake my head in denial as I hear his answer.

"But you could beat me with only a single flick of your finger how is that fair?" He pouted at my answer and response, but shiver at hearing me asking to spar with him.

"Don't worry about that, I will seal my strength to around your level, so we can have a fair fight, now are you up to the challenge?" As I waited for him to respond I talked to Eve.

'Eve is it possible to actually do that?'

[It is. Would you like me to seal your strength to that of Mungo's?]

'Yes please.'

[Alright. Sealing Commencing in 3...2...1!]

After the countdown, it felt like a massive force was pushed onto my body, which made me crouch a bit before it went away and I felt...not that most, to be honest, its just I knew I couldn't dish out or take as much damage as I could before. After that was done, I heard Mungo's response.

"I'll gladly take you on then." He puffed out his ċhėst confidently...I wonder where this ċȯċkiness came from?

"Alright, then I hope your ready cause. Here. I. Come!" And as the come was out of my mouth, my body shrank to the same size as Mungo and got on my hind legs, to intimate him, and I rushed him. He wasn't even able to react before I was already right in front of him, it took him a whole 2 seconds to realize I wasn't where I was supposed to be.

"Wh-" I didn't let him finish as I rain blow after blow on him. I hit him with such speed and ferocity that I left 'dents' in his body even as I backed off a bit. Then as if the world finally caught up, he was sent flying dozens of meters away before rolling on the ground for a few more, before he came to a stop.

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