The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 124: Three flowers gather at the top of the head, the Dharma eye opens

"Records of the Ming Dynasty" once recorded that the great Confucian Wang Yangming was practicing qi in the military camp in the middle of the night. He suddenly roared loudly and shocked the entire army.

Zhang Jiuyang once thought that it was a fabrication by the ancients, but now he has accomplished it in a hundred days. He is walking around the sky, roaring like a dragon roaring across the vast marsh, and the blue sea tidal waves. What a joy it is.

It seems that the world is so big and there is no limit.

Of course, Zhang Jiuyang knew that it was an illusion after a sudden surge in mana, but he practiced "Jade Cauldron Xuan Gong" and also practiced "Chongyang Zhenren Golden Guan Jade Lock Technique", which lasted for a hundred days, and his foundation was strong enough to be proud of his peers.

The second state is complete perfection.

If it were anyone else, they should rest physically and mentally at this time and slowly attack the third realm.

But Zhang Jiuyang did not intend to stop there. He not only wanted to achieve success in a hundred days tonight, but also wanted to break through to the third level in one go, making brave progress and unstoppable momentum!

He closed his eyes again and silently practiced the third picture of "Jade Cauldron Xuan Gong" - "Three Passes of Success and Defeat".

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. This is what is called going forward to give birth to human beings. Now, the form turns into essence, the essence turns into gas, the Qi turns into spirit, and the spirit turns into void. This is called turning back to become a Buddha and become an immortal... "

"Those who refine qi and transform into gods will take advantage of the blazing firepower to drive a river cart from Taixuan Pass to the Tianxue Valley. The qi will merge with the gods, and then descend to the Huangfang. The so-called heaven and earth have a conjugal relationship, and they will all fall into the Huangting..."

The so-called three passes are the first pass, the middle pass and the upper pass. The first pass refines the essence and turns into qi, the middle pass refines the qi and turns into the spirit, and the upper pass refines the spirit and returns it to the weak. In fact, in layman's terms, it is the three treasures of human essence, energy and spirit.

The third level is called Xiao Zhoutian. The key is to temper the three treasures with the fire of Ziwu Zhoutian and make them form three flowers on the top, becoming a great medicine that can serve as a Buddha or an immortal.

The fourth level is called refining the great medicine, which is to refine the three flowers on the top of the plant into a golden elixir.

In other words, the third stage is to cultivate the great medicine, and the fourth stage is to refine the great medicine. The better the great medicine raised in the third stage, the greater the hope of breaking through the fourth stage.

Zhang Jiuyang used his heart as fire and tried to refine the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit into three flowers.

But despite his strong foundation, he still failed many times. He only gradually figured out some ways and understood how to grasp the balance.

After a while, he took out a three-color treasure pill, which was about the size of a jelly bean and exuded a strange fragrance.

Three Treasures Ruyi Pill!

The elixir made from precious medicines such as Tai Sui, Mica, Ganoderma lucidum, etc. is specially designed to help people break through the third realm, which can greatly reduce the time spent in water.

Yue Ling asked someone to refine four of them. One was given to Lao Gao while the prisoner was about to leave, and the remaining two were given to Zhang Jiuyang.

He swallowed one without any hesitation.

The elixir does not melt in the mouth, but enters the stomach along the throat and is as hard as a stone.


Zhang Jiuyang's stomach actually made a thunderous buzz, and his intestines and stomach seemed to be churning desperately. Finally, cracks appeared in the hard elixir, and the power of the medicine flowed out.

In fact, most elixirs used in spiritual practice are very strong in order to lock in the power of the medicine. Ordinary people cannot digest them even if they eat them. Only monks have strong enough internal organs to digest the power of the medicine.

In an instant, Zhang Jiuyang's spirit was lifted up after receiving the help of medicinal power. Three powerful medicinal powers were intertwined in his body, nourishing the three treasures of the human body.

He reconciles the two qi of yin and yang and strives to maintain the balance between them.

Time passes slowly, the moon sets and the sun rises.

He sat by the pond another night.

If anyone were here at this moment, they would see that the bass in the pond swam to where Zhang Jiuyang was sitting and stayed there for a long time.

There are also various flying birds circling above Zhang Jiuyang's head, and there are even insects and ants surrounding the ground.

Ah Li finally woke up. She smelled a certain fragrance and her mouth watered. When she opened her eyes, she realized that the fragrance was coming from Brother Jiu.

"Eh? Brother Ninth has flowers on his head?"

She giggled. It turned out that there was a small three-color flower on Zhang Jiuyang's head at the moment. It still looked a bit unreal, but it was gradually solidifying.

The flower exudes infinite fragrance, as if it contains the creation of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, attracting birds and fish to surround it, as if they want to eat the three-color treasure flower.

The great medicine is ready.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiuyang had a sword in front of him.

The ghost-slaying sword was unsheathed automatically at some point. The red jade sword was nailed to the bluestone in front of Zhang Jiuyang, emitting invisible sword energy, causing insects and ants to circle around and keeping birds from falling.

It seems that everything in the world is the calamity of Zhang Jiuyang's enlightenment.

Ah Li became angry instantly, and her white skirt suddenly turned blood red, leaving small bloody footprints on the ground, like young plum blossoms.

Anyone who wants to hurt Brother Ninth must die! ! !

Her resentment became even stronger. Not only did she completely transform into a ferocious red-clothed ghost, she also seemed to have awakened some kind of terrifying ability.

As she became angry, the birds in the sky dropped like dumplings, the bass in the water turned white, and even the insects and ants on the ground died in large numbers.

The courtyard was shrouded in the air of death, and it seemed that even the rising sun above the head could no longer shine in.

In an instant, all the creatures who were tempted by the three flowers on Zhang Jiuyang's head fled in panic, not daring to peep at him again.

However, one figure is an exception.

It is formless and formless. It is a very strange creature called the Sky Demon. It lives in the moonlight or sunlight, so it is also called the Moon Demon or the Sun Demon.

When monks collect medicine from the essence of the sun and the moon, they may encounter demons.

When the monk's medicine is first prepared, it is more likely that the devil will peek and wait for an opportunity to collect the medicine.

That's why Lao Gao lamented that the path of cultivation is like walking on thin ice, with countless traps and disasters at each level, and as the cultivation level increases, the dangers become greater.

Going forward will make you a human being, going backward will make you an immortal, this is not just talk.

Zhang Jiuyang completed his 100-day achievement, his foundation was so strong, and the three flowers on his head were also the best among the great medicines, so he attracted the attention of the demon.

The demon was extremely arrogant and went straight to Zhang Jiuyang.

However, before it stretched out its claws, its soul began to dissipate, and countless death energy invaded its soul like an ocean, like some kind of terrible curse.

The demon looked at Ah Li in fear and turned to flee, but after a few steps, its soul completely dissipated and turned into nothing.

Ali's body swayed slightly, and she knocked her head, saying depressedly: "Why do I feel a little dizzy?"

Qingji also woke up, but he hid under the stone and trembled as he looked at Ali, and said timidly: "Second sister, you were so scary just now..."

Ali glared at it and said: "You useless thing, are you scared now?"

She looked at the bodies of the flying birds and swimming fish, and said: "Don't waste them, go collect them, pluck their feathers and bleed them, I want to make a big meal for Brother Jiu!"

Qingji looked at the blue and black animal bodies that seemed to have died of poisoning, and couldn't help asking: "Second sister, are you sure... Master will be okay if he eats it?"

Ali scratched her head and said uncertainly: "It looks like it can't be eaten..."

Qingji finally breathed a sigh of relief, thank God, the second sister was still rational after all.

But the next moment, Ali looked at it.

"How about... let you taste it first?"

Qingji: "..."

A ghost and a demon stayed by Zhang Jiuyang's side until the sun went down. Before the last twilight disappeared, Zhang Jiuyang finally moved.

The three-color treasure flower on his head was no longer illusory, but extremely realistic and solid, and even fluttered slightly in the night wind.

Three flowers gathered at the top of the head!

The next moment, the three-color treasure flower disappeared into his Niwan Palace, which was the place where the Purple Palace Yuanshen was located. Because of the nourishment of the medicine, his eyebrows began to itch, as if something was coming alive.

That was the third eye that had been sealed since ancient times and had degenerated and withered.

Zhang Jiuyang knew that the next step was the key stage of opening the Dharma Eye. Whether the Dharma Eye could be opened would soon be revealed.

In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, he took out the Yinmo Luo fruit.

This thing was shaped like a pine cone. After peeling off the outer coat, there was a slightly beating fruit heart, which was light golden in color. There was no fragrance, but it made people's souls sway.

Zhang Jiuyang swallowed the fruit heart immediately.

Unlike the Sanbao Ruyi Pill that needs to wait for digestion, this Yinmo Luo Fruit can be said to be effective immediately and melts in the mouth.

A cool feeling immediately rushed to his eyebrows, nourishing his soul and strengthening his spirit. The feeling was so comfortable that Zhang Jiuyang felt like he was floating in the air.

But not long after, this feeling disappeared.

Zhang Jiuyang only felt that his eyebrows were getting more and more itchy, as if countless feathers were scratching them gently, and something was desperately drilling out from the eyebrows.

He couldn't help but let out a cry and stretched out his hand to scratch, but his fingertips stopped at the eyebrows.

Because he didn't open his eyes, he saw his fingertips.

And it was particularly clear, even the pores on his fingertips were clear at a glance, as if seeing fire.

Not only that, he also saw A Li, Qing Ji, and the surrounding scenes of dozens of feet, mountains, rocks, and plants, all reflected in his eyes.

In addition, there was the resentment, death, and yin energy on A Li, and the demonic energy and water energy on Qing Ji.

With a thought, A Li and Qing Ji could see the most subtle movements of them when they were talking, as if in slow motion.

"Jiu Ge, you seem to have an eye on your head!"

"Just like Sister Ming Wang!"

Zhang Jiuyang finally understood the magic of the Dharma Eye. All the movements and changes within a radius of dozens of feet could not escape his Dharma Eye.

He saw his own reflection in the pond.

As A Li said, there was a pupil-shaped vertical mark on his forehead, which was shining with a faint golden light.

However, although the Dharma Eye was wonderful, it was very mentally exhausting. After just a moment of effort, Zhang Jiuyang felt a little tired.

After putting away the Dharma Eye, the pupil-shaped vertical mark disappeared immediately, and he withdrew from the strange state of seeing through fire.

But to ordinary people, Zhang Jiuyang seemed to have a more awe-inspiring momentum, and there was an invisible majesty in his every move, which was hard to ignore.

That was the invisible aura brought by opening the Dharma Eye. Even if it was closed, it was still different.

Zhang Jiuyang sighed, this is just the Dharma Eye, if it is a higher level of the Heaven Eye, what kind of magical power would it be?

However, he felt a little regretful in his heart. Those who swallowed the Yin Demon Luo Fruit had the opportunity to obtain a Buddhist magical power, but now it seemed that he did not trigger it.

But soon he saw it and smiled.

I am lucky if I get it, and I will die if I lose it.

He has a visualization map with him, will he lack magical powers in the future?

Apart from anything else, he remembered that there was a "Jigong Conquering the Dragon" and a "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Infinite Merits Map" in the visualization map.

When he thought of this, he finally let it go completely, his mind was pure, and there were no more distractions.

And at this moment, a Buddhist chant rang in his heart, warm and compassionate, as if there was infinite Zen.

"Amitabha, good, good, although the donor's six senses are not pure, his heart is extraordinary, and he can let go of greed, which is also a predestined relationship with Buddha."


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