The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 125: The third transformation of Xuan Gong, the indestructible golden body

Zhang Jiuyang only felt that a flower appeared in front of his eyes, appearing on the top of the tens of thousands of mountains. The sea of ​​clouds surged around him, and the red sun broke at dawn.

An old monk in white clothes sits on the top of the peak, holding a string of Buddhist beads made of red beans. He has long eyebrows and kind eyes, and a gentle and peaceful temperament.

Zhang Jiuyang was shocked when he saw the other party for the first time, because the old monk's face had a faint color like gold foil.

Yue Ling once said that Taoism cultivates golden elixirs and Buddhism cultivates relics. The more relics there are, the higher the Taoist practice. According to legend, after the death of the Buddha, there were 84,000 relics, which was the most in Buddhism.

When the number of relics reaches a certain level, the skin of a Buddhist monk will faintly show a light golden color even if he does not perform any exercises. At this level, he is only one step away from achieving the legendary Arhat status.

The realm of Arhat in this world corresponds to the eighth realm of the Tao Sect—Chu Yang Shen!

This means that the old monk in front of him was at the same seventh level as Zhuge Qixing when he was alive, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the eighth level and attaining the Golden Body of Arhat!

Zhang Jiuyang was immediately in awe.

In fact, whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, those who can reach such a profound state are all masters and have a very deep understanding of this world.

Although we all have different paths, looking at ancient and modern times, we are all seekers of the path who have traveled a long and long journey. We have different approaches and similar approaches in many places.

Of course, sometimes conflicts arise due to disputes over ideas, but at least when it comes to conquering demons, they are still roughly the same.

"Amitabha, the donor has a good foundation. After a hundred days, he roared loudly and woke me up."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved when he heard this.

The Yin Demon Luo Guo was the product of the eminent monk who sacrificed his life to feed demons and influenced the evil spirits in hell when he passed away. As expected, it contains a trace of the eminent monk's remnant soul.

Otherwise, how could one obtain the inheritance of a magical power for nothing?

Just hearing these words, the eminent monk seemed to have been awake for a long time, but he had been observing silently.

"Donor, don't worry. I am not an evil spirit possessing my body, but a monk from Baiyun Temple. Leaving this residual soul behind is nothing more than a trace of obsession."

Zhang Jiuyang's eyes moved, Baiyun Temple, this is the most famous temple in Yongzhou, the ancestral temple of Zen that has been passed down for thousands of years, and is still the leader of Daqian Buddhism.

Just like the Jade Cauldron Palace of Taoism, it is a holy place for each faction. However, the Jade Cauldron Palace suffered a disaster and was destroyed, and Baiyun Temple has been passed down to this day.

The old monk revealed his identity as a monk from Baiyun Temple, obviously to make Zhang Jiuyang relax and to show that he had no ill intentions.

"Dare you ask the eminent monk his name?"

The old monk shook his head when he heard this and sighed: "The past is like smoke, all gone with the wind. I have forgotten my name a long time ago. The only thing I can't let go of is the unique skill that I have worked so hard for nearly a hundred years to create. I really can't bear it." It’s lost.”

"If my guess is right, the eminent monk didn't like me at first."

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly and said.

There was a strange look in the old monk's eyes, and he said calmly: "Yes, although the donor has a deep foundation, he has a solid foundation in the Taoist sect. And if the old monk guessed correctly, it should be the No. 1 mysterious skill in the Taoist sect, the Jade Cauldron Nine Immortals. The donor should He must be the direct disciple of Jade Cauldron Palace."

There were waves in Zhang Jiuyang's eyes, and he was keenly aware that he called the Jade Cauldron Xuan Gong the Jade Cauldron Nine Immortals Picture.

Although they are all the same skills, Jade Cauldron Xuan Gong was only called after Da Qian. Before Da Qian, it was called Jade Cauldron Nine Immortals Picture.

Later, it was said that a master of the Jade Cauldron Palace received a dream from the founder, saying that the name of the Nine Immortals Picture was too ostentatious and could easily lead to disaster, so he changed it to Jade Cauldron Xuan Gong.

Unfortunately, although the name was changed, the Jade Cauldron Palace still did not avoid the disaster. It is said that a big demon crashed into the mountain and the entire Taoist palace was destroyed.

"To be honest, I am not a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Palace. The Jade Cauldron Palace has also been destroyed. I just practiced the Jade Cauldron Mysterious Technique by chance. Of course, I am indeed a disciple of the Taoist sect. You should not teach me the magical powers of the Buddhist sect." "

Zhang Jiuyang did not shy away from anything and was frank.

No matter how powerful this old monk is, no matter how powerful his magical powers are, how can he compare to Jigong who subdued the dragon and descended to earth? How does it compare to Guanyin, one of the four great Bodhisattvas?

If it was for the sake of supernatural powers, he would deceive and lie, and he would not do it.

Again, monks should become the masters of power, rather than letting power affect their own character and eventually become possessed without even realizing it.

Hearing this, the old monk seemed to be touched.

"I didn't expect that even the Jade Cauldron Palace was destroyed. I wonder how Baiyun Temple is doing now?"

"It is still the number one temple in Daqian Buddhism."

The old monk was silent for a long time, then shook his head and sighed: "Daqian... It seems that Dajing has finally been destroyed. The Jade Cauldron Palace that has been passed down for thousands of years and the Dajing Dynasty that has been passed down for hundreds of years can be destroyed. This magical power of Lao Na, Even if it’s lost, what does it matter?”

He chuckled lightly and said: "The donor has never deceived me. He is really brilliant. Only with this kind of character can I trust him with peace of mind."

Zhang Jiuyang was startled and said, "You still want to pass it on to me?"

The old monk nodded and said with a smile: "I believe that with your character, you will not use your magical powers to cause harm. That's enough."

What's more important than the loss of magical power is that what was passed down is inhuman.

If a person with a bad character acquires magical powers and brings disaster to the common people, then he would rather his secret knowledge be lost forever.

"Donor, please be careful. Lao Na's magical power is divided into three levels. The first level is called the Bronze Arhat, which is invulnerable to weapons and bullets."

As the words fell, the skin of the old monk's body glowed with a faint copper light, and there were swords and swords slashing in the void, but when they fell on him, they could only make the sound of gold and stone, splashing sparks but not hurting his body at all.

It's really like a bronze Arhat.

"The second level is called the Iron Arhat, which is impervious to water and fire."

The copper light on his body deepened and turned into a dark iron-like color, making him appear more solid. He sat quietly in the fire and ice, chanting the Buddha's name calmly without any pain.

"As for the third floor, it's called——"

"I know, it's Golden Arhat!"

Zhang Jiuyang has a good idea.

The old monk shook his head and said with a smile: "The third level is called... the Immortal Golden Body."

Zhang Jiuyang: "..."

Why is the painting style of this third floor so different from the first two floors?

The old monk laughed loudly, and his body suddenly burst into immeasurable golden light, as if it were made of gold, like the golden Arhat who conquered demons and trampled ghosts in the temple.

Even the red sun at dawn was suppressed by the golden light on his body, as if he was the brilliant sun shining in the three realms and ten directions.

The old monk let out a long roar, which was like the wind blowing over the clouds and waves, blowing through the vast sea of ​​clouds to create a clear avenue to the sky.

It seems that even the high mountains cannot support this seven-foot golden body, and it is actually crumbling.

So fierce!

"Three rounds of Xuan Gong, the golden body will be immortal!"

"The thunder from the sky strikes without damaging it, the fire from the earth burns it without melting it, the divine weapons cut it without damaging it, the diamond is indestructible, and it is immortal with heaven and earth!"

Zhang Jiuyang was surprised when he heard this: "Doesn't that mean he can live forever?"

The old monk's eyes darkened when he heard this, and the bright golden light gradually dissipated. He let out a long sigh and said, "There is only one trick that can break the immortal golden body created by the old monk. Do you know what it is?"

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head.

"It's the years."

The old monk sighed: "No matter how great my magical power is, it is not as powerful as destiny. I am proud that I am not afraid of thousands of swords, but I can't beat the passage of time and the sun and the moon."

The years have mercilessly killed the proud man.

He was also a unique genius in Buddhism back then. He was able to create such magical powers. How high-spirited and heroic he was.

However, as time passed and the man's eyebrows turned white, he suddenly realized.

It is only the golden body that is immortal, not himself.

In the end, the Vajra was shattered, leaving only an immortal body, and the soul passed away. If it had not attracted the covetation of the devil in the body of Mara, there might not have been a chance to leave a legacy.

"Lao Na was too persistent back then. He wanted to fight against the sky. He refused to accept any disciples and left no escape route. He insisted on going into seclusion and retreat. Naturally, he failed."

"Donor, if there is an opportunity in the future, I hope you can choose a disciple of Baiyun Temple with good character and teach him this magical power. This will fulfill my last wish."

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and said: "That's how it should be."

"Great kindness."

The old monk came to Zhang Jiuyang in an instant and pointed his finger between his eyebrows.

The gold foil-like color on his skin quickly faded and was transferred to Zhang Jiuyang's body. Finally, it turned into a mole on the palm of his hand, as if he had been lightly touched with a brush dipped in gold liquid.

All kinds of information emerged in Zhang Jiuyang's mind, including patterns of acupoints and meridians around the human body, tips on how to move Qi, and even matching secret recipes for medicated baths and medicated meals...

He silently let go of the Lingguan Jue on his back. It seemed that the other party had no intention of seizing the body.

It is essential to be on guard against others. Zhang Jiuyang has experienced so many dangers along the way and has long since lost his trust in others.

"Amitabha, we are together by fate. I have left you a gift. The golden mole on my palm contains my last magic power, which is enough for you to activate an immortal golden body. No one can hurt you under the eight realms. As for the eighth realm..."

"I've never seen him before. You have to fight him to know."

Although it is just a simple sentence, it contains an indescribable confidence.

It's not that you can't beat the eighth realm, but you've never encountered it before. Otherwise, once the golden body is opened, it's still unclear who will win.

This is the confidence and confidence that only a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles and is proud of an era can have.

Zhang Jiuyang bowed and said sincerely, "Thank you so much, holy monk. I will live up to your trust!"

The old monk is now extremely old, and his originally smooth skin has become full of wrinkles, and every wrinkle is the carving knife of time.

He was hunched over, sitting cross-legged and tremblingly on the edge of the cliff, looking at the eternal sun, clasping his palms together, his voice trembling slightly.

"Dare to ask Buddha..."

His voice was a little restless, his snow-white beard was fluttering in the wind, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have a different luster.

"Why live forever?"

The sound is like a loud bell, echoing across the mountains, like an ant's cry to God, tragic and fierce.

He fought against time all his life, but finally failed.

Not to mention becoming a Buddha in the ninth level, even in the eighth level, he was still one step short of becoming an Arhat and could not break through in his life.

The word "immortality" has nothing to do with Buddha or Taoism. It is the lifelong pursuit of every monk.

As a devout Buddhist disciple, at the last moment of his life, he could not help but question the Buddha.

Why live forever?

It’s a long and dangerous road with no sight ahead.

Not only him, for thousands of years, except for the Buddha recorded in ancient books, no one in Buddhism has been able to reach the ninth realm.

No matter how talented and talented you are, you will end up in a pile of loess and withered bones in the grave.

The legendary ninth realm is simply like a wonderful lie.

Zhang Jiuyang watched all this silently until the old monk's figure completely disappeared, and the surrounding world quickly collapsed, like a broken lens.

Opening his eyes again, the moon was in the middle of the sky, shining forever.

Zhang Jiuyang looked at the golden mole on his palm and sighed softly.

People today cannot see the moon of the past, but the moon of today once shone on the ancients.

Today he saw another determined seeker of the truth. Although the other party also fell on the road to immortality, his spirit of fighting against the sky and not regretting his death touched him.

"Brother Jiu, why don't you talk?"

A Li waved her palm in front of him.

Zhang Jiuyang knocked on her head, put away those thoughts and feelings, and smiled: "Tonight is a big harvest, we have to celebrate!"

Hundred days of success, opening the Dharma Eye, breaking through the third realm, and the golden body supernatural power.

This harvest is not too rich. It is the biggest breakthrough since Zhang Jiuyang traveled through time. How can we not celebrate?

"Okay, I'll go cook. What do you want to eat, Jiuge?"

"Don't cook. Let's go to Zuiyue Restaurant and order a dragon fish feast and some good wine!"

A Li was a little puzzled and said, "Jiuge, I heard that only the masters who passed the imperial examination are qualified to eat the dragon fish feast. They won't cook it even if they have money..."


Zhang Jiuyang slapped the deed of Zuiyue Restaurant in front of her and said with a smile, "Others can't order it, but how dare they disobey what I say?"

Yue Ling kept her word and sent the deed of the major business houses in Qingzhou along with the letter.

It's no exaggeration to say that Zhang Jiuyang is now even qualified to compete for the position of the richest man in Qingzhou.


It can't be spent. It can't be spent at all!

"Jiuge, it's so late. If you drink, can we still open the stall on time tomorrow?"

The little girl didn't realize how rich her Jiuge was now. She was still thinking about the income from setting up a stall to tell fortunes.

Zhang Jiuyang laughed and said, "You are useless!"

A Li made a face and then went out with Qingji. Their conversation could be heard from afar.

"Second sister, I want to eat crabs, the big ones!"

"Didn't you say that they are all your friends as they are all aquatic creatures?"

Qingji swallowed his saliva and said, "I decided to break up with them first and play together after I am full!"

Zhang Jiuyang: "..."

After a long time, he smiled and looked at the bright moon above his head again.

Instead of worrying about immortality and tossing and turning, it is better to let nature take its course and cherish the people around you who are willing to accompany you through thick and thin.

In this way, even if you cannot live forever, you will have no regrets.

Just like the Buddhist beads made of red beans, there must be a story about regrets hidden in it, and the monk couldn't let it go until the end.

Well, no regrets...

Speaking of the end of the Hundred Days, can we do something popular to make up for the regrets of our past and present lives?

As the saying goes, after a hundred days of closure, there will be a hundred days. I am definitely not that indulgent, but it is always okay to relax my body and mind and appreciate art, right?

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