The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 2: First Eating Demon

The setting sun enters the water, and dusk is about to pass.

Zhang Jiuyang hurried home with a look on his face. No one knew that he was carrying something terrifying in his arms, which was the eye of a female ghost!

As he walked, he could even feel the movement of his eyes, as well as the bone-chilling chill that filled the air.

"Brother Ninth!"

The crisp voice sounded, and the unique sweetness of the girl's voice brought Zhang Jiuyang back to his senses. At some point, he walked to the county steamed bun shop.

Standing in front of the steamed bun shop was a girl of seven or eight years old. She was dressed in pink and jade, wearing an apron, with a little bit of flour on her face, and a bright smile.

She held a few steamed buns in her hands, wrapped them in clean oil paper, and handed them to Zhang Jiuyang.

"Brother Ninth, why did you close the stall so late today? The steamed buns were almost cold. These are the only ones left. If my father hadn't hidden them in advance, Lao Li would have almost bought them all."

Hearing this, the man who was silently talking to each other raised his head and showed a simple and friendly smile. He gestured with his fingers and made a vague sound.

The girl acted as a translator and said with a smile: "Brother Ninth, daddy told you to eat it while it's hot. If it gets cold, it will harden."

Zhang Jiuyang took the steamed bun and bowed to express his gratitude to Uncle Jiang.

Uncle Jiang is a deaf-mute who makes a living by selling steamed buns. He cannot communicate with others. His daughter Ah Li is his mouthpiece. Their steamed buns are soft and sweet and are very popular.

Since Blind Lin's death, Uncle Jiang has sent him steamed buns for seven days in a row. The reason is simple. Blind Lin once helped him.

It wasn't a big favor, but Uncle Jiang's money was stolen when he first arrived in Yunhe County. He and Ah Li were hungry and cold, so Blind Lin gave them a bowl of porridge.

When Blind Lin was buried, his family was completely destitute. Even the money for the coffin was paid for by Uncle Jiang.

He couldn't speak, but he prepared warm steamed buns every day and waited silently until Zhang Jiuyang closed the stall and returned home to deliver them out.

Zhang Jiuyang knew that he was expressing comfort and encouragement in his own way.

Normally, Zhang Jiuyang would stop and chat a few more words, but today he took the steamed bun and bowed to express his thanks, and then walked back home.

At this moment, Uncle Jiang, who was making the dough, moved his nose slightly, as if he smelled something. He looked at Zhang Jiuyang with some surprise, his hands kept making gestures, and his expression was a little excited.

Zhang Jiuyang was a little at a loss.

"Brother Ninth, dad said you'd better not go out these days..."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved and he said: "Why?"

The character "軻子" does have the ability to exorcise ghosts, which means that Blind Lin is not a liar, but has real abilities. So will Uncle Jiang, who has a good relationship with Blind Lin, also know something?

Uncle Jiang made a few gestures and looked hesitant.

"Dad said he didn't know, it was just a feeling..."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Jiuyang could only nod, then turned and left.

Looking at his back, Ah Li tilted her head, her smart eyes full of doubts, and murmured: "Why do you feel that Ninth Brother is acting weird today..."

In the evening, Zhang Jiuyang finally returned to his home.

It is said to be a home, but in fact it is just a dilapidated small courtyard with two mud houses. It is very simple. It can be seen that Blind Lin was very poor during his lifetime.

But for Zhang Jiuyang, this small courtyard is the only place that can bring him a sense of security in this strange and weird world.

When he got home, he ate those steamed buns first, and the hunger finally disappeared, but Zhang Jiuyang knew that the feeling would come back soon, but before that, he could finally face the ghost eye calmly.

There was almost no white in this eye, and there was an upright pale white pupil in the darkness. It rotated slightly in Zhang Jiuyang's palm, seeming to be sizing up everything around him.

Zhang Jiuyang hesitated for a long time, but still didn't have the courage to eat it.

After all, as a normal person, who would want to eat the eyes of a ghost?

By the way, shouldn’t ghosts be invisible? How come there is still an entity?

After thinking for a long time, he decided to search Blind Lin's room first. Although he had searched it when he first traveled through time, he only paid attention to the change at that time. Now he was looking for talismans, magic weapons and the like.

Who knows whether the female ghost is dead or not?

Even if he dies, who knows if there will be other dirty things?

The Di character on his body has been used once, and it has scorch marks. It may not be usable anymore. Other protective magic weapons must be found!

As night fell slowly, Zhang Jiuyang held an oil lamp and pushed open the door of Blind Lin's room. He waved his hand to sweep away the falling dust. He had not entered this room for many days.

The layout of the room is very simple, with a wicker chair, a wooden bed, and a table with some peeled paint cups placed on it.

But there is one place in the room that is very eye-catching. There is a hole cut out in the east wall, which looks like a shrine in a temple, but instead of a statue of a god, it contains a spiritual tablet.

"The spiritual throne of my late father Xu Heshan."

Strange, why is Blind Lin's father named Xu?

Is this really his father's spiritual tablet?

Zhang Jiuyang suddenly felt a little spooky. If he hadn't been afraid before, but after what happened with the female ghost, he now felt scared when he saw the spirit tablet and so on.

This is also the reason why he doesn't come to this room. Who among ordinary people would place a memorial tablet at home?

Zhang Jiuyang took a deep breath to calm down the fear in his heart, and then carefully searched the room. The result was cleaner than his pocket, which was called empty.

It seemed that Blind Lin deliberately took away all the magic weapons during that outing.

Zhang Jiuyang sat on the bed panting, feeling a little disappointed. He had searched the whole room. Could it be that there were really no magic tools left?

At this moment, his eyes suddenly stopped at the spirit tablet opposite the bed, and his heart moved.

Who would put the spirit tablet in his bedroom, facing the bed, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to see it when he opened his eyes?

Zhang Jiuyang showed a trace of suspicion in his eyes. He walked forward, bowed three times to the spirit tablet, and then reached out to touch it.

It felt cold and hard. He lifted it and found that the spirit tablet was motionless, as if it was nailed there. Zhang Jiuyang was immediately refreshed. He turned to the left, and the spirit tablet made a click.

Then, the shrine on the wall turned back, revealing a dark iron box.

There is indeed a secret room!

Zhang Jiuyang suppressed his excitement and carefully took down the iron box. There was a rusty copper lock on it. It might be because of the moisture, so it felt a little slippery.

There was no key, but Zhang Jiuyang was not discouraged. He found a stone in the yard and smashed it against the copper lock. Finally, after a period of effort, the rusty copper lock could not bear the weight and broke into several pieces.

He slowly opened it and revealed the things inside.

The first thing that caught his eye was three yellow talismans with the word "軻" written on them in cinnabar, neatly placed there.

Zhang Jiuyang's eyes showed a hint of joy, and he held the three "軻" characters in his hand. Until this moment, his heart, which had been hanging all the time, finally let go and had a sense of security.

Blind Lin really left some good things!

He took out a two-foot-long willow branch, which seemed to be coated with some special wax, showing a bronze luster. There was a lot of dust on the box, but the leaves on the willow branch were still green.

In some folk legends, willow branches can ward off evil spirits and whip ghosts and gods, so some Taoists also use willow branches as instruments when exorcising ghosts.

This willow branch is very tough, just like a whip. Zhang Jiuyang danced it in the air, and it made a cracking sound.

What a treasure!

Zhang Jiuyang immediately felt grateful to Blind Lin.

This is a real master, but it's a pity that he died early, otherwise he could have taken advantage of the situation to hug his thigh.

There was also one last thing in the box, a thin yellow booklet.

Zhang Jiuyang's heart was instantly excited. Could it be that Master Lin not only left him a magical weapon to protect himself, but also a method of cultivation?

The experience of traveling through time and the appearance of the female ghost made him believe that cultivation should exist. In this world similar to ancient China, there may really be immortals!

Traveling with flying fairies, embracing the bright moon and dying forever!

Which descendant of the Chinese nation has not had similar fantasies?

Zhang Jiuyang opened the booklet with an excited heart, but the words that came into his eyes disappointed him greatly.

"Taiping 7th year, Shen month, Jiazi day, Hai hour."

"Mr. Cui from Haifeng County invited me to his mansion to perform a ritual for three taels of silver. Haha, so fucking stingy... Don't forget to exorcise the evil spirits for the young widow in Chenjia Village tomorrow."

"Taiping 7th year, Shen month, Yichou day, Zi hour."

"The young widow's skin is so tender and her voice is so coquettish. Exorcising the evil spirits is like prostitution. Damn, if I wasn't old, I would have done her!"

"Damn, I can't sleep at night, thinking about women... Remember to go to Xiling Village to perform a ritual tomorrow."


Looking at these words, the image of a master that Blind Lin had just established in Zhang Jiuyang's mind collapsed instantly. In a trance, he seemed to understand why Blind Lin hid this diary so tightly.

I'm afraid that the thing that Blind Lin was most concerned about before his death was that he couldn't get up and burn this diary.

Wait, something seems to be wrong!

Zhang Jiuyang suddenly realized a problem. Since he was blind, why could he still write a diary?

Could it be that he has a magical power similar to the Dharma Eye or the Mind Eye?

There is another strange thing. Why does he add a sentence about what he will do tomorrow after each diary entry?

Zhang Jiuyang flipped through the diary and found that the other party would add a sentence about what he will do tomorrow at the end of each entry, as if he was afraid that he would forget.

Could it be that Blind Lin suffers from amnesia?

Zhang Jiuyang continued to flip through the diary. The contents were all similar, with many dirty words. Until he was about to finish flipping through, the content finally changed.

"Damn, that thing is getting more and more powerful. I can't control it anymore!"

Zhang Jiuyang's expression was serious. There was only this sentence on this page, and the handwriting was very sloppy. It seemed that Blind Lin was very anxious at the time.

Continue flipping.

"Damn, I vomited blood three times today. It seems that I have to find Lu Yaoxing. I don't want to die in this broken place where no one lives!"

Lu Yaoxing! ! !

Zhang Jiuyang's eyes narrowed. It was this name again, and the "it" in the diary, could it be referring to the female ghost in Xiaoyun River?

He turned the page, but found that the last page was torn away, and there were obvious marks on the edge.

Closing the book, Zhang Jiuyang frowned slightly. Blind Lin seemed to have many secrets, but... what does this have to do with me?

A haunted county, a blind fortuneteller with a mysterious identity and a tragic death, left a name with clues, isn't this the beginning of a horror movie?

Get out of here as far as you can!

Zhang Jiuyang made up his mind. He just wanted to live honestly. It would be best if he could cultivate immortality. If not, he would be a feudal master, marry dozens of concubines, have a bunch of children, and when the children grow up, marry dozens more concubines...

He would never touch such a thing that sounded like it would kill him!


The next moment, he felt hungry.

The familiar feeling of hunger came over him, and the few steamed buns he had eaten before seemed to have been completely digested.

The stomach felt like minced meat, gurgling, as if a hungry ghost was wailing.

Under this extreme hunger, Zhang Jiuyang's sense of smell seemed to be amplified. He clearly smelled the fragrance of food coming from his arms, stirring his soul.

Finally, hunger overcame reason.

Zhang Jiuyang took out the ghost eye and slowly opened his mouth. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see a trace of suspected panic in the cold pupil.

But none of this mattered anymore, because he made a swallowing motion, just like the image of Zhong Kui in his mind who was holding an evil ghost and swallowing it. At this moment, the two figures seemed to overlap.

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