Something went wrong.

Many people saw a huge lightning bolt slash in one direction, which was the center of one of the largest city-states in the human world.

They don’t know what’s going on there, but many of them know what’s there.

The power of the Holy Tower, the Virgin, and the gods.

They were terrified, and the king, who was originally holding the banquet, after receiving the news, the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground and ran directly outside the palace.

At this time, the heavens and the earth had changed color, and the dark thunderclouds were converging, pressing on the hearts of all human beings.

“It’s over”

The heroic king had a sad face and sat on the ground with his ass, and this happened everywhere.

Soon, a thunder exploded in my ears.

“Why wasn’t it Pandora who opened the box?”

A giant shadow appeared above the sky, and in the clouds, it was God, the God of Wrath.

The king knelt down, followed by the ministers who followed him, and several human “heroes” who kowtowed to death, praying to the great gods not to get angry.


Thunder and lightning flashed, and heavy rain poured down.

This scene is like the end times.

“Greedy human beings, your greed disgusted us 670, you will be punished”

Zeus’s voice sounded like thunder, accompanied by the heavenly thunder hell, and the power of the god king made all humans kneel on the ground and dare not raise their heads.

They learned that the gift given by the gods to the world, the box brought by the saint Pandora, was opened, not by the saint Pandora herself, which angered the god king Zeus.

The heroic king wanted to explain, but he couldn’t say anything, wanted to explain, but could only tremble, and in the end he didn’t say anything.

No one can stop the angry gods, no one can, and even in the heavenly thunder prison they can only wail violently.


Thunder sounded its horn, and disaster befell the earth.

Silver electricity rushed, from time to time fell to the ground and exploded a deep pit, if it hit the town, the houses built by humans could not withstand lightning and were directly destroyed.

Dark clouds obscured the sun and moon, and the world fell into darkness with little light.

Without light, the crops withered and died, and went to pray in the temple of Demeter, the goddess of harvest, but received no response.

In some places, storms and rains fall, and in others, the main stream is exhausted.

This is a catastrophe, an apocalypse.

The original harmony and tranquility of the earth were shattered, the city-state was destroyed in such a catastrophe, and human society was set back decades, as if returning to the time when it was born, the original society.

There is no house to cover the body, no warm food, and the body is hit by the wind and rain.

Humans feel a deep despair, and they can only pray that they can only hunt powerful beasts under the leadership of their leaders, and they will pay with their lives, and the beasts are not eaten by them, but sacrificed.

Some people died because of the harsh environment, some died because of wild beasts, and many more people died of starvation.

And such a situation is not only for humans, primates in the mountains and forests cannot escape fate, and life is in ruins, talking about this world.

For years, they had never seen the sun, never saw the moon, never enjoyed the gentle wind, the gentle rain.

Only despair is enough.


The harsh environment was good in the first few years, and it was touching that mankind came together to resist the disaster and pray to the gods with one heart.

But as time goes on, human evil thoughts are hooked.

The people were the kings who had revolved around them before, still following orders, but as the people of the heart came forward and put the pot on these kings.

The commoners were incited and burned their beloved king at the stake as a sinner, burning and praying (afah) for the gods to forgive their sins.

This is obviously useless, but at least those with evil intentions have achieved their goal, they have ascended to the position of leader, and their dreams have come true, but it is not long.

People are watching as gods, and people with evil thoughts never live long, even if they religiously send sacrifices, and in the end they still die in the unknown.

And then what happened?

Humans in a desperate situation fell into civil strife, and the dragons were leaderless, killing each other, and intrigue while they survived.

It seems that such a scene is even more disgusting to the gods, and the storm comes even more violently.

Such a scene is too terrible, too bad.

The number of wild beasts is decreasing, rivers have long dried up, mountains and forests have turned to dust, the world has changed, and the earth has long lost its original peace.

The number of human beings has decreased too much compared to the beginning, close to extinction, and finally the human beings in the original countries have to report to the group to warm up and exist in the form of tribes.

This is a last resort, after all, there are many difficulties, but when the race is on the verge of extinction, nothing is a problem.

The situation is so grim now.

Not good enough, human adaptability is very strong, in this environment to survive and gradually can adapt, gradually, tribal system formation, human beings are easing life.

At least the number of people is not as low as before, not increasing, and newborns are rarely able to survive in such an environment, but now after receiving better care, some stronger babies can gradually survive.

Survival of the fittest, if you can survive, you will be stronger than others.

In fact, it is difficult to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, of course, this is from the current perspective, not the previous one, different perspectives and different views.

This new generation of human beings has an indelible spirituality, and their survival in such a harsh environment is bound to make them stronger.

And the most important point is that people are rebellious after all.

Although it is still a sacrifice to the gods, but with the passage of time, this sacrifice has long lost its original devotion, since you do not protect us, then why do we believe sincerely?

What happens to human beings, who are not reverent of gods in their bones, grow up and become strong under extremely harsh circumstances?


ps: A cool song for yourself … There seems to be something wrong with the eyes, hang up the hospital, go to the specific look in a few days.

Normal update these days, you guys fatten, if not, A. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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