When such a situation occurs on the earth, Mother Earth will sense.

Gaia was affected, and she would feel bad when disaster swept across the earth, and at first she didn’t think much about it, but she felt that Zeus and what they had done were a little too much.

Therefore, after human beings huddled together to warm up and gradually survived, Mother Earth was compassionate, and the earth rose with spiritual energy, slowly moisturizing the earth, as if ~ there was life again.

However, this ushered in a more violent storm.

Mother Earth tried to alleviate the situation on the earth and help these humans resist disasters, but what she didn’t expect was that after she made a move, Zeus still had no intention of keeping her hand.

So the environment that human beings will face is a little worse.


This is the meaning conveyed by the earth mother to Zeus, very plain and unquestionable, this time it is much more explicit than the last time.

Utterly express dissatisfaction, sternly warn, probably that’s it.

“It seems that our respected Lord Earth Mother is annoyed.”

Zeus smiled, and the other gods were not as relaxed as he was.

There are some things that Zeus cannot change even if he gives them confidence, and even if Zeus is not a soul from the outside world, he will not be so confident.

Mother Earth, it’s different.

After Zeus did not respond and still sent the gods to frantically export the earth, soon after, the earth mother sent another message.

Without warning or dissuasion, Mother Earth sent an invitation.

She invited Zeus to meet him on earth, only Zeus.

“Mother Earth is mysterious, this may be a conspiracy.”

Hera said that the gods agreed with Hera that Mother Earth was too mysterious, especially for them.

Zeus mused: “This request is not easy to refuse, after all, you can’t tear your face like this, there is no room for turning.” ”

What he wants to do is to suppress, not turn his face, this face cannot be turned over, and the earth mother cannot be slaughtered for the time being.

“You want to go?”

Thetis frowned and said: “There is no need to pay attention to it, even if you don’t want to face it at this time, you can pass on the news, or let Hera go, she is the queen of heaven.” ”

Hera’s face immediately turned dark, and she was very unhappy in her heart, but she did not say anything to refute it, and in her heart she also thought that if she had to go, it was more suitable for herself.

So, this loss was inherited.

The gods also discouraged Zeus at this time, feeling that it was not necessary, anyone could go, they could go together, but they didn’t want Zeus to face Mother Earth alone.

This is the absolute dominance of the god king Zeus over Orin today, simply put, the soul figure.

Zeus cannot have an accident, nor will he say anything wrong, and if he is overshadowed by Gaia, the mother of the earth, then the general trend of Olympus will still disperse, at least not Zeus.

Most of the gods were opposed, and Zeus returned the words of his most trusted goddess, and he looked at Metis.

Metis thought for a while, and then said with a smile: “You can go if you want, anyway, you are so strong, the earth mother does not dare to start casually, after all, she will have more things to consider.” ”


Zeus nodded, feeling that what Metis said made sense, perhaps in line with what he had in mind, anyway, he was comfortable to hear.

He felt that these guys were frightened by the pressure that Mother Earth had brought them, and they were too jealous.

Zeus remembered seeing Gaia the Mother of Earth very few times, and at the time of the Battle of Titan, and he became a god-king, only twice, and more importantly, he himself did not see it with his own eyes, did not face it personally, and did not communicate.

Therefore, Zeus wanted to meet the goddess Gaia, the mother of the earth, who had been pressing on his head, and his imaginary enemy all along, was finally going to be confronted, and he didn’t want to overlook the clouds anymore, but also wanted to make contact.

“Then I’ll go see her, maybe there will be some other turnaround?”

Zeus smiled and made his decision, and after Metis spoke, he made up his mind.

He was confident that he didn’t think Gaia would be stupid enough to play any tricks, Zeus thought he was strong, and if Gaia wanted to do something, he was not afraid.

One thing is worth saying, as Zeus’s control over this piece of heaven and earth increased, the silver beads in his body seemed to have begun to react a little…

0···· Ask for flowers0··


Zeus made a decision, and seeing this, the gods could only shake their heads helplessly, did not dare to persuade again, and began to think about the consequences.

Zeus also began to make some preparations, after all, he was going to see Gaia.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the sun rose, and the long-lost sunlight of mankind appeared, but it brought not warmth, but blazing heat.

The hot sun bakes every inch of the earth, the stars and moon retreat, there is no wind or rain, and the earth seems to become a furnace.

This is a new tribulation for mankind, and the Olympian gods are examining everything with the sun, and Helios patrols the sky in a day chariot, not sparing every corner below.

…………. 0

Humans suffered a lot, the food they had hard to cultivate became dregs, and their ration beasts could not withstand such a blazing sun, and humans could only pick up the corpses of the beasts to eat.

Many people did not survive this level, either being roasted to death, or eating animal meat that could not be preserved well and died…

It was miserable, and the human beings began to resent the gods in the heavens in their hearts, they stopped the sacrifice, but soon received a harsher punishment, they had to continue the sacrifice, but this was coerced.


Zeus descended from Olympus and walked on the earth, ignoring what he saw in his eyes, without a single fluctuation in his heart.

Since he has already made a decision in his heart, he will not regret it, and he seems very cold-blooded.

At this time, he was thinking more about the Earth Mother Gaia he was going to face next, and he could feel that feeling when he walked on the earth.

Mother Earth Gaia was observing him.

Of course, it cannot be said to observe, after all, Gaia is the earth, and she can know everything that happens on the earth, after all, it is in her.

Zeus did not care, his face was calm, after all, the sun in the sky was also observing her.

In the direction of his journey, there was a glaring place, a place very different from the dead on the earth, where there was a piece of life, and that was where the Mother Earth was.

Zeus, the god king, and Gaia, the mother of the earth, will face each other.


ps: The eyes can’t hold up, just two more, and tomorrow during the day to update seven. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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