Dunlap came to the manager's office angrily, and when he went in, it turned out that the boss Jordan was also there.

This surprised Dunlap a bit, because Jordan has been busy negotiating with the Hornets about buying a team name during this time, and often runs around, and he can't even care about the team.

After Jordan saw Dunlap, he greeted him warmly, and then said with a smile: "Coach Dunlap, if there is something to sit down and talk slowly." "

Dunlap was not polite, sat down and chatted for a few words before cutting to the chase~ Sessions matter.

After listening to this, Richie said: "You can deal with this kind of thing directly, if you want to punish him within the team, we have no opinion, after all, there are many excellent defenders in our team, not one worse than him, such undisciplined players will definitely be punished." -"

Dunlap was relieved to hear Richie speak, and Jordan didn't object, if they didn't allow him to deal with Sessions, then his little authority would be completely lost.

Rich suddenly said, "What do you think of Han Zhe?"

Dunlap was a little stunned, and didn't react to what Richie meant, but still replied: "Han is very good, his personal ability is very strong, and he is a strong addition to the team's outside line." "

After a few conversations, Dunlap took his leave and left.

"This Dunlap doesn't seem to realize how important Han really is to the team!" Rich said with a wry smile.

Jordan also nodded, he appeared in Richie's office to talk about Han Zhe's problem.

First of all, they found that Han Zhe's jersey sales have skyrocketed, and he has come from behind, and the sales are among the best in the team, and Han Zhe has been able to bring some intuitive economic benefits to the team.

Secondly, Han Zhe's performance is of course always concerned by their top management.

also knows that he has picked up a treasure this time, and he used the second-round pick to win Han Zhe I don't know how many teams are making blood vomit now, and the Wizards are estimated to be the ones who vomit the most!

"The Magic have offered to trade Jamil Nelson plus a first-round pick for Han, and the Magic are in the rebuilding period, and it seems that they are likely to want to build a team with Han as the core, and I have to say that the Magic are really bold. "

Rich began to talk about the main event, that's right, there are other teams eyeing Han Zhe, especially the Magic, who have officially proposed the initial trade conditions.

The Magic have collapsed since Lewis and Howard opened, especially the Warcraft Howard, who has always been their pillar, and his departure is a fatal blow to the Magicians, and now the team must find a new core to rebuild!

The reason why Rich said that the magic is bold is because although Han Zhe is performing well at present, he has not played a few games in total, and it is difficult to say how he will perform in the future.

And the problem of rookie wall has always existed objectively, maybe Han will suddenly not work, so now the magic is proposing a deal, and the conditions given are not bad, which is indeed a very bold act.

There are already many teams that are interested in Han Zhe, but they are all in a wait-and-see period now and will not make rash moves.

"Although Nelson is a little older, he has been very stable, and in terms of the Magic's roster this year, he will definitely get a good pick at the end of this season, and they are quite sincere in this trade. Jordan thought for a moment and said.

Rich frowned, "Boss, are you really planning to trade Han? You must know that the team's current results are not bad, Han has a lot of credit, if Han leaves, we may be similar to last season." "

0······· Asking for flowers0···

"Han is indeed a very good player, but his physical fitness is too poor, and the physical fitness of Asian players is always a little bit unable to keep up, and he is prone to injury, don't forget that Han has been injured once after only a few games!"

Hearing Jordan's words, Rich also frowned, because Jordan also made sense, if Han Zhe is a glass man, it is best to take action immediately, otherwise it will be rotten in his hands in the future.

There is also the fact that Han Zhe has too few games, and no one knows if he can always have today's highlight performance, and the NBA players who drive high and go low grab a lot of things, everything has to be proved by time, and now whether you want to keep Han Zhe or trade Han Zhe, it is a gamble.


Rich is reluctant to trade Han Zhe in his heart, because he likes Han Zhe's style and technique very much, and his potential is also great, and it would be a pity to let him go.

"And you mean to accept Magic's trade request?" Rich asked.

Jordan shook his head, "No, no, no... Although Han has many potential shortcomings, with his current performance is definitely more than this price, the magic trade request can be directly declined. "

Rich breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, at least Han Zhe should not leave for the time being, because now there will definitely be no team to exchange Han Zhe with higher conditions than Magic, after all, the risk is too great!

Han Zhe didn't know that there was already a team playing with his own ideas, and he was currently teaming up with Walker Gordon and a few people to practice running and bombing, but this tactic has not fallen, and now everyone has played well.

Today's training ended early, and Dunlap told everyone to rest early and recharge for tomorrow's home game against the Raptors.

The schedule is very dense during this time, and the only consolation is that the Bobcats are playing at home this time in a row, and they don't have to run around for four. _

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