November 21.

Many domestic viewers have been in front of the live broadcast platform for a long time, most of them are fans, and a small number of people who don't understand the ball also watch it, not for anything else, just to watch my country's player Han Zhe gallop in the NBA.

Han Zhe has gradually become a symbol of basketball in China, as long as he talks about basketball, he is almost inseparable from Han Zhe's name.

So whether it's a fan or not, most people in China know that there is a great player named Han Zhe in the NBA.

When everyone was bored waiting, they found that Tiger Pounce gave everyone a surprise.

"Brothers, come and see, it looks like our agents have infiltrated the enemy's army!"

"What's the situation?"

"Sleep" 813 "... It's true, a lot of gossip information about the Bobcat players has come out. "

Of course, this was released by Shen Xuefei after sorting out and summarizing the information she got at the last meeting.

For example, some family situations of Bobcat players, personal hobbies, what kind of car they drive, how much their annual salary is, what they usually train, what kind of food they eat, etc., are very detailed.

If it had been before, not many people would have cared about the condition of their players on a bad team like the Bobcats.

But since Han Zhe joined the Bobcats and performed well, everyone has begun to treat the Bobcats as a home team, a must-see in every game, and naturally they are also concerned about the situation of the Bobcats players.

"It was sent by Shen Xuefei again, this reporter is very 6, this time is a lot of surprises, and most of Han Zhe's first-hand information also came out of her hands. "

"This is the advantage of beauty, it seems that I Zhe is also a hero and sad to pass the beauty level!"

"Han Zhe, you have to hold on, if you sleep with Shen Xuefei, it is estimated that the newspaper will clearly say that you are a few times a night in the next day, and even the birthmark must be exposed, cherish privacy, don't sleep with reporters!"

"It's too vulgar upstairs to insult my dream girl!"

"I'm wrong brother, I don't know that your dream lover is Shen Xuefei!

"Who said Shen Xuefei, I'm talking about Xiao Han Han!"

"Damn... You dead shemale, fuck off!"

Everyone is still more interested in Shen Xuefei's revelation of these materials, such as what NBA players usually eat, how they train, and how they spend their spare time, everyone watches it with relish.

Shen Xuefei is also very measured, and when she was eating and chatting, she heard a lot of players' privacy, such as everyone said that Gordon likes to go to nightclubs to find girls, and Henderson has a lover outside.

Michael got a model girlfriend or something, and she didn't show up.

First of all, everyone treats her as a friend and chats, if she breaks these fierce news, who will she become?

Second, if you really do this, you probably won't want to interview Han Zhe and other players in the future, which is more than worth the loss.

Just after 6 o'clock in the evening in Charlotte, the Bobcats players began to enter the field.

"Han Zhe! Han Zhe! You are so good!"

As soon as Han Zhe came out of the passage, he was startled, and a large group of people on both sides of the passage were lying on it and stretched out their hands and shouted his name, most of them were actually yellow-skinned and black-haired compatriots.

"Thank you, thank you, don't lie out, pay attention to safety!" Han Zhe responded by high-fiveing the fans on both sides and loudly reminding him to pay attention to safety.

The place next to the passage is two or three meters high, and it is easy to get injured if you fall.

Han Zhe tried his best to high-five everyone before he was the last to walk to the field.

"Han Zhe, come on, Han Zhe, come on!"

Suddenly, there was a uniform cheering sound from the audience, which was very loud, and the key was all Chinese.

Han Zhe turned his head to see that a stand was actually full of Chinese who were shouting vigorously, and the preliminary estimate was one or two thousand.

This is the first time Han Zhe has seen so many Chinese fans appear at the Warner Center Arena0........

In the past, although there were often compatriots who came to cheer him on, most of them were small groups of a dozen or dozens of people, and the most frequent was the international student group at the University of North Carolina.

It seems that Han Zhe's performance is getting better and better, and there are naturally more overseas Chinese who are attracted to watch the game on the spot.

Han Zhe waved his hand to thank everyone, and at this time, the big screen also switched to this stand, and everyone was excited all of a sudden, standing up and waving desperately.

Tiger Pounce:

"Wow! Today, so many brothers went to the Bobcat's home stadium to support Han Zhe, so good!"

"I also want to watch a ball game of Han Zhe in person, but it's a pity that I can't leave the work, it's a pity!"

"I can go away from work, I don't have money to see it, it's a pity!"

"Brothers, why don't we go to Charlotte to watch the game one day?"

"That's a good proposal, but how to organize it?

"Just set up a Han Zhe fan association, brothers with management experience, please take the lead. "

"Count me in, I used to work in the fan association, and I know everything about this!"

"I also have some experience, I'll sign up!"

"I can't manage, but I 0.4 will shout 666, can I participate in a no?"

As soon as this proposal came out, there were many responses, and it quickly formed a wave of registration.

However, this thing is not achieved overnight, it is not easy to engage in formal points, you must know that everything on the network is relatively empty, and it is even more difficult if you want to build a physical base, which must be supported by a formal management team and funds!

When Han Zhe and his teammates warmed up on the field, they seemed to be more relaxed talking and laughing.

The Raptors are in a much worse situation than them right now, with 2 wins and 7 losses, and they are in the bottom of the East, so the pressure on them in this game is naturally much greater than that of the Bobcats!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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