After the opening, everyone found that there was a minor adjustment in the Bobcats' starters, that is, Han Zhe and Henderson formed a backcourt double gun on the court.

However, after thinking about it, it is normal, Gordon has been convulsive for a long time, Walker is biased towards point guard, and Henderson is actually the true quarterback in the Bobcats.

When Han Zhe is on the court, Han Zhe usually plays point guard, and now it is more reasonable to have Henderson as a quarterback.

Now the Bobcats are actually a regular lineup configuration, with center Mullens playing the basket, Bimax assisting, small forward Michael as the main scoring point, and Henderson as the second scoring point.

Of course, unlike the traditional playing style of other teams, Han Zhe, the point guard, has a lot more firing rights, and you must know that the No. 1 position is actually a team's pivot, and they should shoot the least.

The point guards are all teammates who really don't have a chance to shoot, or they will shoot when they have a very good chance to score, but Han Zhe looks at it anyway and makes a move!

The key is that Han Zhe's scoring ability is stronger than that of a small forward, and no one can say anything about him!

"It's interesting, the contest between two groups of civilian players, drunk!" Domestic netizens laughed as soon as they saw the lineups of both sides.

"I'm obviously a star boss!"

"The opponent's power forward Bargnani is a tens of millions of players, and his strength is also very strong, as well as the opponent's No. 10 DeRozan.

Don't look at his low annual salary, this is tied up by a rookie contract, this curly guy is very fierce, the upward momentum is good, and the rookie contract is a big contract as soon as it is finished!"

At this time, an expert finally stood up and spoke, indicating that the other party had a hidden star.

Han Zhe is also looking at DeRozan, this guy is now well-known in the NBA, and it is on the rise every year, the progress is very fast, and the potential is huge.

Of course, the reason why Han Zhe stared at him was that he was the same number ten as himself, and that's it...

After the two sides jumped the ball, the Bobcats got the ball, Michael passed to Han Zhe and ran to the frontcourt, and Henderson also began to pull on the outside.

After Han Zhe started with the ball, he changed hands and changed direction under his crotch in the middle of the movement, and easily got rid of the opponent's point guard Lowry, which looked very easy.

Han Zhe accelerated and cut to the opponent's basket and jumped high.

When center Jonas jumped up to block and was about to give Han Zhe a block gift, he saw Han Zhe withdraw his hand in the air and then throw the ball high from behind the side with a backhand.

Jonas's first reaction was that this goal could not be scored, which was a forced blind shot by Han Zhe after seeing that there was no shooting angle.

He was right, now that Han Zhe didn't have Qingfeng's amorphous shooting skills, it was impossible for such a ball to be thrown in.

However, Han Zhe didn't shoot, as soon as the ball flew above, a figure rose from behind Jonas and smashed the ball into the basket with a "~bang"!

Han Zhe and Michael came to the air relay at the beginning, which made the fans excited, they wanted the team to win, and they wanted to win beautifully, and the more wonderful goals like this, the better.

After Michael landed, he hugged Han Zhe and happily punched him, which was a tacit cooperation.

In fact, this is also one of the important things that Han Zhe can coexist peacefully with everyone, that is, although Han Zhe shoots more frequently, he plays not only the ball, as long as his teammates have the opportunity, he will definitely let them perform.

Otherwise, Michael, the main small forward, is estimated to have the biggest contradiction with Han Zhe, you must know that the small forward is the protagonist of the team, if Han Zhe sincerely suppresses him, he will definitely be extremely unhappy.

But now that Han Zhe's strength has been recognized by them, and he is still very good at handling things, now he is playing a double core with Michael, and everyone has no opinion!

The Raptors kicked off, and after Lowry dribbled past half court, he found that Han Zhe was difficult after two attempts, so he did not choose a hard break and distributed the ball to Banjani.

When Banjani received the ball, he used his physical advantage to squeeze out of Bimax and immediately cut inside to the basket.

As soon as Mullens moved to make up the defense, Banyani had already shot the ball, and then a figure rushed to the basket and flew to catch the ball and dunked, and the basketball was poured into the basket!

That's right, the opposing Banyani and DeRozan also returned them a beautiful air relay.

Water friends chatted about it:

"The opening two goals were beautiful!"


"Did you find out, that DeRozan just jumped high!"

"It's normal, don't look at him as a defender, 2.01 meters is not short, and he bounces very well, he is a more famous dunking general!"

"Show off in front of my philosopher? laugh without saying a word!"

"Laugh without saying a word +1!"


"This guy is very dragged!" Han Zhe looked at DeRozan and looked at himself proudly, and he had the urge to slap his face hard!

Henderson instigated: "DeRozan is in the limelight, do you want us to change positions, you go and get him?"

"Change, grandson won't change!" Han Zhe said that he was fooled.

Henderson smiled, he (good money) was liberated, you must know that DeRozan's personal ability is much stronger than Lowry, and he is very difficult to defend.

The Bobcats attacked, and after Han Zhe broke through the pulling space, he gave Henderson a mid-range shot.

When the offense and defense were switched, the audience laughed, and the commentators on each station were also excited, because the Bobcats players were very willful and began to change their tactics again, and Han Zhe stopped in front of DeRozan, who had just received the ball!

Seeing that Dunlap's face was unhappy, Silas next to him hurriedly said: "This is actually not bad, DeRozan has a strong scoring ability, it is good for Han to limit it!"

Dunlap snorted coldly and didn't want to speak, but he had to admit that he was a little used to the players messing around on the field!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Novel Maniac] for rewarding 1000 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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