After returning to Charlotte, Han Zhe got a rare day off, because after resting today, he will have to play away tomorrow, and the three consecutive away games are too hard, and the next game is to play the Thunder, which is the strongest opponent they have encountered so far.

Dunlap deliberately gave everyone a day off to let the players relax, because tomorrow is bound to be another tough battle!

Han Zhe is now sitting in the café and drinking without taking a sip, not because he has this leisure, but because he has made an appointment to wait for someone here.

After a while, I saw Luthor walk in with a red face, and gave Han Zhe a big hug as soon as they met.

"You look good, what's making you like this!" Han Zhe quipped.

After Luthor sat down, he took a long sip of coffee before he said happily: "I was happy for my original vision, and when I saw you, I thought..."

"Stop, stop quickly, you almost didn't spray me to death when you heard that I was coming to the NBA, you have a bullshit eye!" Han Zhe opened his mouth and complained!

Luthor was not embarrassed at all and said, "I'm afraid of your pride!"

Han Zhe rolled his eyes, and said that he wanted to be an agent, and it seemed that the first point was to learn to break blindly!

Of course, just joking just now, Han Zhe is actually very grateful to Luthor in his heart, although Luthor was not optimistic about him coming to the NBA exhibition, but he still bothered to run up and down for him, without Luthor's help, he couldn't even touch the door to enter the NBA!

Lu Thor looked at Han Zhe and sighed, it was only a long time, Han Zhe had actually won the limelight, and I don't know how many people in the circle envied Lu Zhe for picking up treasures all of a sudden.

If Han Zhe maintains his current momentum, it will definitely be that the big contract star has not run, and Luther's agent will naturally rise.

The agent industry is a snowball, and it is difficult to sign a good player when you don't have a big name in your hand, but if you have a big star in your hand, many players will take the initiative to find you, and these are the benefits of fame.

And Han Zhe is obviously a rising star in the NBA, he is about to develop, of course he is happy!

Of course, the happiest thing is that the managers of several clubs have begun to please him, although he was not a street fighter before, but he definitely did not have this treatment.

That's what you pay and what you get!

"You've come just in time, I'm worried that I don't have time to find a place to live, you can help me find a place. "

Han Zhe has a tight schedule here, and he really can't find time to change his residence, and these trivial matters of life happen to be the scope of his agent's work, so it is best to leave them to him.

"What? Unhappy here, or Martin, they don't want you to stay?" Luthor was surprised.

Han Zhe waved his hand and told Luthor that it was not for this reason, but that the fans were too enthusiastic and he held it!

Luthor was happy all of a sudden, in fact, this is a good thing, there are many fans, which proves that Han Zhehuo, if no one knows him on the street, it is a bitter force.

"This is no problem, as long as you have money, the accommodation is still very good, I will help you deal with it when I go back, let's talk about business first." Luther's expression became serious after speaking.

Han Zhe also knew that Luthor called him out to say something, but he didn't know what he was talking about, so he waited quietly for him to follow.

Luthor took a sip of coffee to stabilize himself, so he pushed it all for the time being. "

Han Zhe has no opinion on this, he is now on the rise, and now the price of receiving advertisements is not only not high, but also delays time, and more entertainment may affect his state, so there is no need to think about making money for the time being, and playing the ball well is the right thing.

As long as Han Zhe maintains his current state, he will not worry about having no endorsement in the future.

In fact, Han Zhe is still quite happy about this, some agents wish that the players would accept endorsements and advertisements every day, and accept more money and less money, because every advertising agent can share the money.

Luthor was obviously more long-term, not blinded by the small profits in front of him.

Seeing that Han Zhe had no opinion, Luthor said something more important, "Hannigan contacted me the day before yesterday, I know you don't know him, he is the general manager of the Magic team." "

"Contact you?" Han Zhe looked puzzled, even if the magic wanted to trade himself, he should contact the bobcat, what was the use of contacting Luther.

Luther clearly saw Han Zhe's doubts, and said with a smile: "They have already made a trade request to the Bobcat, hoping to trade you over, but the Bobcat has refused. "

"Hannigan told me that they're determined to take you, and they're going to raise their chips to the Bobcats and apply for another trade.

As for the reason for coming to me, it's just an alternative, because if the lynx refuses, and you want to, you can be a free man and join the Magic!"

Han Zhe understood now, "You mean they want me to break the contract and jump out of the contract?"

Luthor shook his head, nodded again, and said, "Yes and no, the Magic still want to trade you with the Bobcat through normal channels, and if the Bobcat really doesn't let go, they want you to be able to jump out of the contract."

Of course, they magically settle the liquidated damages and promise you a big contract when your rookie contract expires. "

Han Zhe lowered his head and pondered, it seemed that the determination of the magic was really great, and the courage was also amazing, because the gambling nature of this transaction was too strong, if Han Zhe was just a flash in the pan, they would lose all their money.

And encouraging players to jump out of their contracts is something that all league teams don't want to see, because everyone plays like this, and it's not messy anymore, so it's very offensive to do magic!

And not only does the Magic offend people, but it also has a great impact on Han Zhe, and his reputation will be very bad, and other teams in the league will not like such players.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Han Zhe shook his head and said: "There is no need for this at the moment, if the magic can trade me through conventional means, it is their ability, I don't have a choice whether I want to or not, but it is impossible for me to jump out of the contract, I can't do it!"

Luthor smiled bitterly: "I also know that this is not good, but the reason why I didn't refuse directly, but discussed with you, is because the magic promised to rebuild with you as the core, and the temptation is too great!"

Han Zhe was also stunned after hearing this, and his first reaction was whether the magic was crazy, where could the core of the team be so sloppy, if he was a parallel import, then the magic worked so hard to get himself into his hands Isn't it melon skin!

"Could it be that they fooled you!" Han Zhe felt that it was magic to give sweet dates first, and then take a step at a time, and fool yourself first.

Luthor shook his head and said, "They said that if you want to go, they will sign a letter of commitment in private." "

"Dog hot! Magic is so ruthless!"

Han Zhe was also blinded all of a sudden, this temptation is really big, although he is doing well in Lynx now, he is far from the absolute core.

What is the absolute core, that is, the whole team will play around you alone, even the tactics are formulated according to your characteristics, in short, the team will serve you alone, this kind of treatment no player does not want to get!

This is what can really attract Han Zhe, if it is just a big contract, Han Zhe is not rare, because he has confidence in himself, as long as the rookie contract ends, he is confident that he can definitely get a big contract no matter where he goes.

But the core is different, few teams will let a newcomer like Han Zhe play the core, let alone build a team around him!_

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