Han Zhe was still a little dazed, but he didn't expect Luther's bombshell to be dropped again.

"The Hawks and Wizards have just contacted me, and they seem to have requested a trade from the Bobcats as well, and they also hinted that if the trade fails, they want you to jump out of the contract. "

Luther's voice trembled a little with excitement, he had never had such a sought-after item as Han Zhe in his hands, no matter what Han Zhe decided, at least Han Zhe was already on fire!

"These teams are so bold, you know, I haven't played many games at the moment, how do they know if I'm going to be able to keep the form I'm going to be in the future. "

Han Zhezhen was a little confused, he was a fragrant dumpling?

Luther said: "Of course, this kind of transaction has a certain gambling component, but do you think these teams are stupid, before they make a trade request, there must be a professional team that has analyzed and studied you, and they think that the probability of losing money is extremely low before they act." "

"If you really wait until you become a big star, the price of the trade is more than that, so now is a better time to get you.

And it's not just these three teams, I've inquired in the circle, and there are several teams that are planning to make a move. "

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zhe also understood a little, he is now a potential stock, and if he wants to start, he has to start as soon as possible, the most important point is that Han Zhe's worth is not too high now, even if he buys parallel goods, he can afford to lose it.

For example, if Han Zhe jumps out of the contract, the liquidated damages are only more than 8 million US dollars, which many teams can afford.

If Han Zhe signs a big contract, the liquidated damages are sky-high, no team can afford it, although there is a possibility of losing money now, but if Han Zhe is in a stable state, or even a little worse than he is now, he will make a lot of money!

Han Zhe thought for a while before he said: "I don't object to the other party's ability to trade, but I won't take the initiative to jump out of the contract." "

Luthor did not object, and said with a smile: "Actually, we don't need to be in a hurry, after all, the regular season has just begun, the end of the trade period is still early, and our contract is not long, and you are still young, there is no need to rush at all, jumping out of the contract is really not a good thing for you, since you want to take you, you have to show their sincerity." "

Luther's thoughts coincide with Han Zhe, Han Zhe also thinks so, since you want yourself, then show your sincerity, don't let yourself break the contract, and if you have the ability, give the lynx a bargaining chip that can't refuse, and let the lynx take the initiative to release him.

Of course, Han Zhe knows that it is actually more cost-effective to break the contract by himself than any deal, of course, this cost-effective calculation refers to the team that traded him, not himself, so he will not suffer a loss to let other teams pick up the benefits, not to mention the door, there is no window!

At least Han Zhe will not take the initiative to break the contract for any team now.

Of course, in fact, Han Zhe's breach of the contract is just a loss of name, and the other party will definitely compensate him in terms of salary or other forms, but although Han Zhe doesn't have much money, he is not short of money, so there is no need to do such a thing.

Only the Magic side was a little heartfelt, but after thinking about it, he gave up on the idea of a contract.

Or is it the same sentence, since you want yourself so much, just show sincerity and make a condition that the lynx can't refuse, if you are reluctant to raise, why do you say that you are bound to win?


The Bobcats also had happy troubles on their side, and Jordan, Richie, and a few other top executives all came together.

Because they have received several teams to Han Zhe's trade offers these days, they have not replied for the time being, and now they are ready to discuss it in a unified manner.

"We have received a total of five trade requests for Han Zhe so far, including the Magic, the Hawks, the Wizards, the Suns and the Knicks. "

After a middle-aged man finished speaking, he took out several documents and handed out one by one, which were all details of each team and the proposed trading chips.

"The Wizards were so stingy that they traded a Beal and a first-round pick. Richie quipped when he saw the Wizards' conditions.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help laughing, they were not laughing at the wizards' lack of chips, but at their original choice.

At the time of the draft, they were reluctant to pick Han Zhe with the No. 3 pick, but as a result, Bill, who was selected with the No. 3 pick, had to add another draft pick to exchange, and most of them couldn't be exchanged!

Thinking about the Wizards' expression right now must be wonderful.

However, they did not pass the Wizards directly, because such a first-round offer is basically a temptation, if the Bobcats really have the intention of trading, then the other party will definitely increase the weight, then the two sides need to sit down and talk slowly.

The next few teams are similar, some directly exchange players, and some players + show rights.

The NBA is the way to go, they are different from football, football only talks about money, as long as the transfer fee is given enough, players can be smashed.

But the NBA has a transfer fee, and there is no cash transaction, it is all bartering, and they have a lot of things to consider, and the biggest problem is the salary cap.

Swapping players for each other is not the more expensive and bigger the better, but also have to consider balancing everyone's salary cap, such as pulling two or three top-paid players into a team, the salary cap will explode at once, and it will also severely compress the salary space of other players, which will not keep people.

Of course, teams like the Lakers with deep pockets and willing to give a high luxury tax are the exception, and people are rich and capricious!

When they saw the second-round offer made by the last Magic, everyone was shocked.

The Magic are Jameel Nelson + Len Davis + a draft pick this time.

This is a main guard and a main striker, the meaning of magic is obvious, we use a main guard to top the lack of Han Zhe's departure, and then you Bobcats are not short of forwards?

Lao Tzu sent you a reliable main striker, and gave you a first-round draft pick, what do you want to choose yourself, this sincerity is enough!

The Bobcat executives were a little surprised after seeing it, no matter what Han Zhe said, he was just a budding rookie, and the price was already very exaggerated.

Another point is that the two players who have been traded are very cost-effective, and will not affect their team's salary space, if the Magic really give them a big card with a maximum salary, don't send them, the Bobcats can't afford it!

Next, everyone discussed, and the first question was whether Han Zhe would keep or sell, which was the fundamental question. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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