As soon as this issue came out, everyone discussed it, and it was difficult to unify their opinions, and some felt that Han Zhe had great potential, and there was no need to sell it, so it was better to keep it for themselves.

Some people feel that it is difficult for a rookie like Han Zhe to ensure a stable state, and now they should make a move while Han Zhe is hot, otherwise it will be a pity to smash their own hands.

There is also a short-term contract that Han Zhe currently only signs with the team, if he doesn't make a move during the contract, when Han Zhe's contract expires, it will be given away for nothing, and as time goes by, the closer to the end of the contract, the less trade value there is, and now there are so many teams rushing to ask for it, they should make a timely move!

Both statements make sense, and in the end, everyone still focused on Boss Qiao, they said that it was useless to cut their throats, and in the end it depended on what the boss thought.

If Jordan has trade intentions, then the next step is to carefully consider the trade requests of these teams, if Jordan doesn't want to sell Han Zhe, these trade requests can be thrown away, and everyone can wash and sleep!

"What do you think, Richie?" Jordan asked Richie suddenly.

Richie didn't want to let Han Zhe go, but the last time he communicated with Jordan, he actually knew that Boss Qiao was inclined to sell Han Zhe, and now he asked him just to let him be the first bird.

In fact, Rich also knows that Jordan's idea is not wrong, Han Zhe is a rookie after all, and there are too many uncertainties, maybe something will happen when something happens.

And even if Han Zhe has been in excellent form, don't forget that they are only on a 1+1 contract, and even if the Bobcats exercise the team option on the contract, they can let Han Zhe play for two seasons at most.

After two seasons, they don't think that Han Zhe will stay, because as long as they are players with strength and pursuit, they will not be nostalgic for a team like Bobcat that will never be strengthened and has no chance to win honors.

When the time comes, as soon as Han Zhe leaves, the Bobcat will not be able to get a penny of benefits, if Han Zhe is traded now, he can use Han Zhe to exchange for some practical players!

Rich organized the language and said, "I think as long as there is a team with the right conditions, it is possible to consider a trade."

However, everyone can see the importance of Han Zhe to the team at present, the team has started this season very well, and the results must have improved significantly compared with previous years, so we can take a break for a while, anyway, there are still more than ten weeks before the trade deadline, so we can take a look at the situation first. "

After Richie finished speaking, most of the people nodded, Richie said very reasonably, you can keep Han Zhe first, and it's not too late to leave after you finish your efforts, this is the maximization of value, of course, you can't stay too long, if you stay too long, the value of the transaction will depreciate, because Han Zhe's contract is too short!

Someone interjected, "What if a team makes a trade request right now that we can't refuse?"

This time Jordan spoke directly, "Then trade!"


Han Zhe didn't know that the team was already discussing his whereabouts, and after separating from Lu, he walked down the street alone.

He's been here for so long, and he hasn't been here yet, and he was going to look for a house today, but now that Luthor is doing it for him, of course he has to be lazy.

Charlotte is known as a beautiful city to live in, and there is certainly something unique about it.

Blue sky and white clouds, fresh air, green trees, the population density in the city is not large, there is no noise and depression in many big cities.

Walking on such a forest path is easy to relax.

Although Han Zhe wears sunglasses, he will occasionally be recognized by someone asking him for an autograph, and he is satisfied with them one by one, anyway, only a few people recognize him, and it does not interfere with him shopping.

When Han Zhe sat in the park until evening, Luthor called again, saying that the accommodation had been taken care of for him, and asked him to go and see if he was satisfied.

Han Zhe had only one request, and that was to ask Luthor to find a place close to the arena, but he didn't expect him to be ok so quickly, and it only took half a day.

When Han Zhe arrived at the place, the location was quite satisfied, it was an apartment not far behind the stadium, and it was almost ten minutes to walk to the stadium, which was more convenient.

However, Han Zhe always felt a little familiar when he went downstairs to the apartment, and he couldn't remember it for a while, and when he was wondering, Luthor was already urging him to hurry upstairs, so he didn't think much about it, and followed up.

The place Luthor was looking for was the third floor, with two bedrooms and one living room, all the furniture and items, and a bald middle-aged white landlord was already waiting.

When he saw that it was Han Zhe, he was obviously very surprised, and gave Han Zhe a big hug, and claimed that his whole family was Han Zhe's fans.

However, the fans have no use, and the money should be given is not less, just this apartment, the monthly rent is 2,300 US dollars, but it is a fair price here.

If it was before, this rent would definitely hurt Han Zhedan, but now with a monthly income of nearly 100,000 US dollars, he really doesn't care about this money, as long as he lives comfortably, he is actually very uncomfortable living in other people's houses, he always feels weird, and he feels relaxed when he moves out.

I checked it before and after, the household appliances were relatively complete, the hygiene was also clean, the window was still a small green area, and there was no noise, Han Zhe was still very satisfied.

He is not a procrastinator, he paid for the formalities on the spot, and then the landlord drove a pickup truck very enthusiastically to help Han Zhe move, which can be regarded as letting Han Zhe enjoy the treatment of a star...

In fact, Han Zhe didn't have much to do, so he only packed two large suitcases.

When leaving, Martin and his wife were a little reluctant, there was a star living at home, but they usually bragged about the capital, and now the star is flying, not happy!

However, they also know the situation at home, and they are quite happy at first when someone comes to the door every day, but they can't stand it for a long time, so it may be a good thing for Han Zhe to leave!


PS: I recommend this friend's new book "My Daughter in the City is an Agent"!


Thanks to the [Winter and Summer] boss for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss for 100 points. _

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