Dunlap was so angry now, "Didn't I warn you to stay away from those reporters and not to be interviewed in the near future!"

"I didn't accept the interview, I didn't answer any of their questions!" Han Zhe said this reasonably, he didn't answer a single question, how can he be called an interview, reasonable!

Dunlap almost didn't vomit blood, you didn't answer the question, but you hit people directly, and you beat them quite hard, which is much more serious than being interviewed in private, and it's good to distinguish priorities!

Han Zhe is actually not very worried, that guy has a broken nose bridge at most, it is not a multiple injury, if he has no money and no identity, it must be very troublesome to fight reporters, and prison is possible, but he is not, with his current status, he can pay bail and leave after sitting at the police station for a day at most.

As long as it can be solved with money, it won't matter, if he doesn't beat that bastard today, it's a big deal to get himself angry!

Domestic reporters also saw the BR person next to him call the police outside, and they were very anxious, this matter can be big or small, and it is a bit bottomless.

Shen Xuefei has calmed down a little now, her eyes rolled, and she also called the police.

At first, Shen Xuefei said that someone racially discriminated against her, and the police wanted to hang up the phone as soon as they heard it, but they didn't care if it was true or not, and they shouldn't care about it.

When Shen Xuefei saw this, she immediately said that someone beat her and wanted to insult her, come on, this has to be managed!

When the police officer asked about the situation and knew that Shen Xuefei was a reporter from the Celestial Empire and was suing the BR, after asking about the situation, he said that they would deal with it as soon as possible, and hung up the phone.

"Chief, someone called the police and was deliberately injured and indecent!" the officer went to the director's office to report.

"Mark, are you the first day to be a policeman, do you think I'm not troublesome enough, Han Zhe's side of the matter has already broken my brain, why bother me with this kind of trivial matter, just find a police officer to deal with it." A white man in his forties said impatiently.

His name is Hansen, he is the director of the Charlotte City Bureau, and he is upset, what they are most worried about is dealing with this kind of star case, especially Han Zhe, a player who is already famous, please come back and serve as an uncle, the media will definitely be piled up here, and maybe he will be sprayed like a dog by the fans.

Do they know how popular Han Zhe is in Charlotte now and how influential he is, not to mention anything else, there are many Han Zhe fans in their police station!

And just now Jordan also called him personally, saying that they would solve this matter themselves, and hoped that the police would not interfere, otherwise the impact would not be good.

If it were a normal situation, he would definitely buy Jordan's face, after all, it was just an ordinary fight, but the other party's BR was a very influential media, and there was no reason for them not to accept it if they called the police, and just now a manager on the other side also called to ask for pressure.

"Director, my case is related to Han Zhe's side, and the person who called the police was a female reporter from the Celestial Dynasty who was present.

She wants to sue Simmons for intentional injury and indecent assault, and said that Han Zhe acted bravely, by the way, Simmons is Han Zhe who injured the BR reporter!"

Hansen was stunned when he heard this, and now there was a deliberate injury? Is this a group fight? And women participated?

And it's not very scientific to say indecent assault, they have a preliminary understanding, there were a lot of reporters present at the time, so how bold and anxious Simmons is to go to indecent female reporters in front of this reporter, and you can't be so brain-dead if you take too much medicine!

Anyway, the case seems to be a bit complicated, and Han Zhe is now a good citizen who sees righteousness and courage, damn!

"Director, do we want to go to the police, and asked cautiously.

Hansen thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he waved his hand to signal Mark to go out first, and then picked up the phone on the desk and pressed a callback.

After the phone was connected, Han Sen said bluntly: "Just now, someone warned your company's Simmons that he was going to hit someone first and plan to be indecent, and Han Zhe was brave and brave."

What the hell is going on in this matter, you'd better ask Simmons first, what? Is it an established fact that Han Zhe beat people? Is it not the fact that you have the final say, we still need to collect evidence and investigate.

And it's okay to arrest people, Simmons, we must also arrest and investigate together, we can't treat you differently, right!

Simmons is injured? Should he be hospitalized for observation first? How can this be done, we have already seen it, he is only a minor injury, what if he runs away in the name of hospitalization, do you bear this responsibility?"

In the end, the other party hung up the phone angrily, and Han Sen smiled proudly, he was obviously more partial to Han Zhe just now.

Han Zhe is a local star player, they also have a sense of local protection, and Han Zhe is not a big deal, and it is more troublesome to catch him, so it is best to let them go private.

Of course, Hansen will not admit that he takes special care of Han Zhe, because his baby son is a fan of Han Zhe!

Of course, Jordan knew about this for the first time, otherwise he would not have called the police station, and Han Zhe was then called by Jordan to scold.

Jordan is angry, this is really a wave of unsettled waves, and the newspaper sang about Han Zhe and made him upset, but now it's good, Han Zhe seems to think that he was not hacked thoroughly enough, and he is doing things again!

When he received a call from Hansen, telling him about the situation and letting them go private, Jordan breathed a sigh of relief and his anger subsided a little.

"That reporter named Shen Xuefei is good, quite clever, this time it is a big help, otherwise this matter is really difficult to deal with!"

Then Jordan said what Shen Xuefei reported to the police, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, the key is that Shen Xuefei gave Hansen an excuse not to go to the police, since someone called the police, you are a suspect, and if you want to arrest anyone, you will definitely be arrested.

BR doesn't care about Simmons' reputation, but he has to care about his reputation, whether it's true or not, anyway, BR's alleged racism and indecent assault is a big scandal, so it's really unnecessary for this.

Han Zhe really didn't expect Shen Xuefei to be so witty, this is a good move, it seems that the girl's IQ is quite high!

After Jordan signaled Han Zhe to leave, he dialed the BR phone number that Hansen had just given him, and a solution to this matter had to be negotiated, but it was usually a matter of paying for some medical expenses.

Anyway, the Bobcat has caught a handle here, and it's a big deal that everyone will go to court, and no one will be able to get off the stage at that time.

If it is a normal situation, the media would like to fight lawsuits every day to gain popularity, but if it is the defendant's racial discrimination and indecent assault, then what, forget it!

After Simmons and his assistant answered the phone, they glared at Shen Xuefei and the others, and then left in a gloomy manner, this is a call from above, so that they don't have to wait for the police, and they will talk about it when they go back.

Shen Xuefei also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, it seemed that this matter seemed to be settled for the time being.

"Why did they leave, and the police didn't come after waiting for a long time, and the city bureau seems to be less than two kilometers away from here, right?" the Sina reporter wondered.

"The police probably won't come!" Shen Xuefei said with a grin.

A few people were still a little confused, the alliance asked Shen Xuefei what was going on, Shen Xuefei was indeed very smart, her analysis and facts were very close, because this was the purpose of her calling the police.

Everyone gave Shen Xuefei a thumbs up after hearing this, she was too witty, although they also knew that Han Zhe would definitely be able to come out even if he was caught, but if he didn't enter the bureau, he would definitely save him a lot of trouble!


PS: I know that everyone is a little anxious to change teams, but you can't just say a word, just say where the protagonist is traded, there has to be a transition, it's a matter of the past two days.

Thanks to the boss of [Heavenly Death] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of ydhdhdndjxjbd for tipping 200 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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