It was already dark when Han Zhe came out, but he found that Shen Xuefei and the others were still at the gate.

"Thank you all today, you haven't eaten yet, let's go, I'll treat you to something to eat. "

Although Han Zhe sometimes annoys reporters, these reporters have really not hacked themselves, and because they are compatriots, their general direction is at least the same, and today these reporters are completely on their side.

"I should have said thank you to you, I caused this incident, and I'm embarrassed to hurt you. Shen Xuefei interface~ said.

Han Zhe waved his hand, Shen Xuefei also defended and supported himself, if he really felt that it was someone else's fault, Han Zhe would be too bad, and there was no one to let him do it.

Later, several other people also said that they had eaten some takeout just now, and they didn't need to eat, and they waited here to confirm whether Han Zhe was really okay, and seeing that Han Zhe was about to go home now, it proved that today's matter was over temporarily.

However, everyone knows that this matter is not over yet, tomorrow will definitely be a storm, and they will definitely not deliberately report negative news like Han Zhe, but don't forget that there are so many reporters present today, and tomorrow will definitely be very lively!

Everyone then separated, and on the way back, Shen Xuefei and the others discussed whether to send this report back to China.

They discussed it, asked their superiors for instructions, and finally decided to write, because paper can't contain fire, and now that the Internet is so developed, as soon as the foreign media report it, the country will immediately know it, and at that time they were passive.

But the report also has to talk about ways and means, if you directly write Han Zhe beating people, this is a professional black, and even if you want to hack Han Zhe, you don't dare to write nonsense, this person has been on the simulcast, and he has a halo to protect himself, and whoever touches him will be stupid.

In the end, after discussing the unification of the voice, it was the foreign media that surrounded Han Zhe and deliberately asked very tricky questions to make it difficult for Han Zhe, Shen Xuefei couldn't look at it, and when she supported Han Zhe, she had a quarrel with foreign reporters.

As a result, she was besieged by foreign reporters, a white male reporter first insulted her racist, and directly pushed her to prepare to beat someone, Han Zhe saw that his compatriots were being bullied, so he took action!

It's true or false, but it doesn't count if they make fake news, because most of what is written is facts, just infinitely embellished!

After they discussed it, they immediately wrote a manuscript with pictures and sent it back to China, they had to report before the foreign side, otherwise when the report came out first, they would be forcibly whitewashed, and the time point was very important.

After Shen Xuefei's report was sent back to China, it naturally caused an uproar, and there were text reports with pictures.

The picture is a small number of their Celestial Empire reporters surrounded by a large group of foreign reporters pointing and scolding, as well as a picture of Simmons pushing Shen Xuefei, of course, there is also an illustration of Simmons lying on the ground, if you don't give a photo of the beaten, it's too much!

"Damn! These foreign reporters are so bad, why do they always catch me Zhehei, they should be beaten up!"

"Shen Xuefei is not only beautiful, but also interesting enough, the first to support Han Zhe, you must praise it!"

"Relieve your anger, I wanted to beat someone last time I saw them black Han Zhe, but Han Zhe did it himself, 2333!"

"Han Zhe is domineering, that fat pig is so big, he was actually knocked out by Han Zhe with a punch, it's amazing!"

"Worried about Han Zhe, will he go to jail?"

"Don't worry, Han Zhe is not a flat-headed ordinary person like us, it's not a big deal!"

"I've done a good job, finally a Chinese player dares to play a foreign correspondent, I have to celebrate!"

"Hey, hey, it's not good to beat people, this kind of thing Han Zhe should be condemned, he has no quality at all. "

"Bichi upstairs, two shit, stupid bird!"

"Hey, you stupid swearing!"

"Yo! It turns out that you also know how to get angry and scold people, what about good quality?"

"This kind of person reporter should be beaten, Han can't let our own people be bullied, let alone a beauty!"

As soon as this kind of thing came out, most of the celebrities were silent, and the followers could praise a few words of popularity, but this matter is more sensitive, they are still waiting, they dare not speak, and they will look at the direction of the wind first.

When Liu Yan "played well!" came out on Weibo, it exploded, although Liu Yan did not name her, but everyone who is not stupid knows what she said to play well.

"True goddess, if you dare to tell the truth, you must!"

"Top, top, top, top, the eyes of the fierce god are bright!"

"I thought that no one in the entertainment industry dared to speak up!

"Liu Yan run, I'll cover, the army of relevant departments is approaching!"

Seeing that Liu Yan skyrocketed in fans when she said a word, some celebrities couldn't help it and began to speak tentatively.

"It's normal for young people to be impulsive, so everyone should be more tolerant. "

"Discrimination has always been a problem, and I have experienced it first-hand abroad. "

"It's very relieving!"

"Heroes save beauty, envy!"

None of these celebrities said their names, but everyone knew who they were referring to, and as long as they spoke to help, they could attract fans and let more and more big names join in solidarity.

The entertainment industry also officially knows the horror of Han Zhe's popularity in China, and he can increase tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans by helping him say a word, it's terrible to think about, how popular is this!


As soon as the sky dawned here in the United States, Han Zhe's name began to completely swipe the screen, he was all in the newspapers and daily magazines, and he was also in the morning news, and Han Zhe was everywhere all of a sudden.

[The rookie of the Celestial Empire is annoyed and angry, and beats the BR violently]

[Han Zhe's arm strength is amazing, knocking out Simmons with one punch, the latter has a broken nose bridge and is being treated in the hospital]

[Han Zhe may be entangled in lawsuits]

0·· Asking for flowers··

[Han Zhe is a violent maniac]

[A BR spokesman said he would pursue it to the end]

[Because of hitting the rookie wall, he hit people in anger]

Here, except for the local media in Charlotte who is helping Han Zhe try their best to whitewash, it is basically one-sided black, and the illustration is also Han Zhe beating Simmons.

Some Mi people were angry at Han Zhe when they saw this, and some yelled at him to go back to the Celestial Empire, they have seen players hit reporters to report, but most of the so-called fights are just pushing and kicking or something.

How can Han Zhe be so ruthless, this product is really violent!

But there are a lot of people in the United States who have violent factors, and there are also a lot of annoying reporters, and many people prefer Han Zhe and think that Han Zhe is manable enough to beat people and look handsome!

Many people even think that players who can't fight are not good players, and the NBA has been better in recent years, you must know that the previous NBA was a rogue major league, and it was rare for no one to fight in any round!


After these reports were transmitted back to China, many people were dumbfounded, why is there such a big gap between the two sides, some people seem to know some great secrets, but they also laugh and say nothing, while others have preconceived reports to build a foundation, thinking that these media are spreading rumors and making trouble, and saying everything in the bad way.

In fact, the reports on both sides are not very fair, the United States side did not mention much about Simon Xi's scolding and pushing people, and the domestic side is also trying its best to beautify Han Zhe, it is all a routine!

Han Zhe doesn't care, eat well, sleep well, Boss Qiao is more concerned about his affairs than he is now, he will definitely solve it properly, just lose money, he can't afford to lose it now, just make him pay three or five hundred thousand yuan if this matter is difficult.

There was a game against the Bucks today, Han Zhe was ordered to rest at home, and he didn't make the squad at all, which is punishment and protection, and it's a good thing to let him temporarily get out of the media's sight.

Han Zhe can only watch live TV obediently at home.

And Jordan has also handled Han Zhe's matter almost well, and now he is receiving two guests in the office with a smile on his face, one is the general manager of Magic and the other is the general manager of Eagles.

Jordan was very surprised by their arrival, because he had only received a notification from the Magic before, and he didn't expect the Eagles manager to come to the door in person, could it be that the two of them collided?

The purpose of their coming is self-evident, which seems a little embarrassing!


PS: Recommend a good book for friends: "Chaos Red Cloud" Friends who like the flood can take a look at it, and tease the story of infinite treasure collection of red clouds!

Thanks to Evan boss for the 2000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Heavenly Death] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [abcd5209] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of ydhdhdndjxjbd for rewarding 200 points. _

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