Devos didn't answer the question head-on, and Hannigan began to come out and play round, saying that there was something to discuss, and that they were negotiating now, and they could talk slowly.

Lu Thor also gave Han Zhe a reassuring look, signaling him not to express his opinion for the time being, just leave it to him to deal with.

Lu Zhe naturally knew best what Han Zhe thought, and they had already discussed many possibilities before they came.

Luthor said: "We understand and are reasonable about your concerns, but please also understand Han, we have just arrived at the Magic now, and we don't know anything about the situation in the team, how the players are, how the coaches, and how Mr. Devos positions the team.

Renewing the contract and raising the salary is also a good thing for Han, but it is too anxious to renew the contract now.

Anyway, Han has at least two years, and if the Magic are really an ambitious team, I think even if you want to kick us away, we don't want to leave. "

Luthor means we don't know anything about Magic right now, what if you sign a long-term contract and find out that you're a bad team with no pursuits, even if you can play the core, there's no point, and if you really have ambitions, are you afraid that you won't be able to keep players?

In fact, the ideas on both sides are reasonable, the Magic are afraid that Han Zhe will run away halfway, they will be doing useless work, and Luthor is afraid that after being trapped, if the Magic is a team with no future, wouldn't it ruin Han Zhe, the players not only want to make money, but also want to pursue honor.

Hannigan said: "Mr. Luther, in fact, your worries are unnecessary, our team has never been afraid of spending money, and it is also a team that will aim for the championship, and we will continue to strengthen according to the specific situation of the team after Han joins." "

Hannigan is really confident in saying this, after Devos bought the team, the Magic did not miss the stars, O'Neal, Hardaway, Wallace, Hill, Maddy, Lewis, Carter, Alstom, Howard and so on.

Luthor didn't eat this, and said with a smile: "Mr. Hannigan, your worries are also unnecessary, if the team can really do what you say, Han will definitely not leave, after all, we are also very grateful for your sincerity." "

The negotiations reached an impasse for the time being, and neither Devos nor Han Zhe spoke, so Hannigan and Luthor had a war of words, and finally Luthor and Han Zhe discussed it again, and everyone took a step back.

The tentative result is that Han Zhe's current contract remains unchanged, and Han Zhe is also given an adaptation period and time to consider, but at the latest, after the regular season of this season, Han Zhe must give a clear answer.

Han Zhe has no opinion on this, he can almost figure out the situation of the Magic in one season, if the Magic is really a team with pursuits, and the treatment given to him is good, he doesn't mind extending the contract period a little.

If Magic says one thing and does another, then Han Zhe will definitely refuse to renew the contract, and he has no problem with Magic changing the core.

Overall, the result of this negotiation was not bad, and Devos also opened a good bottle of red wine and touched a glass to welcome Han Zhe to officially join.

Then the official website of the Magic officially announced that Han Zhe had joined the Magic, and the press officer also said that there will be an official press conference and fan meeting at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

After all, Han Zhe is red and purple now, and his joining can't be as hasty as when he joined Bobcat, and Magic and Han Zhe are in the honeymoon period, so they have to give Han Zi as much as possible to make him have a sense of identity and belonging to Magic.

After Han Zhe and the others left, Hannigan smiled bitterly: "This is really difficult!"

Devos lit his cigar and took a puff, "Han is not an ordinary rookie, naturally he won't be unable to walk as soon as he hears about a big contract, it's normal for them to refuse this time."

But as long as we do a good job, Han should not leave, although he is very strong, but he has always been in the NBA for too short, and few teams will treat him as the core of our bet. "

Hannigan was also in a more comfortable mood after hearing this, and Devos's self-confidence also gave him confidence, the key is that with Devos, the rich man, sitting behind him, Hannigan is confident, as long as they can try to meet Han Zhe's reasonable requirements, Han Zhe is really unlikely to want to leave.

They can give Han Zhe the best treatment, and the team is also a team with pursuits, why does Han Zhe want to leave?

And Devos is right, Han Zhe is very strong, but there are too many uncertain factors, and now except for their magic, there are really few teams that will give him such good treatment.

Hannigan knows that the main reason for Devos's relaxed mentality is that he is rich and capricious, even if Han Zhe has an accident here, spending money is changing a core!

Of course, Devos definitely doesn't want to replace Han Zhe, after all, good players can't be bought with money, and the rebuilding cycle will not be short, and it is impossible for the Magic to reorganize the team in three days.

Han Zhe did not leave immediately, but Steven led him to the arena to meet with head coach Vaughn and the Magic players officially, which can be regarded as acquaintance.

Head coach Jacqui Vaughn is a black bald man, and after meeting Han Zhe, although he tried his best to maintain the majesty of the head coach, the white teeth that grinned from time to time betrayed him deeply.

Vaughn couldn't help but laugh, when Hannigan informed him that he would trade Han Zhe as the core of the team, he was not very happy, because the top management did not discuss him at all, it was just a simple notice.

However, when he carefully looked at Han Zhe's competition materials for a few days, his mouth was crooked, and he secretly said that the high-level management really had a vision this time, Han Zhe's skills were too comprehensive, and he was very young, which was simply the cornerstone of the standard team building!

Especially in recent times, Han Zhe's performance has become better and better, and he has cut 40+ twice and 50+ once.

The other players of the Magic also came over and stared at Han Zhe curiously, now that Han Zhe is so popular, they all want to see if this young rookie has three heads and six arms.

Han Zhe kept smiling, and after greeting the coaching staff, he also politely greeted the Magic players one by one, which made Vaughn very satisfied and made the players have a good first impression of him.

They all knew that Han Zhe had humiliated 76 people very arrogantly before, and they thought that Han Zhe was the kind of person who was arrogant and arrogant!

It doesn't seem to be the case at the moment, but they also know that they don't know their hearts and faces, and it remains to be seen how Han Zhe will be.

When Han Zhe shook hands with the players one by one and greeted each other, he was also observing, and found that most of his attitude towards him was not enthusiastic and cold, which was considered a normal performance.

Han Zhe just came to meet everyone, so he said hello and left, and he will not officially join the team for training until tomorrow's joining ceremony.

After Han Zhe left, the Magic players "boomed" and discussed:

"This kid looks so young! I guess he hasn't even grown his hair!"

"Don't underestimate him, I just watched him play against the Thunder and the 76ers, and he is indeed very strong. "

"The newspapers say he's coming to play the core of our team, is that true?"

"Why is he a rookie playing the core!"

"Don't call him a rookie in front of him, it's hard for you to really treat him as an ordinary rookie!"

At this time, Vaughn came over and yelled at them, telling them to get out of train and not chew their tongues!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Fang Tian Painting Halberd] for rewarding 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Little Beanding] for rewarding 100 points. _

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