
The Magic held a press conference for Han Zhe at the press conference, and Hannigan and head coach Vaughn were both present at the press conference.

Han Zhe first showed it with a jersey, and asked the reporter to take a picture with a smile, the jersey number is still No. 10, as for whether the No. 10 was originally empty or let by others, Han Zhe did not ask.

He does prefer the number 10 shirt, and since the team said it was there when he asked, that's fine, so why ask too much.

Domestic Tencent and other online platforms are conducting live broadcasts, because Han Zhe's change of team is a major event, and naturally countless people pay attention to it.

"It's still the number 10 jersey, 666!"

"I have to complain, the white jersey of the Magic home court is really ugly!"

"The white one is a bit of a two, but their home jersey has a lot of colors, and the blue one is pretty one. "

"Don't worry about the details, can Han Zhe play the core in magic?"

"It should be more likely, after all, the magic is poor in the core now, isn't buying Han Zhe as the basis for building a team!"

"This is amazing, the core of the 19-year-old, it's all hanging when you think about it!"

After showing the jersey, the on-site reporter congratulated and began to ask:

"May I ask Mr. Hannigan, can you tell us about the specific price of Han Zhe's trading chips?"

Hannigan said, "Nelson + Weiss, don't you know?"

The reporters didn't believe it, when the Bobcat was stupid, these two players alone would definitely not be able to exchange for Han Zhe.

But Hannigan didn't say anything, and a trade secret sent them away.

The reporter was not disappointed, because today's protagonist is Han Zhe, and their main target is of course Han Zhe.

"May I ask Han Zhe, what is the first feeling of magic for you?"

"It feels... Hmmm... Rich!"


Han Zhe's answer made the scene spray, and Hannigan also shook his head with laughter, this Han Zhe is really interesting.

"It's rumored that the Magic will build a team with you as the core, is that true?"

Han Zhe smiled: "I definitely hope for this, but the specific situation depends on the bosses' arrangement!"

The reporter laughed again, and Han Zhe replied that he was really honest and didn't do anything at all.

A reporter turned the finger to Coach Vaughn next to him and asked him what role Han Zhe would play in his tactics, or what kind of positioning he would play.

Vaughn said: "Han is a good player with a lot of skills, but at the moment I am not very familiar with Han, his tactical role and position will depend on the situation. "

Vaughn also played Tai Chi, but he was not fooling, he was indeed not familiar with Han Zhe, and he had to train and run in to accurately locate him.

"May I ask Han Zhe, is there anything you want to say about the bobcat without trading?"

This question made the audience silent, this is the rhythm of provoking trouble!

Han Zhe was not as angry as everyone imagined, and said with a smile: "How many players in the NBA will never move? "

Many reporters secretly praised him, Han Zhe is young and sometimes impulsive, but some questions are answered really well.

"Han Zhe, what kind of team do you think the Magic are?"

Han Zhe said: "Although the Magic team has not been established for a long time, the results have been good, especially in recent years, the Magic are frequent visitors to the playoffs, so the Magic is a strong team, of course, now that I join, the Magic will be stronger!"

The reporter was stunned at first, and then happy, Han Zhe is finally arrogant again now, they like this kind of answer, this is newsworthy!

As for Han Zhe saying that the Magic is a strong team, everyone scoffs at it, the Magic is indeed not weak in recent years, but it is not strong, it is basically the kind of playoff round.

The point is that the Magic have never won any heavyweight honors, and the best record in history is to reach the Finals once, but they were still easily defeated by the Lakers!

Today is Han Zhe's joining meeting, which is a happy event, so the reporter didn't ask too sharp questions next, otherwise it would not be a shame for magic.

Towards the end, Han Zhe made a special trip to answer questions from several domestic reporters, and greeted the audience in Chinese to the camera, and thanked them for their support.

Han Zhe's eyes glanced at the press conference site, and he didn't find that Shen Xuefei's long legs were really not used to it, and he muttered to himself, this girl is gone, who will go to the pit in the future?

After the press conference was over, Han Zhe walked to Amway Arena accompanied by Hannigan, because there was a fan meeting today.

When Han Zhe walked into the Amway Arena in a magic jersey for the first time, he was really taken aback, because the audience of 20,000 people was actually more than half full.

This is rare, Han Zhe thought that it would be good to have thousands of people cheering, after all, he and those superstars can't be compared, it is impossible to fill the audience with a franchise, you must know that today is the same ticket.

As soon as Han Zhe entered, he was greeted by applause from the audience, and after he walked to the middle of the field and waved hello, Hannigan personally took the microphone to introduce Han Zhe, and read his current record and broken records, so that everyone had a preliminary understanding of Han Zhe.

After Hannigan's introduction, he smiled and gave him the microphone and asked him to say hello to the fans.

"Hello everyone, my name is Han Zhe, first of all, thank you for taking the time to participate in today's meeting, this will also be my home field in the future, I am very honored to fight side by side with you!" Han Zhe is not stage frightened at all now that he has experienced more, and he is slippery when he speaks.

Han Zhe's words were cheered and whistled again.

Then the fans began to shout in a mess, Han Zhe listened carefully, and roughly asked him to show off his skills.

They also want to experience whether this newcomer in their family is as good as the rumors, after all, they have only seen some of Han Zhe's highlights at most, and who will watch the Bobcat game when they are usually fine!

Han Zhe turned his head to look at Hannigan, who shrugged his shoulders helplessly, pretending to be helpless.

The fans at the scene laughed when they saw Hannigan's funny appearance on the big screen, if it was before, Hannigan would have been sprayed like a dog as soon as he appeared, but now he bought Han Zhe back to atone for his sins!

Han Zhe also laughed, of course he knew in advance that there was this link, otherwise he wouldn't have taken off his suit and came over in his jersey.

Han Zhe took the microphone and asked, "What do you want to see?"

Now it was lively, some people yelled to see the three-point shooting, some people shouted to see a slam dunk, and some people said they wanted to see him show off his dribbling skills.

After listening to it for a while, Han Zhe suddenly said, "You guys are asking too much, goodbye!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, the audience was stunned, and they all burst into laughter, of course they knew that Han Zhe was joking, it was impossible to really leave like this!

"Don't go!Han, if you dare to run now, you will probably be killed, it doesn't matter if you are killed, but don't bother me!" Hannigan also cooperated with Han Zhe and teased, causing laughter from the audience again.

Han Zhe turned around and smiled: "Come on, I guess everyone thinks I'm a parallel import, this is trying to make me ugly, this is absolutely unbearable, I did it with you today!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he pretended to be angry and threw the microphone, and motioned to the mascot magic dragon on the sidelines to give him a basketball, but the magic dragon made a few provocative actions and said that he would not give the ball and ran away with the ball.

Han Zhe immediately chased it all over the court, and finally grabbed the basketball and caught him and "beaten" it, which made the fans laugh without stopping.

Hannigan was also very satisfied, they had never rehearsed before, they all played on the spot, but I didn't expect Han Zhe not only to play the ball well, but also to have a very good sense of humor, which made this meeting a lot fuller.

After Han Zhe got the ball, the audience slapped red, and they knew that Han Zhe was going to start performing. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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