The next day, Han Zhe got up early and washed up, put on a sportswear, took a pair of sunglasses and went out.

Han Zhe stood on the side of the road with a depressed face, because there was a brand-new Ferrari parked in the parking lot downstairs, and he had to wait for a taxi!

Han Zhe didn't know how to drive at all, and he didn't have a driver's license, but the day before yesterday, Luthor helped him drive it back and told him that Devos was very generous.

This is the Ferrari California, this car is the first ever to use a mid-front V8 engine, and the market price here is about 250,000 US dollars, if it is a domestic Celestial Empire, plus tariffs, transportation fees and agent profits, etc., it is estimated to be more than 3.5 million RMB.

Han Zhe was a little smacked at the time, buddy, this is the person who drives millions of sports cars?

However, you still have to take a taxi!

Han Zhe also made up his mind to get his driver's license when he was free, otherwise he would always be itchy if he had a beautiful car that could be seen or not, after all, he was also a young man, and he wanted to have a good time driving a sports car, pretending to be forced or something!

After Han Zhe reported to the ball 03 team, he found that the atmosphere did not seem to be very good, and then he knew that the magic played the sun yesterday and knelt again, and it is currently 7-13, which is the worst record in recent years.

Vaughn saw Han Zhe coming over, asked him to change into training clothes, and then introduced the players again, and Han Zhe received a few applause...

These players also have different expressions now, some are full of indifference, some are envious, and some are jealous.

The players who get the basic salary don't have any ideas about Han Zhe, everyone is the same, envy is because Han Zhe has become famous at a young age, and they also watched yesterday's joining ceremony, very beautiful, and the general manager Hannigan accompanies him all the way, and the team's attention to him is clear at a glance.

Jealous belongs to those who have a certain strength, but think that they have no talent, why let a 19-year-old rookie play the core and give Lao Tzu a chance, I can too!

After introducing Han Zhe Vaughn, he asked the players to train by themselves first, and then called Han Zhe aside alone.

"I've seen all your game footage and have some idea of your technical characteristics, but I still want to ask you what position you think is right for you to play in the team. "

Han Zhe didn't expect Vaughn to ask this as soon as he came, but Han Zhe was still very happy, Vaughn would ask to prove that he valued Han Zhe's opinion, it seems that the high-level said that building a team with him as the core is not fooling him, otherwise the coach doesn't care what he thinks, you have to play whatever position you want!

Han Zhe also seriously thought about it, he was born in the No. 1 position, and his No. 1 position did play very well, with very good organizational skills and vision.

However, Han Zhe doesn't want to play the No. 1 position in the Magic, and the point guard is actually a service-oriented position, which is aimed at serving the team.

Of course, a point guard can also play the core, is an organizational core, and is assist-oriented, not for the purpose of scoring.

Han Zhe in the second position also plays easily, but the quarterbacks are limited, and most of the quarterbacks are responsible for running and receiving on the outside, and they will shoot when they have the opportunity, but they all have their own general activity area restrictions, which Han likes.

The No. 3 small forward is equivalent to a movie starring, the technical and physical requirements are very comprehensive, the activity area is wide, the long-range shot, the breakthrough defense has to be able to get it, it is the team's No. 1 scoring position, this position Han Zhe has played and can also play.

Han Zhe said tentatively: "Coach, how am I going?"

Vaughn almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, he was also born as a point guard, and the size of 1 is also small in the NBA, he didn't say much, just relied on Han Zhe to stand up, which was a cut higher than Han Zhe.

Han Zhe understands this, Vaughn means that your kid is not as tall as me, hit your sister's little forward, let's talk well, don't tease!

Seeing what Han Zhe wanted to say, Vaughn finally spoke: "Han, your skills can definitely play small forwards, and you can play better than most small forwards, but small forwards not only need skills, but also height and physical fitness, because grabbing the board to defend small forwards is best to be able to serve as well, and most importantly, small forwards often need to play in the low post!"

The so-called low-post singles are often close to the basket and can't turn around or shoot, so you have to rely on physical confrontation to get scoring opportunities, Han Zhe doesn't look like a person who can play low-post singles!

"Coach, I'm very strong, the average small forward can't do me, I'm called a natural god, if you don't believe you're squeezing me, you won't be able to squeeze me!" Han Zhe said.

Vaughn almost slapped him on the head, squeezing your sister, besides, he doesn't have much strength, and it's normal for him to be unable to squeeze the young and strong Han Zhe.

Vaughn pointed to Vucevic who was practicing over there, "If you can squeeze him, I'll let you play small forward!"

Han Zhe: "..."

Vucevic is 2.13 meters and weighs 120 kilograms, he squeezes a yarn!

Of course, Vaughn was also joking, and after finishing speaking, he also touched his chin and thought about it seriously, originally he positioned Han Zhe as a point guard.

If Han Zhe is dissatisfied, just give him more power to shoot, otherwise it is a shameful act to waste Han Zhe's organizational ability, just like the role of Paul of the Clippers, who is the core of the team and the offensive playmaker of the team.

However, Han Zhe is obviously not very happy to play point guard, but the senior management specially explained, trying to meet Han Zhe's reasonable requirements, people don't want to play point guard, is this request reasonable?

Ordinary people must be unreasonable, what position the coach asks you to play is reasonable, but Han Zhe is not an ordinary person, this is cultivated as a team boss, and his ideas must be taken seriously.

Vaughn can be sure that if Han Zhe and him have a conflict in this regard now, most of the people who will leave will be him, not Han Zhe, because a coach like him is easy to find, but a player with great potential like Han Zhe can't be found!

Vaughn recalled Han Zhe's video, Han Zhe seemed to have really played the small front 320 forward, and he played very well, and his strength was also very strong, and after thinking for a while, he waved his hand to signal the team's small forward Maurice Harklesss to come over.

"You two go to the basket and play with your body, Han attacks, and Hackles defends. "

After Vaughn finished speaking, Harklis laughed on the spot after glancing at Han Zhe, Han Zhe's technique he knew, and he probably couldn't prevent Han Zhe from both, but with his body alone, he felt that he could abuse Han Zhe into a dog.

Harklis is already excited, it is rare to have such an opportunity, he is also a rookie of Han Zhe in the same year, if he can abuse the popular Han Zhe, his team status will definitely go up!

Of course, Vaughn didn't just want Han Zhe to be abused, Harkley is 2.03 meters and weighs 95 kilograms, which can be said to be a standard small forward, if Han Zhe can use his body to do Harkless, then he is no worse than any small forward in the league.

There is another point, the Magic's small forward is really not good, Harkless's scoring ability is too poor, and the Magic is really in dire need of excellent small forward.

If Han Zhe really has this ability, why not do it, this is the best of both worlds, the team needs it, Han Zhe is also satisfied, as for the point guard, although it is definitely worse than Han Zhe, there is still someone who can replace it.

After the two came on the court, the players stopped training and came around, and when they heard that Han Zhe was going to single Harkless in the low post, everyone looked weird.

Their first reaction was that the coach didn't seem to be able to get used to this new kid, was this a disgrace for him?_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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