Harkless stood in the three-second zone, picked up the basketball and slapped it twice, and then threw it to Han Zhe, the provocation in his eyes was obvious, Han Zhe was too strong in the limelight during this time, and it was normal to be jealous, it was of course cool to have such a good opportunity to abuse Han Zhe!

Han Zhe can see it, and at best, he thinks that he is a mediocre talent if he does not attract envy!

The coaching staff didn't know what Vaughn was playing, and tactical coach Jay came to Vaughn's side and frowned, "Vaughn, doesn't seem like this, right?"

Vaughn was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, it seems that Jay and they also think that the two may have had a conflict just now, and now Vaughn wants to humiliate Han Zhe, after all, letting Han Zhe use his body to single Harkless, no matter how you look at it, he is wearing small shoes for Han Zhe.

Jay frowned Of course, he didn't care about Han Zhe, but this rookie who didn't look like a rookie, but was greeted by the top management to take care of, if there was a conflict as soon as they came, all of them would not be able to get along.

Vaughn waved his hand, signaling them to be calm, this was Han Zhe's own request, even if he was bullied by Harkless, he couldn't blame others.

The other Magic players also stood on the sidelines and muttered, ready to watch the joke, and they also wanted Han Zhe, the popular fried chicken, to be embarrassed.

Their idea was very simple, they had to let Han Zhe know that they were not easy to mess with, and in fact, they were not old birds.

After Howard was sent away, other Magic players were also traded, and now most of the Magic players are traded from the Bucks, Nuggets, 76ers and other teams, and there are almost no original players.

Among them, only the quarterback Hodick and the center Ayong are not very interested in Han Zhe, because the Magic still owe the Bucks, and they will be sent to the Bucks in two months, and they are all the ones who are leaving, no matter how big the magic flood is!

"This newcomer is miserable, although Harkless's skills are rough, his body is still very strong!"

"Isn't that just right! I don't look at what I do, I want to play the core in the first grade!"

"If you don't say a word, it's not good if he hears it, and it's all a team in the future~. "

"What if you hear it? Lao Tzu is still afraid of him?"

"I don't know if you're afraid or not, but I'm still young and don't want to sit on the bench!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone shut up, because they were reminded that Han Zhe was young and a first-year freshman.

However, the strength of the people is strong, and the high-level still attaches great importance to it, so it is better for them to provoke less.

Of course, not all players can't get used to Han Zhe, they also know Han Zhe's strength, they are happy that the team can have one more strength to take on them, and everyone is good for the team to play results.

Just now, these players spoke in a loud voice, and Han Zhe also heard some of them, but he didn't care much, if he was a young rookie, as soon as he let his domineering spirit go, everyone would bow their heads and scare him.

Don't take yourself too seriously, the earth will not revolve around you alone, and you don't want to be recognized by others, it's not achieved overnight.

After Han Zhe received the ball, he threw it lightly, and then lowered his body and began to dribble.

Hackles also squatted slightly with his arms outstretched, motioning for Han Zhe to let the horse come over.

Han Zhe didn't grind, and he carried the ball on his back to Harkless.

The corners of Harkless's mouth were raised, and then he pushed hard, ready to let Han Dama lie down.

However, Han Zhe actually stood up to him at all!

Harkless was still stunned, Han Zhe dribbled, and hit his shoulder hard, Harkless took a small step back, and without waiting for him to stabilize, Han Zhe accelerated the frequency of dribbling, and hit Harkless hard with each beat.

Since taking the first step back, Harkless has lost his leg and has been pushed straight to the basket.

Han Zhe finally increased his strength and collided, Harklis took two steps back and was completely out of position, and Han Zhe jumped up and dunked on the spot under the basket!


Everyone was dumbfounded.

And then it's lively!

"Harkless, haven't you eaten?"

"Is it that women play too much and have weak legs!"

"You were actually beaten in the back by a little man..."

"Harkless turned out to be a soft-footed shrimp!"

Jay and the members of the coaching staff looked at each other, a little incomprehensible, and their first reaction was that Harkless was asking Han Zhe?

Only Vaughn's eyes lit up, but he didn't speak.

After Harklis stood firmly, he rubbed his aching chest, and he couldn't say the bitterness in his heart, just now it was like an iron block against him, he couldn't push it at all, and the force of Han Zhe's every collision was exaggerated, so he couldn't stand at all!

"This kid is really a monster!" Harklis complained in his heart, he couldn't believe that Han Zhe's small physique could burst out with such great power.

"Come again!" Hackles picked up the ball and threw it to Han Zhe.

His eyes were also ruthless, Han Zhe's strength was beyond his expectations, but there was also a careless factor just now, he basically couldn't hold it if he didn't stabilize the first step, he said in his heart that as long as he fought hard and resisted the first step, then Han Zhe should still not be able to kill him!

Han Zhe nodded after receiving the ball, and leaned on Harklis again, Harkless's feet were holding on to the ground, his muscles were bursting up, and the whole person almost pounced on him.

Han Zhe was already a head shorter than Harkless, and his body was much petite, but now if you look from the side and back, you can hardly find where Han Zheren is...

The Magic players also looked at each other, just now they thought that Harkless had released the water, but now looking at it, Harkless's strength to eat milk has been exerted!

Could it be that Han Zhe's power is really so terrifying?

Han Zhe also felt a lot of pressure, and his legs were also supporting the ground, and after a tentative push, he found that he didn't move.

So he gritted his teeth, his leg muscles tightened, and after dribbling to the ground, he roared and pushed back with all his might!


Harkless's whole back fell to the ground, and his eyes were blank looking at Han Zhe, who was panting slightly.


The scene resounded with a uniform sound of saliva.

They saw clearly just now, Harkless's was directly overturned by Han Zhe!

This explosive power is simply unreasonable!

"Okay, Han, come with me, and everyone will continue training. Vaughn clapped his hands twice, signaling that the solo confrontation was over, what should everyone do.

When the players left, they all looked at Han Zhe one step at a time, and their hearts were still shocked.

Harkless, on the other hand, looked dejected, and if Han Zhe defeated him with technique, he would have nothing to say.

After all, now the entire alliance knows that Han Zhe is super skilled, but being eaten hard by Han Zhe with his body is too shocking!


PS: Thank you [zbg1] boss for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [The Last Dream Memories] for rewarding 100 points. _

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