The next day, it was almost noon back in Orlando, and Vaughn gave everyone a half-day off to relax and prepare for tomorrow's game against the Lakers.

Han Zhe is also full of expectations for tomorrow's game, tomorrow will face a superstar team, many stars in it Han Zhe can be said to have grown up watching them play, and now being able to play against them on the NBA court is considered to be the fulfillment of a wish.

However, Han Zhe doesn't plan to rest today, he finally has a half-day off, he plans to find a personal trainer to learn to drive today, this is easy to find anyway, as long as you spend a little money, you can find it all over the street.

Just after changing his clothes and preparing to go out, the phone rang, and after answering, Han Zhe waited at the gate of a park not far away.

It didn't take long for a white Ford van to drive up.

Han Zhe walked to the window of the car and looked at it, and said in surprise: "There is also an interview car, aren't you here to play?"

The driver in the car was Shen Xuefei, she called just now and said that she was coming to Orlando, Han Zhe thought she was coming to play or interview herself, and the two were friends, of course Han Zhe did not refuse to meet, but she didn't expect her to have a car.

"Get in the car, didn't you just say that you want to learn to drive, how about I teach you?"

Han Zhe didn't take it, and after sitting in the passenger seat, he glanced at some of the interview equipment behind the car, and said in surprise: "You shouldn't have driven here from Charlotte, right?"

Shen Xuefei rolled her eyes beautifully, "You are stupid for me, driving so far away, this car is what our Tiger Pounce is assigned to live in Orlando Reporter Station, you said that you want to learn to drive, I will take it out and drive." "

"Tsk... You have a very wide network, and you can eat well in Orlando!" Han Zhe complimented.

"Hey, hey... Officially get to know me, I, Shen Xuefei, the front-line reporter in Orlando!" Shen Xuefei pretended to shake hands with Han Zhe after speaking.

Han Zhe also touched it happily... Oh no, it was a little shake of the other party's hand before he came back to his senses, "What? Orlando correspondent, you mean it's transferred now?"

Shen Xuefei held her head high and said arrogantly: "Of course, you don't want to escape from this girl's palm!"

"Comrade Shen Xuefei, what you say is very ambiguous, what do you mean that I can't escape from your palm, do you want to treat me..."

"You're obviously thinking too much, I don't want to do anything but interview you!"

Shen Xuefei's disdainful words made Han Zhe feel very hurt, and said that Shen Xuefei should wear glasses, she actually only thought about interviews in front of such a handsome guy, blind!

Shen Xuefei actually applied for a transfer a long time ago, but there has been no news, because now Han Zhe is so red that he is purple, and reporters here can often face Han Zhe now, of course he doesn't want to be right

Shen Xuefei originally thought that there was no drama, but she suddenly received a notice of adjustment yesterday, and later found out that Han Zhe didn't take care of Hupu in Orlando, and basically didn't accept any interviews.

In the past, Han Zhe's first-hand information was basically Tiger Pounce, but now it was suddenly disconnected, and the senior management naturally had to find the reason, and finally found that the reason was very simple, Han Zhe only accepted an exclusive interview with Shen Xuefei before, and the personal relationship between the two seemed to be good.

Now that Shen Xuefei herself has also applied, they naturally pushed her over to Han Zhe, this is to let the two of them continue their relationship, and Hu Pu shamelessly used the beauty trick!

Han Zhe seems to have been shamelessly tricked!

As soon as Shen Xuefei came, she saw Han Zhe, who was not the head and the end of the dragon, what was it that she had been tricked for!

There is also a reason why Shen Xuefei came to Han Zhe as soon as she came over, because the reporters here obviously did not have a good attitude towards her, and they all privately said that she was a fox spirit, relying on her face and mouth or something, and she overheard her, which made her angry to death.

So as soon as she settled down, she called Han Zhe, the old lady is a fox spirit, the old lady can interview Han Zhe, and bite me if you are not convinced, your parents are not angry and make you ugly, is it me dripping the pot?

When Shen Xuefei borrowed the car, she said at the beginning that she was afraid that she would not give an interview task, but as soon as Shen Xuefei said that she was going to interview Han Zhe, she immediately approved it, saying that she could drive as long as she wanted, and then match her with a driver and an interview team.

Shen Xuefei said that Han Zhe didn't like a lot of people, she just went alone, so she drove alone, she didn't talk nonsense, Han Zhe really didn't like a large group of people to interview, Charlotte Shen Xuefei also interviewed him alone before.

Of course, Shen Xuefei's solo "tryst" will inevitably be broken again, and she will say that she is stealing merit or doing something unsightly with Han Zhe, anyway, there are a lot of bullshit in all walks of life!

Shen Xuefei is willing to be the coach, Han Zhe is very willing, can a beautiful woman teach a driver and a big man who picks his feet, and he is more energetic to learn.

As for the price, Han Zhe doesn't need to ask, she just has to give her a bit of scoop as a gimmick, not to mention anything else, it's news that Han Zhe is learning to drive and preparing to get a driver's license!

There were many people and cars in the city, and the two drove to the suburbs, and on the way, Shen Xuefei began to talk, "I heard that O'Quinn broke his jaw and is still lying in the hospital?"

Han Zhe: "Hmm!"

Shen Xuefei: "What's going on with Avrallo's nose?"

Han Zhe: "It also fell!"

Shen Xuefei's eyes narrowed, "How did I hear that it was your Han boxing champion who beat him?"

"This is obviously a rumor, I don't know how good the relationship with my teammates is, it's just a family that loves each other, and I'm afraid of stepping on an ant when I walk, how can I fight!" Han Zhe said serious nonsense.


Shen Xuefei almost didn't throw Han Zhe out with a sudden brake, "Han Zhe, can there be more sincerity and trust between people, do you believe such nonsense, we are just friends chatting, you actually lie to me!"

Han Zhe squinted his eyes, and in Shen Xuefei's exclamation, he gently hugged her thin waist and took out a voice recorder from behind her.

Han Zhe sneered, "Shen Xuefei, if it weren't for the unintentional sighting of this high-tech thing, I would have really believed in your evil, is the sincerity and trust between people reflected in this voice recorder!"

"Count you ruthless!" Shen Xuefei was ashamed and angry, and after opening the hand he was still holding, he stepped on the accelerator and continued to move forward.

After losing the first round, she was thinking about how to find a place from the next round!


PS: Thank you [We are all waiting] for the boss tipping 588 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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