When the two were about to leave the city, they found a random restaurant for lunch, and then Shen Xuefei drove to a remote section of the road and started the teaching journey.

"Stupid, step on the accelerator slowly, you almost didn't step through the bottom of the car, don't take me with you if you want to kill yourself!"

"Shift! Shift! I'll go... Why are you in reverse gear!"

"Look at the road, look at the road, don't open the ditch!"

"Why did you turn off the fire again, stupid!"

"Open a straight line, what are you twisting!"


After about an hour of teaching, Shen Xuefei was a little exhausted, for people who can drive, she always feels that driving is a very simple thing, seeing that Han Zhe is not driving well, she is about to die, and she feels that Han Zhe is stupid to death!

Han Zhe has only studied for an hour, and now he can barely get on the road, but sometimes it is easy to turn off when changing gears, which is actually quite good, but he was still sprayed with dog blood by Shen Xuefei!

Han Zhe regretted finding such a coach a little, if it was ordinary people who scolded him like this, he would have greeted him with big ears, but whether people are teaching voluntarily, or beauties, admit it!

After another hour or two of studying, Han Zhe drove well, and the person who had just learned to drive was the boss of the momentum, and he didn't want to let go when he held the steering wheel.

It wasn't until Shen Xuefei said that he was running out of gas that Han Zhe gave way and let Shen Xuefei drive back.

After refueling, the two did not continue, and after asking the way, Shen Xuefei sent him downstairs.

"Wow! local tyrant, you actually live in a mansion!" Shen Xuefei couldn't help but be surprised when she looked at the lakeside apartment, she knew that Han Zhe's salary was not high among the players, and Han Zhe didn't accept any endorsements, so she didn't expect the place where she lived to be so high-end.

"Tyrant, this place is arranged by the team, it's free!"

As soon as Han Zhe finished speaking, Shen Xuefei showed surprise on her face, took out a small notebook and began to remember, Han Zhe's luxury apartment was actually sponsored by the team, this is another news, what an unexpected joy!

Han Zhe was about to say goodbye after getting out of the car, but Shen Xuefei found an open space for the car to lean on, and also walked down.

"Why, don't you invite me to your house to sit?

"That's... Don't do it, it's not good to be a lonely man and a widow!" Han Zhe said that he was a serious person.

"Cut! Don't come here, I'll teach you to drive, you have to let me visit your house and have a formal interview, don't think about it!" Shen Xuefei said less slippery.

Han Zhe had no choice but to get into the car with her again, and showed her the way to park the car in the underground garage of the apartment, which could be towed away at any time.

Before entering the door, Han Zhe made an agreement with her in three chapters, "My land is not allowed to leak out!"

"I know, I know, you mother-in-law, hurry up" Shen Xuefei looked disgusted.

After entering the door, Shen Xuefei took off her boots and ran in to visit.

Han Zhe has a black line, who is this family has a king law!

"Wow! The place is so wide, and the environment is good, huh! Is this the best trophy of the month, why do you put it on the TV cabinet so casually, and you don't wipe it with dust!"

After Shen Xuefei finished speaking, she was very diligent in helping Han Zhe wipe the trophy.

"Ouch, thank you, eldest sister, you can wipe it, don't wipe my clothes, that is what I'm going to wear tomorrow!" Han Zhe looked pained.

"Who cares if you wear it or not, just wipe it, wipe it clean and I'll take pictures!"

Han Zhe: ...

After Shen Xuefei finished visiting, she took out the camera in her bag and took a picture, and then sat on the sofa with satisfaction and signaled that Han Zhe could come over for an interview with Shen Da reporters.

Han Zhe made her a cup of tea, and after sitting down, he said helplessly: "Reporter Shenda, if there is any problem, hurry up." "

Shen Xuefei took out a voice recorder and coughed to start the formal interview.

"First of all, congratulations on leading the Magic to a three-game winning streak. "

"It's okay to talk well, don't hack me, it's like I'm hitting five, you are going to say this, how can I be embarrassed in the team!"

"The fact that I am talking about it, everyone can see that you are the most credited to the Magic winning streak. "

"The Buddha said: Don't say it!"

Shen Xuefei was amused by him, but she didn't compete on this topic, she was satisfied with Han Zhe's answer to her, at least Han Zhe was rampant without ambition, although his strength and role are well known, but his qualifications in the team are too shallow, and there is no harm in being low-key.

"It's not that the team relationship is not easy to get along with at the moment, to be honest. "

After thinking about it, Han Zhe said: "The new team, the new environment, it definitely needs an adaptation period, if you say that everyone loves each other as soon as you come, it will definitely be a lie, but it is not as unbearable as you imagined, the teammates are good, so it's okay." "

"The Magic roster is not very complete at the moment, will they continue to strengthen it?"

"It's useless for you to ask me, you have to ask the boss, the money is in his pocket, and he only counts when he speaks. "

"Domestic fans want to know when you have plans to return home?"

"That's not accurate, of course I want to go back, but everyone knows that the NBA can't leave at all, and I can only go back in the offseason. "

"Did the Magic promise you a big contract?"

"Discuss confidentiality!"

"You seem to have improved significantly in terms of fitness and strength, do you want to know any tips for exercising?"

"The secret is not to be lazy and train more!"


Next, Shen Xuefei asked a lot of trivial things before giving up, and then left satisfied.

In the evening, Han Zhe was watching TV, Shen Xuefei called again, after Han Zhe answered, he showed a stunned expression, walked to the windowsill to take a look, and saw Shen Xuefei standing next to a taxi downstairs and waving at him...


PS: Thanks to the boss of [ka.ka.] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the [big] boss for tipping 100 points. _

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