The first quarter ended in the confrontation between the two teams, and Han Zhe looked up at the score a little breathlessly, 24-28, and the Magic trailed by four points.

This point difference doesn't seem to be big, but Han Zhe frowned a little, because more than half of the 24 points were scored by him alone.

Don't think that one person has a high score, it proves that the rest of their team's scoring points have withered.

And relying on Han Zhe to score alone is also under a lot of pressure, he doesn't occasionally run and shoot the ball, he also works part-time as a point guard, most of the balls are strong with the ball, and physical consumption is a big problem.

"Everybody played well, Harkless and Nicholson, you blocked and picked up well, Vucevic didn't squeeze Howard hard under the basket, and played more hooks and mid-range shots. "

Vaughn made a special emphasis on Vucevic, who habitually played back to the basket and wiped the board for layups, but it obviously didn't work today, and it was difficult for his body to eat Gasol, let alone Howard the Warcraft.

In the first quarter, Vucevic did little except grab a few backcourt rebounds.

Vaughn also feels a little sorry for Han Zhe, he has to face Kobe Bryant when defending, everyone knows how perverted Kobe's offensive ability is, Han Zhe's single defense is a great drain on physical fitness and mental energy.

When attacking, the team used to have an inside line to help Han Zhe share the pressure and let Han Zhe play easier, but today the inside line is not strong at all, and Han Zhe keeps cutting inside and playing by himself.

Vaughn was afraid that Han Zhe would have to take a break in the second and third quarters, after all, Han Zhe was the one who was under the most pressure at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends.

Vaughn thought for a moment and said to Han Zhe, "If you don't defend, you and Afflaro will switch positions." "

Afflalo definitely can't prevent Kobe, Vaughn means to let Kobe save his physical energy by letting Kobe goat go.

Although it is definitely more terrifying to put Kop than his score, the offensive end of the magic is all supported by Han Zhe, if Han Zhe runs to death early, then it is still a game!

Han Zhe thought for a while, but still shook his head and said, "Let's fight like this for now, I can hold it." "

Han Zhe is also helpless, although the success rate of his defense against Kobe is not high, he can occasionally prevent three or two, and even if he can't restrict Kobe Bryant's shot, it can make him unpleasant, which can affect his hit rate.

If Afraro is allowed to defend Kobe, it will be a point away, of course, other players can help defend, but the rest of the Lakers are not easy to deal with, and it is easy to send points to anyone!

Vaughn also sighed, their team is actually not bad, but it is stretched thin compared to the Lakers, and the Lakers' overall state during this period is very hot, too difficult to play!

The Lakers don't look at the score lead, but the atmosphere is much more tense, Howard complains that Kobe Bryant is too sticky to the ball, and Gasol also echoes the inside line to play so well, but there is too little ball.

If it was the former Lakers, no one would dare to question Boss Kobe, but these few people are not afraid of offending Kobe, you are a big name, yes, but who of us is not a wrist?

Kobe Bryant put a towel on his face with a black face and ignored it, a picture of you beeping, Lao Tzu doesn't care.

The substitute players don't dare to speak up at all, the gods fight, the people are easy to suffer, and they can't afford to mix!

Head coach D'Antoni is also a big head, others think he is happy, and he uses the ace in his hand, but he knows that none of these big names care about him, and he doesn't care about him, what can he do.

He is also new to the new position, his predecessor Mike Boulang has already stepped down early, and although the team's results have begun to rebound after he has taken over, he is also under a lot of pressure.

D'Antoni saw that several people seemed to be tearing up again, and began to stand up and thin the mud, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was towards Kobe.

It is normal for D'Antoni to favor Kobe, who is the old boss of the Lakers, and his mass base and team prestige are higher than those who came after.

During this period of time, the rebound of results is not because he has any clever tactics, but because he has integrated and won over the team relationship, since it is chaotic, he will quickly cut through the mess, and simply put a desperate bet on Kobe, or let the team play around Kobe Bryant, and he can't control it if he doesn't offend others.

His method is simple and rude, give Kobe Bryant more balls, if someone is disobedient, it's okay, although you don't listen to me, you usually have nothing wrong with you, but I'm at least the coach, I can call the shots on the court, and if I don't obey, I will go down to play!

At the moment, Kobe Bryant at least did not disappoint him, leading the team to a wave of winning peaks.

After the start of the second quarter, Han Zhe took the ball to organize the offense, and as soon as he arrived in the front court, he found that the defenders had been replaced, and it was Meta who faced him.

Han Zhe started + changed direction after a quick change of hands and dribbled, but as soon as he changed direction and changed hands, one hand accurately reached out and stabbed the ball in front of Kobe Bryant not far away, Kobe Bryant took the ball and rushed to the opponent's basket to dunk it.

Seeing Han Zhe being cut off the ball, there was an exclamation at the scene, Han Zhe was not cut off the ball, but very rare, just at the beginning of the second quarter, Han Zhe was robbed, the fans were naturally surprised, Han Zhe controlled the ball steadily!

Seeing that Han Zhe was a little stunned, Meta said disdainfully: "Little rookie, you thought I would wait for another hundred years!"

Han Zhe glanced at Hei Da seriously, he really ignored this one a little before, but he didn't expect him to shoot so quickly.

"Rookie, it's kind of interesting, it's been a long time since anyone called me that!" the corners of Han Zhe's mouth curled.

"That's the defensive player you met!"

Meta walked away after finishing his life, and he was unhappy to see Han Zhe invincible in the first quarter, and he felt ashamed that a rookie slashed above their heads, so he took the initiative to ask for a defensive position with Kobe Bryant in the second quarter.

Smith said: "Meta has changed the defense to target Han Zhe, it seems that Han Zhe has to be careful, although Meta's offensive method is very simple, but the defense is definitely the top level in the league, he has been selected for the best defensive first team twice and the second team twice, a veritable defensive maniac!"

Barkley said: "I don't think Han Zhe should be careful about his defensive ability!"

Smith was about to cooperate with the question, but O'Neill replied with a smile, "Be careful of his stinky temper and disgusting little movements like Barkley!"

Barkley was not happy for a moment, "I admit that I have a hot temper, but I definitely don't have this guy who is disgusting to play!

O'Neill immediately retorted, so the two tore up again!

The CCVT also introduced Meta here, and the new generation of fans is unfamiliar with him, but the old fans know that this is a notorious guy.

If Meta Wald Pease didn't know much, his previous name was like thunder, his original name was Ron Artest, that is, the protagonist of the famous Auburn Hills palace incident, Artay, the Muay Thai king!

Now the name was changed by him only last year, and the translation means "charity", "world", "peace", so some people call him Ci Shiping.

In other words, his name is good enough, Auburn Hills Palace is angry K fan, and he is usually a court villain, and when he played against the Thunder at the beginning of the year, he hit Harden on the temple with an elbow, making Harden fall to the ground on the spot, thinking that his name is Ci Shiping is also drunk!

Many domestic fans who didn't know Atai before were a little worried about Han Zhe after listening to the introduction, they were not afraid that Han Zhe's skills would not be able to do him, but that they were afraid that this product would hack Han Zhe!

At present, all the people of the country know that Han Zhe has a bright future, but they are afraid that he will be injured, if he is injured for a long time, no one knows whether his state will plummet in the future!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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