After the magic served in the backcourt, Han Zhe steadily brought it to the front court, and Atai posted it again, Han Zhe did not choose to pass, but used two feints to shake the opponent's center of gravity, and prepared to forcibly cut inside.

It can be said that Han Zhe was careless when the ball was broken before, but now after taking Atai seriously, the opponent stretched out his hand a few times and couldn't catch the ball at all.

But at the moment when Han Zhe broke through, Atai, who had already lost his position, not only gave Han Zhe an elbow in the abdomen in the blind spot of the referee's vision, but also gently stretched out his foot and mixed Han Zhe, who had just accelerated to start, and Han Zhe slipped and fell out directly.

The fans at the scene immediately booed, and the referee's whistle sounded, and he probably wouldn't be able to get out of the stadium if he didn't blow this kind of ball.

Atai pretended to be innocent and shrugged his shoulders, and then went to pull Han Zhe with a smile on his face, but he whispered in his mouth: "Boy, now you know how good I am!"

When the audience in front of the TV saw Han Zhe very cooperatively reaching out for him to pull up, they all admired Han Zhe's good temper, Atai's action just now was very dangerous, Han Zhe also fell hard, even if the average player didn't go crazy, he would definitely not be happy with Atai.

Especially when the slow motion came out, after they saw that Atai gave Han Zhe an elbow back, they were all disgusted with Atai's dirty way of playing.

The domestic audience was also angry:

"Is there any mistake, this guy used both hands and feet as soon as he came, did he want to ruin Han Zhe!"

"Lao Tzu rushed down and beat him at the scene!"

"This Atai is too disgusting, he actually deliberately elbowed and hooked his feet!"

"Anyway, Han Zhe's temper is not good, why is he so honest today, and he actually laughed and let him pull it up!"

"I must have been scared by the name of the Muay Thai king, this guy is a villain!"

"I'm so disappointed, Han Zhe actually coaxed him! I have to him, I'd rather be punished than beaten up to relieve my anger!"

TNT is also discussing this ball, and O'Neill also opened his mouth to spray that Atai's play is too dirty, is this the rhythm that intends to send people off the field!

Barkley was also wondering, he had broadcast Han Zhe many times, and he had also studied Han Zhe, and knew that Han Zhe was extremely temperamental, but now when he saw Altera, he actually smiled and stretched out his hand, and suddenly wondered a little, this is not Han Zhe's style!

After Han Zhe got up, he glanced at Ah Tai with a smile, and said with admiration: "It's not a loss to be the Muay Thai king, it's really dirty enough!"

Atai smirked, and then ran away.

Vaughn was spitting at the referee on the sidelines, and the fans at the scene were also booing, because the referee only gave an ordinary foul for this ball, and it stands to reason that this ball would not be too much to send Artay off the court.

"It's too obvious!" Barkley said bluntly.

O'Neal and Smith also shook their heads with a wry smile, they understood that this was not the reason why Artai was alone, he was stained with the team's light, the Lakers had a bad start, and now it is up to them to see if they can enter the playoffs.

If a team like the Lakers can't make the playoffs, it will definitely be a very big loss to the league's revenue, this is a business league, and it must be the interests first!

But this ball is really too much, at least let Atai eat a T!

Seeing that Han Zhe got up as if he was not injured, Vaughn breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his seat scolding at the referee.

The excited fans also calmed down a little, if Han Zhe was injured, this matter would definitely not be over.

The referee also secretly wiped a cold sweat, this job was too annoying to do, and the pressure was too great, but he couldn't help himself.

But just now he also watched Han Zhe get up and punished, after all, this is the home of the Magic, if Han Zhe is injured, he will easily let go of Atai, and he will be forced to become a victim if he makes a big fuss!

If Han Zhe is injured, his punishment will not be the same, and he may consider punishing Ah Chang.

After the magic served again, Han Zhe controlled the ball to the front court and Atai posted it again, Han Zhe first dazzled the low-frequency dribble, and then kept feints left and right to test it, and Atai was obviously a little dizzy.

Han Zhe suddenly started, Atai stepped forward to intercept, Han Zhe turned around with a super fast pull ball!


After a muffled sound, the fans who were originally stimulated by Han Zhe's gorgeous technique screamed again and again, and then suddenly erupted into even more violent cheers!

Because, Atai rolled his eyes and lay on the ground, his legs were still twitching, and he was obviously in a semi-comatose state!

Just now Atai plotted against Han Zhe and escaped the punishment, and the home fans held their breath in their stomachs, although they don't know what's going on now, but Atai must have suffered a loss in the hands of Han Zhe, of course they have to cheer and celebrate!


The referee stopped the game, and while calling the doctor to hurry up to the field, he began to watch the video, when the two were fighting just now, Han Zhe moved too fast, and they didn't see what happened at all, only to see Han Zhe turn around and pass, Atai fell to the ground instantly.

They only knew that this ball must have something to do with Han Zhe, but Han Zhe's actions just now looked clean, not like he did it!

Now Han Zhe stood on the field and shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, looking dazed, looking as if he didn't know what was going on!

Han Zhe's dazed and innocent scene was given a close-up, Barkley couldn't help but laugh out loud with a "poof", he wondered why Han Zhe was so honest this time, and his feelings were waiting for revenge!

Yes, Barkley didn't need to watch the video playback to confirm that it must have been Han Zhe's black hand, and looking at Atai's appearance, Han Zhe was obviously much more ruthless than the other party!

Domestic fans also blew up, some people said that Han Zhe did a good job, and some people said that they didn't see Han Zhe do it just now, it should have been an accident.

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping also looked at each other, urging the director to hurry up and play back, and they were also very curious about what happened when the two of them staggered just now.

didn't make them wait long, and soon the slow-motion replays of each station came.

Han Zhe suddenly started and rushed from Atai's left, Atai stepped out to defend, Han Zhe suddenly pulled the ball and turned around and flashed to the other side of Atai, and then Atai's whole person collapsed to the ground on all fours.


Many viewers almost didn't squirt out a mouthful of old blood, because they watched the slow motion and still didn't know how Atai was tricked, against the sky!

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping are also black lines, and they don't see what's going on.

At this time, the director cut another angle and continued to take a mouthful of old blood, but he still didn't see it!

It wasn't until the third shot came out and a picture was frozen that everyone suddenly realized!

"Han Zhe 666, I'm convinced!"

"If you don't support the wall, just serve Han Zhe!"

"This ball is too hidden, it's a good elbow, Harden is probably laughing in the toilet, I have avenged him!"

"Hey, this ball doesn't look like it's intentional!"

"Upstairs is too naïve, if you knew Han Zhe, you would definitely not say such childish words!"

"Indeed, this ball is too hidden, too natural, those who don't know must think that it was injured by mistake!"

"I thought Han Zhe was good just now, it seems that I am still too young!"

"Hehe... When I saw Han Zhe looking at Atai with a smile on his face, I knew he was going to plant it!"

Now that everyone can see clearly, when Han Zhe turned around, an elbow "happened" to hit Atai's head, causing him to fall to the ground instantly.

Why can it be said that it was a coincidence, because Han Zhe turned around first, and then Atai lowered his head, it seemed that Atai took the initiative to send his head up and was slapped by his elbow.

Although Han Zhe didn't add an elbow swing just now, he turned around too fast, so this blow was definitely not light.

If Atai didn't have the previous malicious foul, just looking at this ball, most people might think it was an accident, but Atai just maliciously fouled, and when he turned around, he ate Han Zhe's elbow, which is not very credible.

Now everyone is curious about how Han Zhe did it, because it seems that this ball is indeed Han Zhe moving first, and Atai moving later, just like Atai taking the initiative to find a draw!

The referee also scratched his head after watching the video, according to the logical relationship, this ball Han Zhe was absolutely deliberate, but according to the video, this ball really can't be judged to be a foul by Han Zhe.

Han Zhe seemed to turn around normally, without any additional movements, Ah Tai himself went up and took a beating, is it to blame Han Zhe for turning too fast or not allowing him to turn around?


PS: Thanks [150··· The boss tipped: 588 points. _

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