happened to meet the Lakers passing by in the player's tunnel, Kobe Bryant didn't say cruel words, nor did he sympathize with him, but just took a deep look at Han Zhe and turned away.

The other players of the Lakers were also walking fast, and they would definitely not be happy if they lost, only Nash stopped after seeing Han Zhe beckoning.

After Han Zhe asked the staff next to him to bring a pen and paper, he ran to sign a shy face with a star-chasing appearance.

"Uncle Nash, I grew up watching you play, I didn't expect to be able to compete together today, I feel deeply honored, it's ~ fulfilled a wish. "

Han Zhe's face was a little excited, and he was like two people on the field, and now he looks like a big boy chasing stars.

Nash smiled as he signed his autograph, "It's time for me to watch you play." "

"You're in good shape, are you planning to retire?" Han Zhe heard the sound.

Nash smiled bitterly, "I'm too old to run, let alone fight against you young people, so it's time to leave." "

Han Zhe could feel the silence when Nash said this, players like Nash have been playing all their lives and are still persevering, it is no longer for money, their love for basketball has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

But the years are not forgiving, Nash is now 38 years old, he is already a super old player on the court, and now his physical fitness and confrontation cannot be compared with young people no matter how much he trains.

So, whether he wanted it or not, he would soon have to leave his beloved court.

The two chatted for a few words, Nash handed the autograph book to Han Zhe, when Han Zhe said goodbye and turned to leave, he was stopped by Nash, seeing Han Zhe's puzzled eyes, Nash smiled: "Don't think I'm easy to bully when I'm old, I don't want to suffer, you can sign me too!"

Han Zhe's first reaction was to joke, what qualifications and qualifications do he have to sign autographs for a superstar like Nash, isn't this looking for a lottery.

"Why? Don't you look down on me as an old man!"

Yes, when it comes to this, it's hypocritical to talk about it, Han Zhe hurriedly wrote down his name, and then tore it to Nash!

"Nash is actually looking for you to sign it!" Vucevic, who had a good relationship with Han Zhe, walked over in surprise.

Han Zhe, who looked like a fan brother just now, immediately snorted, looked at the sky and said, "Do you want me to sign one for you too, I won't sign it for ordinary people!"

Vucevich: "..."

Vaughn came over and slapped one of them on the back of the head, and scolded with a smile: "You two guys are still rubbing something, you are sweating so much, hurry up and take a shower and change your clothes, don't catch a cold." "

Vaughn walked at the end of the team, and the whole person was smiling, not only won the game today, but Han Zhe's performance made the magic see a bright future.

In fact, although Han Zhe is strong, Vaughn still has no bottom on whether he can be a qualified core, but from the last few games, Han Zhe is definitely competent.

And compared to Howard, Vaughn prefers Han Zhe's flexible and versatile player, although Howard is strong, but the position is too limited, and the style of play is too single, Han Zhe is different, he is, where you need to move!

Another point, Han Zhe's gorgeous style of play is not only liked by fans, if Han Zhe is a flashy player, he will definitely dislike it, but the playing is gorgeous and practical, it is the top match......

Han Zhe finished washing up and just slipped out of the back door to go home, when a red-hot sports car stopped in front of him with a sudden brake.

A beautiful woman with sunglasses said, "Big star, do you want to take a ride?"

Han Zhe gave him a bad look, opened the car door and sat down

"Shen Xuefei, you can do it, I'm wrapped in zongzi, you can actually recognize it. Han Zhe was speechless, he was wearing big sunglasses, a peaked cap, and a scarf around his neck, and there were two reporters squatting at the back door just now who didn't recognize him.

"Are you stupid! Your clothes, pants and shoes are all out of this suit, and I'm not blind!" Shen Xuefei stepped on the accelerator and the car went away at great speed.

Han Zhe slapped his forehead and forgot about this traitor, isn't it, they live together and go out together, of course he is familiar with Shen Xuefei's dress, and it is useful to cover his face.

"No wonder I didn't see you when I was besieged by reporters before, I thought you had changed sex, and you were guarding me here!" Han Zhe understood why Shen Xuefei hadn't mingled with other reporters before!

"You can't say that, I came to pick you up with kindness, but you have become a full-time driver, aren't you satisfied!"

Han Zhe has no opinion in his heart, it's not bad to have a beautiful woman pick him up now, there is no need to hide from reporters while waiting for a rental, it doesn't matter if you ask questions or anything, who is the news for.

But Han Zhe didn't say that in his mouth, he said disdainfully: "Taxis are all over the street, who is rare for you to pick up, and this car is originally my good, it's good to confiscate your rental fee, by the way, I have to carefully check whether there are any scratches in a while!"

"Han Zhe, why are you like a girl, why don't you say that I still refueled you!" Shen Xuefei pouted, the sports car was comfortable to drive, but the fuel consumption was a little scary!

0 begging for flowers········

"If you don't open it, you don't have to refuel!" Han Zhe was so stunned that Shen Xuefei couldn't speak.

When he was about to get home, Han Zhe originally asked Shen Xuefei to find a venue for a supper, but although he ate at night, he was hungry again.

Who knows that Shen Xuefei said that she didn't eat dinner, but she didn't have to eat outside, Shen Xuefei said that eating outside was unhygienic, which had a great impact on the players, and she bought good food at home!

After the two went home, Han Zhe lay down on the sofa and said to the dumbfounded Shen Xuefei: "What do you see, didn't you say to buy vegetables, hurry up and do it!"

Shen Xuefei's eyes widened and said, "I bought it for you to make it, and I won't do it..."

Han Zhe cocked Erlang's legs, turned on the TV and said leisurely: "I ate anyway at night, and now I am suddenly not hungry, do you like to do it or not, and cooking is not someone born to know, it will not be a reason, learn it yourself, I will borrow you for free in the kitchen, no thanks!"


Shen Xuefei used it to sell cute and pitiful, and after finding out that Han Zhe was immune, she listened to the "growling" sound of her stomach, and still went to the kitchen.

After a while, Han Zhe secretly went to the kitchen door to take a look, and found that Shen Xuefei was cursing himself while washing and chopping vegetables.

Han Zhe turned around and slipped away, until he heard that the fire was starting, and then he walked in with square steps.

He knew that Shen Xuefei really wouldn't, and in fact, he was also hungry, so he didn't want to eat any strange food, so he walked over to guide.

In fact, if you can't cook, you are either lazy or pig, as long as you master the proportion of basic ingredients and then cook the food, it will not be so unpalatable.

Han Zhe observed that Shen Xuefei must have a good family background, a pampered type, and she hadn't been in the kitchen much before, so of course she wouldn't do it!

Under the guidance of Han Zhe, Shen Xuefei finally stir-fried the first decent side dish with sharp hands and feet.

After tasting the taste well, Shen Xuefei was very interested, and she was full of enthusiasm and got busy with work!

After the meals were served, although Han Zhe tasted ordinary, Shen Xuefei said that it was delicious, and wiped out three bowls of rice in one go, and had already forgotten all about what he said when he mixed in, eating only two bowls of rice a day!

Shen Xuefei, who was full of food and drink, couldn't move, was about to lie down and rest, so Han Zhe pulled her out to help her eat, Han Zhe naturally asked her to teach her to drive, and there was a free coach at home, of course, she had to use it if she was free, and she couldn't waste it!_

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