After training in the team for half a day the next day, Han Zhe asked for leave and left, because Luthor asked him to meet and said that there was something important to discuss.

After arriving at the café private room, Han Zhe found that there was a strange white man in his thirties next to Luther.

"Hello Mr. Han, my name is Charlie Moore, and I am Mr. Luther's assistant, please take care of me in the future!" Moore politely stood up and shook hands and introduced himself.

"Hello Mr. Moore!" Han Zhe also greeted politely, and then glanced at Luthor who was smiling next to him, he didn't know that this guy had an assistant.

Luther knew that Han Zhe was puzzled, and explained with a smile, this assistant was also just matched, and it was not his personal match, Moore was also from CAA, and it was directly arranged for him by the company.

Lu Thor knew that Han Zhe didn't understand the affairs of the "113" division of the economic company, so he popularized science for Han Zhe, that is, don't look at many stars with only one agent, but the agent has a big team in his hands, otherwise he can't be busy at all.

For example, Han Zhe, it didn't matter when he first came to the NBA, he had no popularity, no itinerary, and no endorsements to deal with, so Luthor was completely busy.

Moreover, even if Luthor applied for the headquarters, he would not give it to anyone, and if there were more people, he would need more expenses, and of course they would not waste human resources if they did not make money.

But now it's different, Han Zhe is already popular, and the photogenic rate is also high, for example, in today's newspapers, many of them are reports of magic beating the Lakers, Han Zhe is naturally one of the protagonists, some blow and some black.

said that Han Zhe is already a leader of the new generation, and it is only a matter of time before he enters the ranks of superstars.

The one who is so black bites Han Zhe's qualifications to talk about things, and also lists the fights that Han Zhe has done one by one, saying that he is a thug on the court, and even Atai was killed by him, which can only show that he is a thug among thugs!

Luthor was really busy during this time, most of his other players were role players, and there were not many things, but Han Zhe suddenly became popular, various business endorsement calls, and private contact with some teams made him anxious.

CAA Xian also saw Han Zhe's potential, and after knowing the situation, he began to send people to Lu Serga to form a group, Moore was just the vanguard force, temporarily helping him deal with trivial matters, and the large army had not officially arrived.

In other words, Han Zhe is about to have his own private team, and the salary will be paid by CAA.

Of course, CAA is Lei Feng, although they will not increase Han Zhe's sharing agreement, they will help Han Zhe strengthen publicity and packaging, hoping that he can receive more commercial endorsements, and they will make money from this aspect, which is a win-win situation.

Luthor has always been smiling, he is the boss of the team, and now he has risen with Han Zhe, not only will he make more money in the future, but his status in the company and even the entire sub-company has been greatly improved.

He is Han Zhe's guide and nobleman, and Han Zhe is now his life is so wonderful!

After giving Han Zhe a general introduction, Luthor took a large pile of materials and handed them to Han Zhe, from here he knew why he needed a team, and if he had to deal with everything, Luthor would probably be exhausted to death.

Han Zhe didn't need to look at it to know that it was all kinds, in fact, Luthor had already called him a few days ago to mention it, but Han Zhe was busy with the game and didn't have time, so he asked Luthor to come over and talk in detail.

Han Zhe put the information aside and said, "You just say it, I have a big head when I look at these things." "

Moore next to him took the information very sensibly, quickly rummaged through a few copies, and then began to introduce them in place of Luther.

"During this time, the number of businesses looking for your endorsement has skyrocketed, not only the local traditional brands of the United States, but also some countries in Asia and Europe.

We have carefully selected some that damage the image, do not match your positioning or the price is too low.

At present, there are Mizuno in Japan, Umbro in Yingguo, Capa in Italy, Li-Ning, Anta and Peak in your country.

Of course, Nike, Adidas, Reebok and other old enemies are indispensable. "

Han Zhe was a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect so many well-known big brands to come to the door.

After thinking for a while, Han Zhe said: "You are the experts in this area, if you have any suggestions, just say it." "

This time Luthor said, "In fact, the reputation of these big brands is not much different, to this point, the quality and reputation can be guaranteed, the only thing we have to consider is sincerity, saying that the cheesy point is the price 0.

Of course, this is only from a commercial point of view, after all, you have to wear which shoes to play with, so your personal preferences and habits are very important, if the shoes do not fit and affect the state of play, it will be worth the loss. "

After hearing this, Han Zhe said that it didn't matter, he was not a squeamish person, and he was not picky about sneakers, for example, he used to wear Li Ning's shoes in China, and now he didn't feel unaccustomed to wearing Nike with the team.

Seeing this, Lu Thore said the preliminary quotations of these brands next to each other, and after listening to it, Han Zhe was surprised: "Anta is so willing to pay so much more than other merchants, and is actually willing to give 3 million endorsement fees every year!"

Han Zhe is really curious, don't think that he has a certain reputation now, after all, he is just a rookie in the NBA, and he can't be compared with old stars.

Other brands give endorsements that are only a few hundred thousand, and more than one million, in fact, his worth has skyrocketed, and this endorsement is already a reasonable price for ordinary stars, not everyone is Kobe James, and he is tens of millions of endorsements at every turn.

Luthor laughed when he heard this, "Anta is reporting RMB!"

3.6 "!" Han Zhe didn't know that he was tricked by Luther, this was a joke with him.

However, thinking that Anta only gave an endorsement of 3 million RMB, he instantly passed, he was not simply because of the lack of money, in fact, Han Zhe didn't know what kind of endorsement he was worth now, 3 million RMB He thought it was a lot, after all, this money was equal to nothing for him.

And Han Zhe is not a fan of money, he will not despise it when he sees the price is lower, but he is afraid of comparison in everything, and the Puma with the lowest price is also 700,000, of course, in US dollars.

As a result, Anta gave 300RMB, isn't this burying people, well, this is no sincerity!

In fact, if Han Zhe hadn't seen other offers, it was estimated that 3 million RMB would be quite happy..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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