After Han Zhe thanked him and got off the stage, he returned to his seat and was startled, and found that there were several more beautiful blonde and blue-eyed girls on their table, and there was also a beautiful woman with a proud figure sitting next to him.

What is the situation?

Han Zhezheng was a little confused, and Hodik, who was separated by a seat next to him, sat down and whispered: "These are not wine girls, they are all guests here, and they come to play voluntarily, if everyone can meet each other's eyes, at night, you know..."

"Damn... Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble after you finish the job?" Han Zhe felt that these guys were too bold, after all, there were so many people watching the scene.

Hodik smiled: "This kind of thing is normal, most NBA players are having fun in this kind of place, and no one here will break the news, where do you think so many of Chamberlain's girls sleep?

Han Zhe glanced at his eyes and found that everyone was playing their own games and did not react at all to the company of their beautiful women.

"Hello Han, my name is Alyssa, it's a pleasure to meet you. This tall blonde beauty's eyes lit up when she saw Han Zhe, and after throwing a wink at Han Zhe, she took the initiative to get up and introduce herself.

Hodick gave him a glance and flickered to the side.

Han Zhe shook hands with the other party, and then sat down and chatted with this girl, didn't you see that Harkless, they had already hugged each other, and he was a little out of place.

However, Han Zhe didn't plan to go any further, after all, he didn't want to get into trouble because of these trivial matters.

He is different from the other players in the team, he is now very newsworthy, his fame is relatively big, and he is on the rise in his career, the key is that there are usually no scandals, if he sleeps with a girl, it will not be good for this girl to beep everywhere.

If you encounter someone who is not kind, the news seller is considered light, and the next day he will directly sue him... That's miserable, the probability of this kind of thing happening is very low, but it's not that it hasn't happened, it's not clear when the time comes, it's all a loss of money, the key impact is bad, he doesn't need to bet on the other party's character.

This girl began to go to Han Zhe's side one by one, Han Zhe is famous and handsome, and the girl is willing to have in-depth exchanges with him.

However, Alyssa is also smarter, and soon found out that Han Zhe should not be interested in her, because Han Zhe has always been very honest with his hands and feet, and he never accepts her suggestive words, and he doesn't respond to secretly teasing him, and the chat is a polite chat.

After chatting for a while, Alyssa decisively shifted her focus and set her sights on Hodick on the other side of her.

Hordick is also a relatively well-known player, and he is also very handsome, which is very important.

Han Zhe secretly breathed a sigh of relief, to say that it is false to be tempted at all, this Alyssa has a good figure and face, and she was not honest with her hands under the table just now, so he was choked enough, and now seeing that she has scourged Hodick, he is finally relieved!

Han Zhe turned his head to Vucevic next to him and said, "You don't like that girl?"

Han Zhe asked this because he saw that Vucevic also rejected a sister.

Vučević glanced at Elisa, who was chatting happily with Hodick, and then asked, "Then why don't you make a move, don't tell me that girl doesn't like you." "

Han Zhe didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Alyssa is quite seductive, but I just came to the NBA, so I don't want to get into trouble." "

Vucevic nodded, leaned into his ear and whispered: "Han, you are more sober, you are different from us, not only are you very loud in the NBA, but there is also a big market in your country, if the whole thing affects the image loss, it will be too great."

Those guys are different, they are basically stereotyped, even if there is a scandal, it doesn't matter, maybe they can still be popular, I think about the same as you, although my future is not as good as yours, but I also have the opportunity to get a big contract, and I don't want to cause trouble!"

Vucevic This can be regarded as a heartfelt statement, Han Zhe is more popular He can see that he himself has a bright future, so there is no need to play around.

But the rest of the team, either the old birds who have been stereotyped, or the guys who are not well-known, are not afraid of exposure or trouble, so they do not refuse the girl.

And this is a hardcore fan bar, the chance of an accident is very small, these girls are also fans, all to have a good time with their favorite players, generally not bad, if something really happens, it can only be said that it is unlucky!

In fact, it is much safer for them to pick up girls here than to spend money on women in nightclubs outside.

At eight o'clock, the bar music stopped, and then a large display on the lobby wall lit up, and the guests spoke a lot quieter, and the game between the Thunder and the Heat began immediately, and this was definitely a classic battle.

"Han, which team do you think can win today!" asked a girl next to Afflalo, she had also beaten Han Zhe before, but when she saw Alyssa eating deflated, she didn't have to be bored.

The others also looked at Han Zhe, and Han Zhe said with a smile: "The difference in strength between the two teams is not big, whoever wins is possible, and it depends on the on-the-spot performance, but I think the Heat has a better winning rate." "

Later, other players also expressed their opinions, some were optimistic about the Thunder, and some were optimistic about the Heat, only Hodick said that the reason for being optimistic about the Thunder was the most bizarre.

He said it so loudly that the audience burst into laughter, because Hodick said that Durant must have a grudge against the guy who stopped him from drinking the bathwater last time, and he must have exploded today!

When Scarlett walked the red carpet at this year's Golden Globe Awards, Durant suddenly had a convulsion and posted on Twitter: "Scarlett John, I'll drink your bath water." "

Everyone knew he liked Scarlett, but no one expected him to be forced to this extent.

What's interesting about the story is that Scarlett then tweeted back to Durant, telling him that if the Thunder won the Finals, he would consider giving Durant a taste of his bathwater.

Coincidentally, the Thunder really broke into the Finals for the first time this year, but they fell at the feet of James, which made Durant regret and the delicious goddess bath water perfectly missed!

Everyone knows that Scarlett is mostly joking, but Durant won the championship, maybe he can really drink it, after all, Scarlett is also a big star, this topic is very hype, and Durant may be as usual after winning the championship.

So everyone jokingly said that James was Durant's big enemy, not only did his fame pressure him, but he didn't even let him drink the bath water...

Han Zhe is also happily preparing to watch the bloody case caused by a basin of bath water!


PS: Thank you [sister] for tipping 588 points. _

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