Thunder Han Zhe has already played twice, which is relatively familiar, but he has not met the Heat yet, and he is actually looking forward to it, after all, James is now in full swing, and his strength is the top of the active players.

What's more, he is not the only one who is awesome with the Heat, Wade is also fierce, and he is recognized as one of the strongest guards in the active team!

Of course, there is also a Bosh that cannot be ignored, with many means of attack, soft hand, and sensitive steps, he is a big master of the 03 golden generation, and the only drawback is that he is weak and has no head-on confrontation ability.

After the two teams kicked off, the first ball was hit by James under the basket, directly against the Thunder power forward Ibaka and then scored a dunk.

Han Zhe also grinned, the name of the gorilla is really true, this guy not only has comprehensive skills, but also has a very buggy body, he can play guard on the outside, and he can play big and small forwards on the inside, if it is a little higher, he can play in five positions.

The Thunder soon returned the favor, and Durant also broke through to the basketball.

"Durant is a little less domineering than James!" a fan sighed.

Durant's physical fitness is actually good, he can actually dunk hard against Bosh just now, but he still chose a more secure layup.

As the game progressed, the superstars of the two teams showed their strengths, and James and Wade, whom Han Zhe focused on, did not disappoint him.

James is actually a real free man, controlling the ball and organizing the offense, shooting from the outside, cutting inside to the basket, low-post singles, point guard, point guard, small forward, and power forward.

James and Durant have another characteristic, he plays more teamly and likes to share the ball, which is actually very good for the Heat, after all, the Heat's other scoring points are also great, and more passes can save some physical strength.

Wade impressed Han Zhe the most is that he is worthy of the title of Flash, the speed is fast, especially the first step, the explosion is amazing, and often a start step will throw the defender away.

After Han Zhe's observation, he found that Wade also has a shortcoming, that is, sometimes the pass is too casual and prone to mistakes.

Han Zhe kept their respective advantages and disadvantages in mind, and it can be regarded as preparing for the Heat in the future.

At the end of the first quarter, it was 24-27, and the Heat led by three points, but many people's previous jokes were right, Durant really had a tendency to explode today, he rushed left and right fiercely, and the score is currently the highest in the two teams.

When the second quarter was over, many people laughed, feeling that it was a copy of the first quarter, the lineups of both teams did not change, even the score did not change, it was still 24-27, and the Heat led by a total of six points.

Another interesting aspect of the game in the third quarter was that James and Wade switched positions when the Heat defended, and before Wade defended Durant.

Although Wade is also very good defensively, he obviously can't prevent Durant, who is really hot today.

James' defensive ability is also very good, and he defended Wei Shao a little miserably before, because after Wei Shao, who is in good health, meets James, his body is not good, and he is often forced by the opponent's body to make mistakes or passes.

When seeing James and Durant get excited both in the fans and in front of the TV, it is a head-to-head collision of two superstars.

Durant did not retreat in the face of James, but started to play alone with the ball, and there are advantages and disadvantages in the position, Durant has the advantage of height and arm length, James is physically strong, has strong strength, and the bounce is also better than Durant, which is James' advantage.

Durant started holding the ball after dying, James stuck it and squeezed it, Durant was suddenly a little unbalanced, but he adjusted in time and relied on his arm span advantage to dribble and couldn't get the ball out of Jamben on the outside.

Then Durant was very smart not to be with James, and after continuously changing the fast and slow rhythm, a line change shook off James and pulled out a shot in one step.

Han Zhe is not surprised by this result, the attacker is actually superior, because he has the absolute initiative, as long as the difference in strength between the two sides is not very large, it is difficult to defend the opponent alone.

For example, the last time Han Zhe played the Thunder, he was completely helpless in the face of Durant's offense in the open zone, but Durant couldn't prevent him, which is the advantage of the attacker.

Han Zhe believes that if Durant defends against James, he will die even more ugly, because James doesn't need to use any skills at all, and he can eat him directly with his body.

After a few rounds of offense and defense, everyone can see that James is still more effective in defending Durant, because the number of passes by Durant has increased, which can only prove that he is also very uncomfortable with James alone.

However, don't forget that the Thunder has a Wei Shao in addition to Durant, Wei Shao, who was bullied a little hard by James before, broke out all of a sudden and began to score the main force, and Wade also struggled to defend him.

In the middle of the third quarter, the main players of both teams were rested, and at the end of the third quarter, the Thunder pulled back four points at 24-20, and they were only two points behind.

This made the audience in front of the TV very happy, this kind of game is exciting, if a team has been beaten early, it will not look good, and now the suspense is left until the last quarter to enjoy.

In the last quarter, the main forces of the two teams came on the court again, and both sides strengthened their scrambles, and the game was very fierce at once, and the number of fouls under the basket was also extremely high.

First of all, Bosh started to exert his strength, using skillful basket skills and rich experience to play a few beautiful 2+1s.

The most surprising thing is that Heat point guard Qian Mos is also in great shape, and he also dares to shoot, hitting two three-pointers in a row, so that the score is stretched to eight points.

In the last two minutes, the Thunder doubled and developed their strength to pull the score in, but James also shot at a critical moment and hit two shots in a row.

In the last tens of seconds, the Thunder trailed by 7 points, but they did not give up and began to use foul tactics.

Unfortunately, in the end, the ball was in the hands of James and Wade, both of whom were as stable as dogs in their free throws today, and did not give the Thunder a chance at all, and finally the Heat won the focus battle 103-97.

However, the highest score in the game is Durant's 33 points, and the second is James's 29 points, which is actually related to the style of play, James 9 assists, Durant 3 assists, which is very telling, James won the team play.

Han Zhe was a little regretful after watching it, he still wanted to watch Durant and James double open Zone battle, but he didn't get his wish.

(Zhao Hao) Durant can enter the zone Han Zhe has seen it, as for James, since he is known as the first person in the league of a new generation, he believes that it is okay.

It can only be said that the two of them did not have a spark of passion today, which is a pity!

After watching this classic game, everyone has no sense of expectation for the last game of the Nuggets against the Clippers.

Han Zhe said hello to everyone and prepared to flash people, and the other players didn't want to watch the last game, so they all got up and said to go together.

Then they said hello to everyone present, and then flashed in the whistles and laughter all over the field, because several of them went out with their girls in their arms, and they all knew what was going on!

Han Zhe quietly teased them and said don't be soft-footed shrimps, so he took a taxi home by himself, he was still a little tired after the game today, he admired these guys for having the physical strength to get to know the girl deeply!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [kaka] for tipping 588 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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